(This Blog AKA: 'Message To Garcia - Er, Obama')
from eaglerising.com: 'Trey Gowdy Just Gave a Speech for the Ages and the Democrats Were Floored' - Onan Coca - Jan. 15
Thank you, Onan, for posting this.
Nice note to start the year on. Now let's hold the Republicans' feet to such a fire.
Nick kibitzer3 • 12 hours ago (Jan. 15)
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kibitzer3 Nick • a few seconds ago (Jan. 16)
Since Defenders of the Republic spoke up loud and clear in the 2014 elections, we need to back up our message that way with actual strong words to the Republican Party RINOs, all Tea Party groups in unison in a concerted campaign: 'The days of appeasement are over. Rein in this out-of-control wannabe dictator, at a minimum by the power of the purse, or you are out of there in your next election. It's the Day of The People now. We're mad as hell, and we're not going to take it any longer.'
Personally, I would go further; especially since the far Left is at war with patriotic Americans, in their now-less-than-stealthy attempts to take over this country and turn it into a socialist basket case, and we may well not have the luxury of time in waiting for another election. What would that immediate action look like?
Since Obama is a Usurper in the office - for not being a bona fide "natural born" citizen; a fact which we Patriots should mount a massive public education campaign regarding, with the likes of newspaper ads & TV infomercials; like unto an artillery barrage - and has committed at a minimum one felony while in that purloined office, that of authorizing the posting on the official White House website of a forged document, the rigmarole of an 'impeachment' process is unnecessary. He simply needs to be arrested - by Oathkeepers, current and retired; with federal constitutional republic Patriots having their backs - and held for trial, before a legitimate court of law; and the nation returned to its roots in the Constitution by a show of force of The People, a) dissolving the Congress that has failed its constitutional duty to rein in a rogue Executive, and b) appointing an Officer OF The People, who will call for new elections within a time certain, and in the meantime, oversee the cleaning-out of the Executive branch of government, in a clean sweepof those who have been involved in the treacherous takeover attempt.
The far Left is at war with patriotic Americans. It's time for us to recognize that for what it is, and to engage the enemy. By peaceful means, hopefully, with a persuasive show of force in numbers. And determination. With the gentle, but firm, motto:
Taking Back Our Country.
2) from thehill.com: 'The citizens' mandate to stop Obama's fundamental transformation of America' - Rick Manning - Jan. 15 (as posted at Americans for Limited Government - Jan. 16)
("'The voters demanded that Congress stop this President's fundamental transformation of America using every power at their disposal, ending the Executive Branch abuses against both the citizenry, and restoring Constitutional balance of power and the foundational concept that individual rights are derived from God, not government.'
"That is the preamble to a just-released "Citizens' Mandate" signed by more than 50 conservative leaders, including this author…")
Excellent commentary. Thank you, Rick, for this post, and for your work in restoring limited government and individual rights in and to this country; which is still, if barely, a federal constitutional Republic.
As for you unreconstructed lefties on this thread: the less said, the better, in polite company. If the issue weren't so serious I would enter into the fray. A little Thanksgiving Dinner Extended Family Political Debate this ain't.
If the widely complacent American citizenry is going to allow governance merely by the power of the pen, I'll take over now, and bring the historical process to its conclusion - by using that sort of power the right way. The 'right' way: for individual rights, and a limited government reaching into the people's lives with as little force as necessary, in order principally simply to keep the peace, and help The People awaken to their true, divine nature. Governing by the spirit of such as Thomas Jefferson, who said such people-trusting and -championing things as:
Quote by Thomas Jefferson
I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.
(Author: Thomas Jefferson, Source: letter to the Secretary of the Treasury Albert Gallatin, 1802)
And he wasn't just talking about the banks, as 'powers' for The People to beware of. But perhaps I should post a blog exclusively with quotes from that admirable man, and Founding Father of this nation, who gave us a lot of quotable comments. Gave, that is to say, a federal constitutional republic citizenry a lot of such comments, to be aware of, and down to our terribly threatened day…...
And interestingly enough, I am being reminded of how I 'happened' to read a book about him and his quotes during the time that I was preparing financially (working in a hospital, as an O.R. orderly) to go off to NewYork City, from my home in Southern California, on the first, post-university-dropout leg of my 'spiritual' journey to find answers about life and capital-t Truth. I thought my quest would be all about religions, and religio-spiritual philosophies and histories, and the like. Little did I know at the time that it would encompass as well subjects like UFOs, and ESP, and alternative treatments for cancer. And the founding of the American nation, and the beliefs of those admirable men, and women……
People I can relate to. Very well. The leading people in this country of this day and age?
Not so much.
To keep the discourse in polite company.
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