Wednesday 15 April 2015

The Lay Of The Land

'So, let me get this straight, Mr. Rogers. You are saying, that the federal government is claiming total jurisdiction and control over the Plaintiff's property, because of...'

'The Clean Water Act; yes, Your Honor.'

'But his property is in the middle of the desert.'

'But it does rain there, Your Honor.  And the Plaintiff is collecting it in a reservoir on his - the property.'

'You call it 'reservoir' and he calls it a pond  With photographs.  Never mind; let's move on.  And so it can't run off, possibly.'

'Yes sir.  That's the salient point, Your Honor.'

'I'll determine what the 'salient points' are in this court, Counselor.'

'Yes sir.  Your Honor.  Sir.'

'But the nearest river is miles away.  And fed from the mountain snowpack.'

'That doesn't matter according to the law, Your Honor.  The law doesn't specify how close the runoff to a certain site must be.'

'So the specific wording is not in the law.'

'No sir.  Your honor.  Sir.'

'So the law's meaning and intent...'

'Well, it's open to interpretation, Your Honor.  And surely you accept the principle of precedent.  And according to - '

'Counselor, I know all about precedent.  What you are actually trying to say, is...'

'I'm trying to put it to you to be reasonable and understand that words mean what we humans say they mean, and - '

'You mean, what the federal government says they mean.'

'...You could put it that way, if you wish.  Sir.'

'Tell me, Counselor.  Are you trying to show contempt for this court?'

'No sir.  I'm trying to hide it.  - Oops.'

Oops indeed.  For the Fed going way too far with all this sort of specious thing.

And, I realize it must be difficult for the Obama legions to fight such backward judges in the nation's court system, who are still old fuddy-duddies, and think that they can hold the Marxists to the letter and spirit of the law.  Surely, enough ten-ton trucks have been run through 'the law' by now to amount to a revolution; wherein and whereby the Marxist Alinskyite morality (of the 'community organizer' Usurper, Obama) prevails -

that of Whatever It Takes.

Of, 'By Any Means Necessary'.

That, words mean whatever the authorities say they mean.  No more.  And no less.

In a rule of, and by, tyrants.

The almighty state.

In a state of corruption.    


And speaking of the Usurper:

I fired off another missile today; this one to the president of The Conservative Caucus Foundation.  Who penned - or at least put his name to - a hard-hitting letter.  But still - like all the others - hitting where it doesn't really hurt our Dear Leader.

It's all I can do to keep from telling these ineffectual people on the Right:

'What Obama is doing is "unconstitutional"?  Well, duh!  He is unconstitutional.  And he knows it.  And you conservatives let him get away with it.  And he's just rubbing your noses in it.  Look to yourselves as much as to him, dummies.'

And in fact, I think that that's what I'll do from now on.  Instead of trying to talk reason to turnips.

Oh, of course, many on the Right will say that it's not 'reasonable' to try to unseat the man now.  To which argument I say:


And meaning:

Show me your balls.

Not your coattails, flying out from behind you, as you run away from the real American's work needing to be done now.

For Americans to experience our Finest Hour.

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