Friday 7 November 2014


faxes under the auspices of Numbers USA this date (now Nov. 7)

1) This will go to the following congressional recipients:
Senator Boxer
Senator Feinstein
Representative Lowenthal

An article on the left-leaning Slate, an author makes the case for less immigration:

"...As delicious as this multiethnic salad sounds—more croutons, please—I continue to be the melting pot’s biggest fan. As a consequence, I’ve gone from being a rah-rah enthusiast for mass immigration to one who is more skeptical of its virtues. That’s because I think the melting and fusing of different ethnic groups is essential to building a more cohesive and humane society, and that slowing down immigration would help this process along.

"The biggest challenge we face in the United States, in my view, is a lack of togetherness. I realize that this sounds like a line from a cheesy love ballad, but bear with me. There is a vast gulf separating those who belong to networks of family members, friends, and acquaintances that grant access to valuable social goods and those who don’t belong to these networks. What kind of social goods do I have in mind? Money is the obvious one, but so is know-how. Most people learn to make their way in the world from parents or peers. Think about every job opportunity you’ve ever had, or how you learned to navigate any big, impersonal bureaucracy. The insider knowledge that was imparted to you was not available to just anyone—you, and those close to you, had privileged access to it, and whether you like it or not, this privileged access has played a central role in your successes.

"This isn’t simply a racial inequality. There are plenty of ultra-connected people from minority backgrounds and there are plenty of whites who are outsiders in every socially relevant respect. But race is often used as a rough proxy for this kind of inequality because it is generally true that an American who can trace her roots back to the Mayflower will have a bigger, richer, and let’s say more privileged network than a descendant of slaves, or a recent immigrant with little in the way of formal education....

"Instead of calling this racial inequality, you could call it roots inequality. Who among us has the firmest, deepest roots in American life, which can allow us to stumble and make mistakes while still being able to depend on loved ones who can lend a hand? This isn’t so much about how long one’s ancestors have been in the country. Rather, it is about the solidity of your connections to other people who themselves stand on solid ground, and who can afford to offer help of all kinds, monetary and otherwise, when you need it....

"When thinking about which immigrants do have that fighting chance, it’s important to recognize that the economic realities of the first decades of the last century are profoundly different from those of the first decades of this one. That earlier era was one of labor scarcity, when people with limited skills could climb the economic ladder by doing dangerous, strenuous work. In today’s economy, people with limited skills are finding that market wages are stagnant or even falling....

"Legalizing large numbers of unauthorized immigrants will definitely help them attain that social status. Yet it won’t change the fact that even under the best circumstances, the wages commanded by people with less than a high school diploma tend to be very low, and the social connections they can draw upon are usually limited to other people facing similar challenges. Moreover, while the best evidence we have finds that less-skilled immigration doesn't have a negative effect on the wages of less-skilled natives, it does have a substantial negative effect on the wages of less-skilled immigrants already living in the U.S. These are precisely the people who have the weakest social connections to other Americans, and who need all the help they can get to put down roots in this country."

Please send a copy of this article to your three Members of Congress.

Stan Stanfield
(name/address/tel. no.)
Representative Alan Lowenthal
U.S. House of Representatives, 515 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, CA 20515
Dear Representative Lowenthal:
I wanted you to see this article that was published in Slate. I hope you find it as convincing as I did.

We really need to get a handle on this immigration reform 'thing'.

1. Immigration - both illegal AND legal - is out of hand.

a) Especially when the country is suffering the high level of unemployment that it is, it would be wise and prudent to slow down the intake of new potential citizens.

b) Proper assimilation is not taking place. Balkanization seems to be the order of the day. That does not bode well for the social, political and emotional health of the nation. And speaking of:

2. Since immigrants need to be able to speak and read English in order to become a citizen of this country - as is wise and proper, for them to be able to enter fully and profitably into the life of the nation - English should be declared by Congress to be the official language of the U.S. And therefore -

3. The voting ballots and materials should be available only in English. As it is, mass voter fraud is going on in this country, aided and abetted in large part by the requirement that voting materials be available in other languages.

We are rapidly turning into a Banana Republic under the rules of the day. A stop must be put to this breakdown of the nation going on, under such shortsighted policies as those outlined above.

Do the job that you are in Congress to do.
2) This will go to the following congressional recipients:
Representative Lowenthal

Birthright Citizenship is the practice of offering automatic citizenship to children born in the United States regardless of their parents citizenship or immigration status. This practice has created a magnet for foreign nationals and illegal aliens who want their children to be U.S. citizens.
Please send a fax to your U.S. Representative and urge him/her to oppose Birthright Citizenship.

Representative Alan Lowenthal
U.S. House of Representatives, 515 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, CA 20515
Dear Representative Lowenthal:
Birthright citizenship is an outdated practice that lures foreign nationals to the United States so their unborn children can become U.S. citizens. Please work to end this policy that most industrialized nations have already abandoned.

8 U.S.C. 1401 : US Code - Section 1401 currently says that "a person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth." Clearly, the Constitution does not need to be changed in order to prevent the children of illegal aliens from receiving birthright citizenship; a simple piece of legislation will do.

