Monday, 11 September 2017

As For 9/11

What?  You mean George W. Bush, Dick Cheney & Co. have not been arrested yet, for their roles in 9/11??  And Larry Silverstein and others who made a bundle on that caper???

What's going on?  What are you waiting for??

Get to it.


Or I will.

And the perps - including the Mossad agents in this country (and now back in the rogue state of Israel) who were involved - really won't like that outcome.

Wheat from the chaff, gang.

Wheat from the chaff.

The chaff to be

blown away.  (Or at least, the equivalent of.)

While the rest of us, who are ready to move on, get on with 'it'.

The experience.  Leading - for some - to


For the others??

Don't worry.  They will get what is coming to them.

The universe being one of perfect Justice, and all.

As things on planet Earth come to

a Conclusion.

And a

New Beginning.

Minus the corruption that has plagued this planet's peoples

long enough.

Time, now, for

the Real Thing.

The Play being


And graduation time being upon us.

Congratulations  For some.

For others??

Better luck next time.

And in the deepest recesses of your being: Remember


And your perpetraitors' role in it.



from ‘9/11: Wiring the buildings… Could it  be done in a weekend?  And The Building 7 Conundrum [videos]’ - Brasscheck TV remarks - September 11; & ae911truth: ‘WTC 7 Did Not Collapse from Fire’ - Dr. Leroy Hulsey, UAF - Sept. 6 - publ. on Sept. 8

kibitzer3 says:
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Motive, Means, and Opportunity.

The NeoCons – many of them dual citizens w/ Israeli passports – wanted “a new Pearl Harbor” (PNAC paper) in order for the U.S. to beef up its military might, to help Israel carve out an Eretz Israel in the Middle East and take down its enemies, in a (pre-planned) War on Terror. The ‘Israeli art students’ were in the buildings more than just the weekend before 9/11, laying charges, during the day and in the dead of night (the Bush family was involved in WTC bldg. security; also at some of the airports involved on the day). Larry Silverstein bought the bldgs even though they were gigantic white elephants, filled w/ asbestos that it was going to cost a fortune to remove, and increased the insurance on them to cover ‘terrorist attack’. The caper took meticulous planning, including for drones, controlled media coverage, the theft of gold from the basement of one of the bldgs, etc. Result: As above, w/ the W. Bush admin getting its (already-prepared) Patriot Act pushed through Congress, turning the U.S. into a police state, on the way to the perps’ totalitarian New World Order.

Motive, Means, and Opportunity.

And its unraveling can’t come soon enough.

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