In my next-to-last blog I referred to the scientific method, and reasoning. So, for example.
1. There is considerable evidence that both the Certification of Live Birth and the (long-form, vault-copy) Certificate of Live Birth of the man who calls himself Barack Hussein Obama as posted, via copies, on the official White House web site are both fraudulent. Forgeries. Ergo,
2. We don't really know either a) where he was born, or b) who the parents were, of this Mystery Man.
Either of them.
What do we know, and what don't we know, about this whole mystery.
1) There has never been a report, that I have coma across, proving that Stanley Ann Dunham was ever even pregnant at the time indicated for the term and birth of the baby we are given the name of as being 'Barack Hussein Obama, Junior'.
2) The (Democrat) governor of Hawaii said that he checked on the hospital's records for the registry of Barack Hussein Obama Jr.'s birth - to try to put the whole matter, which by then had become a big issue, to rest - and there was none.
3) The woman (Loretta Fuddy by name) who became the official in charge of such matters
a) was not particularly qualified for the post;
b) was a member of the same Indonesian 'cult' as S.A.D.;
c) came up with the document that was posted on the White House web site, and which has subsequently been proven to be fraudulent - a forgery;
d) while facing questioning regarding the forgery, mysteriously died, as the only victim of a forced landing at sea of a small passenger plane, with the cause of her death announced as a heart attack of some sort, but with an official, autopsied verdict of drowning. In calm, just-offshore waters. With a life jacket securely fastened.
4) The presumed marriage of S.A.D. and BHO 'Sr.' has all the appearances of having been a 'marriage' of convenience.
a) There has never surfaced a marriage certificate for their presumed wedding.
Note: A later certificate of divorce only presumes a previous wedding. In and of itself, it is not evidence for such an event ever having, in fact, taken place.
b) There is no proof that they ever lived together as man and wife.
Note: The address given in the newspaper birth 'announcement' - which, it turns out, is no proof either of a birth in Hawaii itself - is the address of S.A.D.'s parents.
c) BHO 'Sr.' was eager to be in and stay in the U.S., and would easily have entered into s sham marriage in order to do so. And he was ultimately kicked out of the country, for false representations; proof that he was not of trustworthy character.
So, what are some likely scenarios that have been presented, with varying degrees of investigation.
1) That Frank Marshall Davis - the 'mentor' of 'BHO Jr.' as requested by S.A.D. - was also the birth father of the boy.
Note: It has been established by photos that S.A.D. cavorted with FMD. Who, then, was not just a drinking buddy of S.A.D.'s father. And who, besides being a bit of a (pot smoking) rake, was also a bona fide, card-carrying member of the Communist Party of the U.S.A.; a not incidental fact, as we will see as we go along in this investigation of this murky matter.
As to the FMD connection: See Joel Gilbert's video 'Dreams From My Real Father' for more on this angle. (Some resemblance noted to FMD; none whatsoever to BHO 'Sr.')
2) That the boy's real father (with considerable resemblance between them) was the black communist/Islamist 'civil rights' activist Malcolm X.
Note: There is some evidence that S.A.D., who went to a high school notorious for its communist leanings - and whose father, it would appear, had links with both the CIA and the communist 'underground' in America (more simply sub rosa; not being popular in America at the time) - went to NewYork City to engage in the American communist festivities over Castro's appearance at the UN, and who could have cavorted with the likes of Malcolm X at that time. (What a feather in the cap of a young communist white girl that would have been; to prove her credentials, as it were, in overthrowing the country and staid America's middle-class standards of propriety.)
Which brings up another possibility:
3) That the boy's real mother was another woman.1 Pregnant by Malcolm X. To be parked with a fellow Communist family, to be raised incognito, and groomed, for potential use in the future.2
Why the subterfuge bit?
Not just because the son of Malcolm X would be on the list of their 'capitalist', 'patriot' enemies, to be kept an eye on, and easily smeared for that reason. But because of his mother as well. And not just because she was a fugitive from justice from her Weather Underground bomb-planting days. But because communist/Zionist Jews are involved in the plot to take over the world, and capture it - like a beast needing to be tamed - into their New World Order, of top-down, totalitarian power and control.
And so, best to have him raised incognito, in the nest of a (seeming) 'straight' Middle America family. Like a cuckoo bird.2
And in all this, not a word needed regarding the curious business as well about his suggested Kenyan birth…
I rest my case.
For now.
My case, that we are - America is - being taken over by a group of people whose modus operandi can with considerable good reason be called
'By Way Of Deception'.
Can you say: 'J'accuse'??
And can you 'Wake Up, America'???
1 name of Nancy Cantor aka Jo Ann Newman aka Elizabeth Ann Duke, a fugitive domestic terrorist from the '60s; long-time comrade of Weather Underground leader Bill Ayers and co-founder of May19CO, a New York City-based communist organization dedicated to Malcolm X and Ho Chi Minh that advocated violent overthrow of the United States government. Investigative journalist Martha Trowbridge has the story. (terrible
Some evidence?
