Wednesday 20 September 2017

The Sewer Is Backing Up

Email to The New American, on the occasion of the publication of their September 18th issue titled ‘America’s Cultural Revolution’:

Dear Editor:

Although TNA did a good job of covering 'America's Cultural Revolution' in general and the Charlottesville faceoff to some particular degree [September 18th issue], it didn't go far enough into the latter; which is a shame, given its importance to what ALL is going on these days.  Including the total degree of the sellout of the MSM to the NWO crowd behind all these shenanigans.  Some pertinent facts, gleaned from a close inspection of the independent media reporting on the Internet.

Key factor: The mayor declared his town - way back upon the inauguration of Donald Trump as president - as, quote, "the capital of the resistance".  To that end:

An alt-Right outfit (forget for the moment the actual loyalties of the lead organizer involved in the process)* was given a legal permit to hold a peaceful demonstration [in an act of the right of the people "peaceably to assemble," in the words of the First Amendment to the Constitution] against the taking-down of a statue of Gen. Robert E. Lee in a park in the city named after him, now to be renamed Independence Park.  As the demonstrators were gathering, to have a couple of speeches and then go home, their permit was pulled at the last moment, and the police started escorting them away from the site - right into a trap, with a group of counter-protestors having assembled, and the police then melting away, to let both groups have at it.  With the counter-protestor group having come fully armed, with such noted items as: baseball bats, axe handles, 2x4s, clubs with screws protruding, throwing containers filled with urine and feces, even a homemade flame thrower, and - most heinously of all, in my opinion - soda cans filled with cement.  (Which could cause a concussion, and/or put an eye out.)  We don't even have to get into the strange doings later on in the afternoon by the counter-protestor group, to conclude: It was, then, a set-up, to further the mayor's cause.  Who should be arrested, along with his police chief - and the governor was implicated as well, in this tragic farce. 

Please dig a little deeper into that scam, sham, charade,  Your readership deserves to know just what, precisely, went on, that day at "the capital of the resistance".



* As you referred to briefly in your article titled ‘Confederate Defenders and Nazis ARE NOT THE SAME’.

I shall never forget the response that my Congressman made regarding the Charlottesville event in his Weekly (email) Newsletter, when he referred to it as an attack by the Nazi types “on peaceful counter-protestors”.

“Peaceful” my effing eye.  Alan Lowenthal bought the canard hook, line and sinker - that is, if he didn’t already know that it was a canard.  The official narrative for our consumption courtesy of the MSM.  And useful purveyors of the ’party line’ like my Congressperson.


This sewer should be cleaned out.

And, like, 


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