Monday, 6 April 2015

The Answer

I have had to calm down to write this.

It was bad enough when earlier in the day I had skimmed through a report from Judicial Watch detailing the many ways that Obama has become a law unto himself, and Congress was failing to act on the usurpation.1

But then, checking my new batch of mail, there was a donation request from The Tea Party, Steve Eichler, CEO version, enclosing their ‘Tea Party 2016 Presidential Preference Poll’ complete with a list of questions for us punters out here to list our issue preferences, etc. etc. I didn’t bother with the questionnaire part of it; one look at the list of candidates that they provided and I wrote - rather angrily, for having had ENOUGH of these lists from various sources these days - on the back, in the ‘personal comments’ small section provided:


‘What part of “natural born citizen” don’t you understand?  And why don’t you??

‘This is NOT rocket science.  Do your damn homework.*

‘With friends like you, who needs enemies.’


* a start:; CDR C.F. Kerchner (Ret.)’s blog…


And I went out, before settling down to fix my dinner, and mailed it, to make sure that it went out in the first post in the morning (actually, mid-day).  And then I came back and, in glancing through the rest of my mail, and sorting it mentally, I came across an interesting-looking large envelope, with the message on it:

‘ * He is a graduate of West Point who earned the rank of U.S. Army Major in the Green Berets.

‘ * He commanded U.S. Special Forces Teams during two tours of duty in Afghanistan.

‘ * His decorations for valor include the Silver Star and a Recommendation for the Distinguished Service Cross, our nation’s second highest award for valor. 

‘ * He is highly respected by his fellow officers and by the men and women under his command.



Inside was the appalling and enraging story of U.S. Army Major Matt Golsteyn who, while a Captain in 2010, engaged in some major heroics in a battle in Afghanistan, which earned him the one medal and the recommendation of the other, but who fell foul of one of the Obama administration ’commissars’2 when he subsequently was quoted in a book “as being critical of America’s strategy in Afghanistan.  

“It was not long after the release of that book [in 2011] that the Army, suddenly and without warning, launched a new ‘investigation’ into the events that happened during the battle of Marjah…”3 

I won’t go into any more details of this matter; simply put, it became a witchhunt, to try to get something, anything on him, for falling out of favor with his so-called Commander in Chief and that arrogant man’s arrogant acolytes.  

These assholes can’t be gotten out of their positions of power soon enough.   And which statement intentionally includes His sorry-ass Highness himself at the top, of his, and his masters’, all-seeing-eye pyramid of power; readying to put their totalitarian New World Order into place, for a dystopian future for the planet.  

It is really time to call things as they are.  Between the Obama socialist sons of bitches on the Left and the (likes of the) Bush-Cheney fascist fuckers on the Right (with the (likes of the) Rothschilds & the Rockefellers behind them both, playing with their puppet strings), the American people have been and are in a real pickle.4

Time for the Cavalry to come to the rescue.  Which, as I have said, it would appear that the Usurper has deliberately put in place a) because ‘It is a test,’5 and b) because he was allowed to, by a compliant Congress, and a (largely) bought-and-paid-for judicial branch.  So there is plenty of blame to go around.  Here, in the last reel.  As we now start to engage in

a wrap.      

Oh.  That’s right.  You don’t know about that ‘purposeful’ perception of the executive overreach yet.  This linear-time business fouls me up sometimes.  Earlier today/late last night I wrote - posited; but hadn't yet posted - the following:

Where is our leader!
        comes the cry
   from the grassroots
   of America.
               The reply:
   He is sitting
   in his studio
   in the sun
  for his call
From within.
And champing at the bit
For it, too.
Like the good warhorse
He has been
In the past
  and will be
  and again
  and yet again

In service to the cause
Of his Master.
            that is 
      his nature.

And what is yours,
My friend?
      And will you
      rise up
      to meet it
In fraternal loyalty
And answer the call
In your way??
For, much hinges
            on you
Too, you know.
That is to say
On your response.

And anyway, we
Are all One
In the end.


And speaking of The One:
Is being so brazen
In his lawlessness
That one can only
Conclude reasonably
That he is doing it
           on purpose -
   testing, whether
   this nation, or
Any nation, so conceived
And so dedicated
Can long endure.
Is the answer.

A shame.

But then
It is the end

So.  Who knows all; has all the answers, as to what is going on, and why.

I know that I don’t.

At least not on this level.

Which is the level of the problem.

About to be resolved.



1 "But President [sic] Obama, in direct defiance of both Congress and the U.S. Constitution, rolled out the DACA program...and gave his administration's bureaucrats the 'discretion' to act as if the DREAM Act [which Congress had "explicitly and repeatedly rejected"] was the law of the land!..."  How's that for a poke in the eye, and a thumb of the nose.
   'Nya nya nya.  You can't touch me.'
   Maybe these timid mortals, with clay feet, and heart of The Cowardly Lion, can't......

2 In Stalln’s Soviet Union there were political flunkies called ’commissars’ assigned to each military unit, to keep an ideological/Party eye out for any ‘incorrect’ behavior on the part of the military.  

3 from the covering letter by Peter J. Thomas, Chairman, Americans for Constitutional Liberty.

4 Call Joe &  Jill Average the pickle in the middle.

5 a play on the public announcement at the Boston Marathon ‘exercise,’ whereby some authority said repeatedly over a loudspeaker to the onlookers near the finish line “This is a drill…This is a drill…” just before the explosions went off.  So, the people there knew that it was an exercise.
   You might wish to ask yourself, Why don’t the rest of us know that??? about that yet-another attempt to create the conditions by which to grab our guns.

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