Obama has made very personal contact with a strange woman in NYC - seen with him photos of him at a regional final NCAA basketball game in 2013 at Syracuse U, and who (or at least a woman resembling her) even accompanied the First Family entourage on a trip to a convention the same year.
Also, a retired CIA agent has said publicly that BHO's DNA does not match that of S.A.D.
Obviously, there is more to be revealed in all this.
2 In this regard, consider this curious bit of info, from an American businessman, name of Tom Fife. Before It's (among other sites) has the story (posted by Brenda B. Jordan, Mar. 2, 2013):
"Moscow, Russia – A Russian government official bragged that Barack Obama was a KGB operative and that his presidency had been planned since birth, an American physicist and government contractor reports.
Tom Fife, an American computer networking specialist and international businessman, reported the alarming facts about the Kremlin’s connection to Barack Obama. The boast from a Communist Party official reportedly occurred during a business trip to Russia, 16 years before Barack Obama was ushered into the presidency of the United States.
“It was like an elastic band snapping all the way from 1992,” Fife shakily admitted, upon recall of the exact moment he realized the Communist official had been telling the truth. “It was a very, very scary feeling.”
Fife, a physicist and computer engineer, had been traveling to Russia for a joint venture with a state-owned company when the shocking revelation was revealed to him. After several business meetings, Fife and his partner were invited to the company owner’s home at the end of the journey for a farewell dinner.
The owner’s wife was a Communist Party official and was “climbing two ladders”, as Fife puts it, one ladder being the KGB and the other being the traditional Russian society and business ladder. As the evening wore on, the female Communist official became increasingly agitated over a perceived slight and her emotions spilled over.
“You Americans like to think you’re so perfect!” she snarled. “Well, what if I told you that very, very soon you’re going to have a black president… and he’s going to be a Communist!”
The KGB operative was not finished. As she had now dropped this bombshell on the entire gathering, she felt compelled to continue.
“His name is Barack,” she sneered. “His mother is white and his father is an African black. He has gone to the best schools, he is what you would call ‘Ivy League’.”
Fife recalls being stunned and shocked at the words flowing from the Communist’s mouth as she continued to rattle off an incredibly precise set of details about this Communist operative who was to supposedly become president of the United States.
This conversation took place in 1992. Barack Obama was 31 years of age at the time of this conversation."
(This same poster, not so incidentally - a black lady; and 'not so incidentally' on that score as well - posted this the day before on the same site:
"This is 100% legit. I check [sic] it out at Stands for Illinois Attorney Registration And Disciplinary Committee. It’s the official arm of lawyer discipline in Illinois ; and they are very strict. (Talk about irony.) Even I, at the advanced age of almost 65, maintain (at the cost of approximately $600/year) my law license that I worked so hard and long to earn.
Big surprise...
Consider this:
1. President Barack Obama, former editor of the Harvard Law Review, is no longer a “lawyer”. He surrendered his license back in 2008 in order to escape charges he lied on his bar application. [Note: the issue in question was whether he had ever gone by another name.] A “Voluntary Surrender” is not something where you decide “Gee, a license is not really something I need anymore, is it?” and forget to renew your license. No, a “Voluntary Surrender” is something you do when you’ve been accused of something, and you ‘voluntarily surrender” your license five seconds before the state suspends you.
2 Michelle Obama “voluntarily surrendered” her law license in 1993. after a Federal Judge gave her the choice between surrendering her license or standing trial for Insurance fraud!
…and the education project goes on…
from 'Civil war looms for GOP' - Oct. 30 (orig. posted on - Alexander Bolton)
Ddenney1 • 14 hours ago
Mc Connell has been talking real of Oblammercare since it was in acted but on FOX yesterday said he needs 60 votes to do it so he basically said it is off the table!!! Just winning the Senate will not do it we need courage in leadership IF we win!!! I know I want Gowdy in the House but WHO in the Senate??? Cruz may run for the top spot and who else in the Senate is worth it? Cornyn maybe definitely NOT Mc Connell so who could lead the Senate it makes no difference if we win with the same old BS people in charge!!!
kibitzer3 Ddenney1 • a few seconds ago (Oct. 30)
Conservatives need to get clear, and fast, about the constitutional requirement to be a candidate for the top job (and the VP office also): Only 'natural born' citizens need apply. That means born on the soil of two U.S. citizen parents; so that the person in that office - who is also the Commander-in-Chief of the nation's military forces; which was/is the key concern in this matter of this requirement - does not have DUAL LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES. Like a naturalized citizen. Or a dual citizen. Like Obama. Who is thus a Usurper; and needs to be removed from that office as such.
Stop trying to make two wrongs make a right, Conservatives who talk about Cruz or Rubio or Jindal for the top job. They aren't eligible. And Justice WILL out, in this matter, of the hijacking of the American presidency, and the attempted takedown of the nation, by this communist in the office. Who has slipped in there because the American people have been asleep at the switch, from a federal constitutional Republic, and thus under the rule of law, to a dictatorship, under the arbitrary rule of men. It's time, that is to say, to get real in this terribly Important matter. Not sweep it under the rug. It's too big for that.