…Of A Different Sort
I have just received a letter nominally from John Boehner as follow-up to the original letter asking for my 2015 Membership renewal and contribution to the National Republican Congressional Committee. I have now sent a further letter in response:
"Dear John,
"Since the Republican Party is not supporting the rule of law in the country - i.e., the Constitution - I am not supporting you.
"What do I mean? Listen carefully (although it's really very simple).
"Why would the constitutional Framers put the eligibility requirement of needing to be a "natural born" citizen in the Constitution for the office of the presidency - & that particular office only? Wouldn't it make sense that it was because they didn't want anyone in that particular office - who would as well become the Commander in Chief of the nation's military forces - who had any DUAL/CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES? Like a naturalized citizen? & like a DUAL citizen???
"Think about it. & act accordingly. & then, we can talk.
"Sincerely," (etc.)
To summarize the situation, & with further comment to it:
The Republican Party officials have been and are in cahoots with the Democrat Party officials by not challenging the trashing of the Constitution that has been engaged in & nearly - nearly - accomplished totally by their mutual allowing of an ineligible candidate to run for, be elected to, and assume the powers (and then some) of, the office of the presidency of the United States.
This is not rocket science, no matter how the definition of a 'natural born' citizen is parsed by various & sundry, in trying to spin
it/this issue to their ideological advantage. The law is what those who passed it intended it to mean.1 And the whole point of the 'exercise' on the part of the constitutional Framers in putting into that contract the eligibility requirement for a candidate for the presidential office to be a 'natural born' citizen - above and beyond just a 'citizen' - was to make sure that the candidate, if elected - who would then as well become the Commander in Chief of the nation's military forces; a not inconsiderable factor in this matter, rather a key one - would have no DUAL/CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES.

Like a naturalized citizen. And like a DUAL citizen.
Like one Barack 'Barry Soetoro' Obama.2
That damage has been done. And what damage it has wrought…
In any event, I'll take over now, and set things to rights. As we get back to the Truth of things. Not the ideological spin
of things.

Been there. Done that. Time now for the Real Thing:
The kingdom of Heaven.
Not of Man. With all of its Power Over.
Rather than of Power With.
And from Within.
Via our link with Spirit.
Not from our Ego. A feature of 3rd Dimensional 'reality'. Now needing to make way for our Higher Selves to come in, and through us, out to our brothers and sisters, in this classroom for aspiring gods.
Which we all are; for being sparks - facets, fractals, aspects, points of view - of our Creator Source. Of which we are a Part.
And therefore, All Is One.
And all the more powerful, once we wake up, and recognize our true natures.
And stop giving our power over to those who would misuse such power, for their own ends.
Their own puny ends. In the larger scheme of things. Of which - as I say -
we are a Part.
And an integral Part at that.
Being the growing Edge of the Whole.
And now, verging on our individual Edges
into the One.
The proper One, that is.
Not this low-consciousness One..World Order that is planned for us by lesser souls, on
our common Path.
Some, to finish the process - the rounding-off of our Edges - and get back to our Source before others.
Who may stand in their way; their egos still running them.
Don't give in to them (and their siren songs, amounting to Service to Self, rather than Service to Others).
And don't resist them, per se.
Love them, for what they - essentially - are. As fellow souls on our common Journey.
And continue on your way.
On your
On the Royal Highway.
And that, of course, includes 'King' John.
And Barry what's-his-name.
We'll get this right, at some point.
And not that all will be harvested.
Hopefully, your name is on the manifest.
The 'manifest,' into
the true New World.
For our Next Stage of 'operation'.
On our own souls. In their cleansing. And Purification. Readylng, for
Our Ascension, into a New Order of Being.
On a higher turn of the spiral.
The spiral, back to
The Still Point, of the whole
Of, basically, seeing who can hold, and speak, Truth
And that, of course, includes 'King' John.
And Barry what's-his-name.
We'll get this right, at some point.
And not that all will be harvested.
Hopefully, your name is on the manifest.
The 'manifest,' into
the true New World.
For our Next Stage of 'operation'.
On our own souls. In their cleansing. And Purification. Readylng, for
Our Ascension, into a New Order of Being.
On a higher turn of the spiral.
The spiral, back to
The Still Point, of the whole
Of, basically, seeing who can hold, and speak, Truth
1 Else it is an ass.
Well; it still may be that. But it is so definitely, if it is merely what shyster-lawyer types can manipulate it into being, by silky-smooth phraseology. Called, historically, sophistry.
2 One of the main obots on the Internet on this NBC issue has tried to argue that the Framers were going by English Common Law at the time. Which, unfortunately for her & her argument, talks about natural born "subjects". Which is a far cry from what the Declaration of Independence and Revolutionary War patriots thought of themselves at the time. They were sovereigns in their own right, by then. They were clearly going, rather, by American Common Law, based on E. de Vattel's 'The Law of Nations Or Principles of Natural Law' - with which they were undisputedly familiar. Both via their esteemed and learned elder mentor, Benjamin Franklin - present as a member of the proceedings - and by a copy of said book in the very building where they were meeting. It is also referred to in their very document (Art. 1, Sect. 8).
The only argument here is one of relativity: 'Words mean what we say they mean'.
Right. When you put them in a contract. Otherwise, they are of no worth, not even of the paper they are written on.
…and speaking:
from activistpost.com: 'State Department Discusses Banning Alternative Media Outlet' - Justin King - Jan. 31
…and speaking:
("The US State Department has openly discussed shutting down RT, the Russian news network...")
Thanks for calling attention to even the thought of censoring the likes of RT, Justin.
Nasty stuff. I'm ashamed for my country, that TPTB - on either the (far) Left OR the (far) Right - are engaging in even thinking of such sleazy antics. This sort of thing doesn't have anything to do with the founding of this nation, on the principle of individual liberty and rights. It is a mark of how far we have gone downhill, into the realm of the arrogance of power.
Please continue to speak Truth to Power, Justin.
The "far right" being whom? We all know who the far left is, just who do you think the far right is? The Evangelical Christians?
kibitzer3 LastGasp • a few seconds ago (Feb. 1)-
Not predominantly; they are being used BY 'the far Right' to help them accomplish their dark purposes. I refer to the nest of vipers identified by such as Prof. Carroll Quigley in his magnum opus 'Tragedy And Hope' - the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the 'international banksters;' the Committee of 300; the Bushes; the bloodline gang. The military-industrial-complex crowd, who feed off such as war, and who want a total-control New World Order as much as the socialists do, only one run by them, for their corporate, fascistic purposes. Both sides of the political aisle being controlled by the same gang of thieves, at the top of the pyramid of power running the world today.
And about to experience their Waterloo.