II hadn't realized, or appreciated (maybe the better word, in a grossly ironic sense), the full extent of the rot that had set in to this country until Obama and his administration tried to sell to the public the idea that the horrific spectacle of a Muslim military officer who started shooting military personnel on a military base at random, like fish in a barrel, shouting 'Allahu Akbar' as he did so, was just a case of, quote, 'workplace violence'.
What arrant, outrageous nonsense.
No wonder so many people are conflicted with a flawed sense of right and wrong. In this 'modern' milieu, there is no right or wrong 'except as thinking makes it so'. It is called, as I understand it, 'situational ethics,' and it grows out of the atheistic notion that Man is the be-all and end-all of existence, and so there is no right or wrong except as He thinks it so.
Notice that I did not say that it grows out of the scientific notion that Man is the be-all and end-all of existence. Science - true science; proper science - keeps an open mind to all things, until they are proven right or wrong, to a considerable degree of satisfaction to the open and inquiring mind.
Can something be relatively right or wrong? Yes: based on the degree of understanding at the time. But ultimately there is a definitive definition of something being right or wrong. In the field of science. And in the field of morality. Where 'right' describes something that alludes to ultimate Truth, and 'wrong' alludes to something not being in alignment with, in harmony with, in resonance with, ultimate Truth. To being just plain wrong.
Which is a good description of the notion - the belief - of atheism. As our science is demonstrating to us today.
And note that I did not say, 'a good description of the notion, the belief, of' anti-religion. Religions are man-made devices, attempts to get at ultimate Truth. To describe ultimate Truth. Atheism is anti-theism; anti- the idea that there is 'something more than Man,' that encompasses Man. Encompasses the life process and experience - all of reality as we know it, and understand it, at any given time - except for a mindless 'thing' the skeptics call 'Evolution'. An ultimately meaningless process in and of Matter. Meaningless, because there is no guiding Intelligence behind it. It just is.
As I say: What arrant - and arrogant; and puerile; and insulting - nonsense.
Enter the culmination period of the historical process that Man has been engaged in, for a long, long time, in terms of the Matrix of Time and Space. Science - the scientific method - is making great strides - perhaps 'breakthroughs' is a more apt word to describe what is going on - in understanding more fully the phenomenal 'world' just as the purely 'socio-political' historical process is going global. We are verging, that is to say, on a Completion Event. (Some have called it the Omega Point.) On a completion of The Play, as it were, that we have been engaged in. Breaking through the obscuring clouds of Relativity that we have been shrouded in, into the light of a New Day dawning, for Hu-Man. In recognizing his roots - his true roots - not in the phenomenological 'world' - in Earth, in a word. But in Heaven, in another descriptive word. In - in other words - the true Reality.
Where there is absolute Right. And absolute Wrong.
As in calling, for political reasons, a clear case of jihad merely a case of 'workplace violence'.
It is almost - almost - to laugh. If it weren't so serious a matter.
In the larger matter of the public waking up and calling this emperor on his new clothes. Not ooing and ahhing at their finery. But in saying it like it is: on their absence, altogether, of anything remotely resembling the real thing. Remotely identifiable as
the truth of the matter.
And now these, our
Erstwhile masters,
so brazen
as to have
their teachers
Have their children
On their parents
as to what
Medications they
Are taking;
and next
will be
to tell
if they have
In their homes;
Bits of information
In order
For the state
To take
Their guns away
From them.
The children, of
Course, being
In their eyes
the property
Of the state
to do with
As it wills.
For it
In the New Order
Of Things
according to
These, our
Did I already
Say that?
It must be
the same
old thing
of course
There is
going on
this time
to alter
the course -
the very
course -
of history.
P.P.S. 'Allahu akbar' indeed. You just need to make sure of that to which you are referring. And not be so arrogant, and puerile, and insulting, about it.
P.P.S. 'Allahu akbar' indeed. You just need to make sure of that to which you are referring. And not be so arrogant, and puerile, and insulting, about it.
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