Wednesday 13 September 2017

Psst - The Saudi Arabia Link Is Only Part Of It

from ’New 9/11 Lawsuit Strongly Implicates Saudi Government Involvement’ - September 11/12
(Besides talking about this new lawsuit, Dave Hodges reposts 20 questions ab. 9/11 that he originally posted in 2013.  He covered the ‘space’ pretty well…)

Stan September 13, 2017 at 12:16 am
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Good questions, Dave. Other points:

* The PNAC call for “a new Pearl Harbor,” to get the U.S. to beef up its military might in order to get involved in the Middle East and take down some of the state of israel’s enemies there. (The NeoCons being a large part of the W. Bush admin.) And associated with this point: The W. Bush admin’s declared desire to go to war with Iraq, leading up to 9/11. And its ready-to-go so-called PATRIOT Act, turning the U.S. into a police state.

* Larry Silverstein buying the WTC Towers despite their being white elephants, with a need for massive renovation to take out the asbestos – AND insuring them heftily with the additional measure against ‘terrorist attack’.

* The presence of ‘Israeli art students’ in the buildings leading up to 9/11, installing things – AND mysterious goings-on in the buildings in the dead of night, after the cleaning crews had gone home, and under the supervision of a building security company with Bush family involvement. And the same Bush family connection with at least one of the security companies for the airlines involved. And speaking of the airlines involved in that day’s drama:

* Some individuals who made a bundle on the Stock Market short-selling those particular airlines; as though they knew ahead of time of something to go down that day. And not to forget:

* WTC 7; which came down – after some explosions heard from close to ground level – straight down in its footprint, in free-fall speed, from no supposed jarring loose of flame retardant cladding from a supposed airliner hit, only some asymmetrical fires on a few floors.

And I could go on. But I am sick to my stomach of that terrible, terrible false flag op perpetrated on our homeland. And crying out for justice to be served. After all these years.


We really need to end the charade.  

The world is waiting - desperately - for us to grow up.

Time to do just that.

The Play being over.

And getting old very fast.

In the face of

the New.

Just waiting to be born.

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