Wednesday 15 February 2017

And It is SO Past Valentine's Day...

from ‘Intelligence Committee Chair To Jail Flynn Leakers, Investigate Wiretaps’ - Rick Wells - February 15 
(“House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) won’t be wasting the taxpayers’ time or money investigating the non-issue of General Michael Flynn’s contact and conversations with Russian representatives, something he is surely not the first National Security Adviser to engage in prior to his assuming his official duties…

“He will instead be directing his efforts into investigating the source of the leaks that led to General Flynn’s resignation.

“The story, which was first reported by the Washington Post, detailed the conversation, with the New York Times noting that it was based upon information obtained in a wiretap of the Russian diplomat.

“The Washington Post cited nine anonymous current and former officials “who were in senior positions at multiple agencies” and who “had access to reports from U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies that routinely monitor the communications of Russian diplomats.”

“Nunes intends to pursue those responsible for the leaks, saying on Tuesday, “That’s nine leakers that all belong in jail. Those nine people broke the law, clearly, by leaking classified information to anybody.”…”)

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Good for Committee Chairman Nunes. He’s got the correct reading of the matter. And thanks for the report, Rick.

Hard to keep up with the libturd obstructionists these days…


Watch the Left try to spin this story, to keep the heat on Gen. Flynn and Trump's appointments, and the attention away from the real issue: of political point-scoring by the Left, becoming now very dangerous to our national security, and of the misuse by our spying agencies of their powers. 

This is NOT a police state, boyos.

At least not yet...

And, hopefully, never.

If The People don't go asleep.  

On their watch.

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