I'm getting angrier by the minute...
from newsmax: 'Paul Ryan Leading House for 'Amnesty' Deal' - June 29
kibitzer • a few seconds ago [June 29]
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What is this crap about Republicans caving in to 'the Hispanic vote'? Does 'the Hispanic vote' now run the country?? If so, it's all over but the shooting.
YOU CAN'T COMPROMISE WITH WRONG. And it's WRONG to let illegal aliens hold such leverage. Republican employers who relished the opportunity provided by the illegals to pay cheaper wages have created a terrible predicament for the country. But right is right. 1) Such employers are now firmly on notice: cease hiring illegals, or you will face heavy fines and/or jail time. 2) Illegals: You might as well go back to where you came from, because the gravy train has stopped running: No more access to ANYTHING if you are not in the country legally. 3) As for Paul Ryan's point about the country needing 'labor': a) Plenty of people would like to come to this country - legally. b) What is this crap about work that citizens won't do? No work - no pay. Off the unemployment rolls if you have turned down jobs. Citizens will do the work soon enough, once they are no longer being mollycoddled.
As for this other crap about illegals coming here to drop 'anchor babies': That is due to a misreading of the 14th Amendment, and that needs to be corrected forthwith. "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, AND SUBJECT TO THE JURISDICTION THEREOF..." That means that they need to be lawfully under the jurisdiction of the various states - NOT illegals, who are still legally under the jurisdiction of the country that they came from. I don't know how this obvious error crept in here - well, I do: by corrupt lawyers in cahoots with corrupt judges - but no matter: It needs to end. Here. Now.
Or we have seen the end of the United States of America; and the beginning of a terrible civil war, in the place of the rule of law that has been demolished by hardcore Marxists and their flunky fellow travelers of the Left.
It's time to produce, ladies and gentlemen of the too-silent Majority. And that does NOT mean appeasing the Left. by the likes of Paul Ryan, by the looks of it. And P.S. STOP with the talk about Sen. Marco Rubio being "a potential rival for Ryan if both seek the presidency". Marco Rubio can make a good senator. But he is barred from being a presidential candidate, because he is not a "natural born Citizen", by not having had two U.S. citizen parents at the time of his birth.
And if this is the first shot to be fired in the civil war - that is to say also, very clearly, that the current occupant of the Oval Office is just that: an Occupant; no more. Well, a little more: a Usurper - then bring it on. There are other, less acute options. But the time for game-playing is over. We either fight for our country now, or we lose it, under the weight of millions - MILLIONS - of illegal aliens being granted a special shot at citizenship; bringing in with them their extended family members...
And who in their right mind thinks that the oh-so-reasonable scenario of a step-by-step approach will hold up once the door has been opened up??? What arrant nonsense this whole thing is. I want to see some Americans standing tall at the gates of the federal constitutional Republic, and I want to see them there NOW.
…and further down the thread…
Tnell Patriot • 7 hours ago
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kibitzer Tnell • a few seconds ago- −
- Please, please, PLEASE conservatives: STOP TALKING ABOUT RUBIO AS A POTENTIAL PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE. Don't some of you UNDERSTAND this matter, about a "natural born Citizen"??? Rubio is no more eligible for that particular office than Obama is - and by playing along with the game of hide-the-truth, you are making it more difficult to get this country back on its proper track. Which is as a federal constitutional Republic: not just a 'republic', subject to the rule of whim.
Laws are laws. In this country, if you want to change the Constitution, there is a proper amending process for that sort of thing. That did not happen with Obama's rise to prominence, and everybody oohing and ahhing over his new clothes. If conservatives won't stand up for the truth of things, in relation to constitutional government, who will?? Come ON, folks. You conservatives can do a better job of standing up for truth than this. With such friends, who needs enemies???
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- This is SUCH a teachable moment. Conservatives are pissing it away……
..and to end the day on a little 'lighter' note:
from deniselefay.wordpress.com - 'Transitions' blog - June 25 / posted on 'Golden Age of Gaia' June 29: 'The Hard Transition of Taking Back our Power & Mastering Responsibility'
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I have seen your postings on ‘Golden Age of Gaia,’ Denise, and have liked your down-to-earthiness.
“Individual discernment.” Excellent point: Thinking/feeling/attuning for oneself. Owning oneself, and one’s powers OF discernment, as fundamentally a being of Light. As you say: Even so-called light beings/channelled entities can be of the Dark. How does one know the difference?
As you say.
Keep up the good work.