The United States is almost the only industrialized nation to still practice jus soli -- birthright citizenship. I expect you to help America get with the times by supporting legislation that would change our nation's laws and prevent the children of illegal aliens from receiving birthright citizenship. When this is done, illegal aliens will have one less anchor keeping them in this country, thereby opening up millions of jobs for America's unemployed; let alone relieving other burdens on the American taxpayers.

In summary: According to the 14th Amendment to the Constitution: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside…" The children of illegal aliens follow the nationality of their fathers/parents. Illegal aliens are not "subject to the jurisdiction" of the United States. Being citizens of the nation that they came from, they are "subject to the jurisdiction" of the nation that they came from, and are still legally domiciled in.

The time is long overdue that we got clear on this matter. We have been 'Uncle Sugar' to the rest of the world long enough; in this, as in other matters.
3) This will go to the following congressional recipients:
Senator Boxer
Senator Feinstein
Representative Lowenthal

In an open letter to the public at large, National Citizenship and Immigration Services Council President Kenneth Palinkas asked for help in stopping President Obama’s plans for a massive executive amnesty:
"United States Citizenship and Immigration Service’s loyal and dedicated adjudicators and personnel diligently man the front lines in the battle to protect Americans from terrorism and the abuse of our economic and political resources. As the individuals who screen the millions of applications for entry into the U.S., it is our job to ensure that terrorists, diseases, criminals, public charges, and other undesirable groups are kept out of the United States. Unfortunately, we have been blocked…by the very same government that employs our skill sets.

"(O)ur caseworkers still operate under a quota system that prioritizes speed over quality, and approvals over investigations…We are still the world’s rubber-stamp for entry into the United States – regardless of the ramifications of the constant violations to the Immigration and Nationality Act. Whether it’s the failure to uphold the public charge laws, the abuse of our asylum procedures...or visas for health risks, the taxpayers are being fleeced and public safety is being endangered on a daily basis.
"I write today to warn the general public that this situation is about to get exponentially worse – and more dangerous. America dodged a bullet when the Senate immigration package S. 744 was blocked by the House. That legislation would have been a financial and security catastrophe. But news reports have leaked information to the public of a USCIS management contract bid for a 'surge' printing of 34 million green cards and employment authorization documents to be provided to foreign nationals, a bid that predicts the Administration’s promised executive amnesty. This massive unilateral amnesty is slated to be issued after the November 2014 elections.
"That is why this statement is intended for the public: if you care about your immigration security and your neighborhood security, you must act now to ensure that Congress stops this unilateral amnesty. Let your voice be heard and spread the word to your neighbors. We who serve in our nation’s immigration agencies are pleading for your help – don’t let this happen. Express your concern to your Senators and Congressmen before it is too late.”

Your Members of Congress need to hear about Mr. Palinkas' warning before it is too late. Please send a fax to your three Members of Congress and tell them about his warning and ask them to help stop the president's executive amnesty.

Representative Alan Lowenthal
U.S. House of Representatives, 515 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, CA 20515
Dear Representative Lowenthal:
Kenneth Palinkas, the head of the union for USCIS employees, has written an open letter to the American people warning us about the problems President Obama's executive amnesty would cause. I hope you will read his letter and act to block the amnesty.

Mr. Palinkas writes:

“United States Citizenship and Immigration Service’s loyal and dedicated adjudicators and personnel diligently man the front lines in the battle to protect Americans from terrorism and the abuse of our economic and political resources. As the individuals who screen the millions of applications for entry into the U.S., it is our job to ensure that terrorists, diseases, criminals, public charges, and other undesirable groups are kept out of the United States. Unfortunately, we have been blocked…by the very same government that employs our skill sets.

“(O)ur caseworkers still operate under a quota system that prioritizes speed over quality, and approvals over investigations…We are still the world’s rubber-stamp for entry into the United States – regardless of the ramifications of the constant violations to the Immigration and Nationality Act. Whether it’s the failure to uphold the public charge laws, the abuse of our asylum procedures...or visas for health risks, the taxpayers are being fleeced and public safety is being endangered on a daily basis.

“I write today to warn the general public that this situation is about to get exponentially worse – and more dangerous. America dodged a bullet when the Senate immigration package S. 744 was blocked by the House. That legislation would have been a financial and security catastrophe. But news reports have leaked information to the public of a USCIS management contract bid for a 'surge' printing of 34 million green cards and employment authorization documents to be provided to foreign nationals, a bid that predicts the Administration’s promised executive amnesty. This massive unilateral amnesty is slated to be issued after the November 2014 elections.

“That is why this statement is intended for the public: if you care about your immigration security and your neighborhood security, you must act now to ensure that Congress stops this unilateral amnesty. Let your voice be heard and spread the word to your neighbors. We who serve in our nation’s immigration agencies are pleading for your help – don’t let this happen. Express your concern to your Senators and Congressmen before it is too late.”

Please heed Mr. Palinkas' warning. The president is already putting our nation in grave danger by forcing USCIS to rubberstamp visas. Giving an amnesty to tens of millions of illegal aliens would be an unmitigated disaster.

Please follow Mr. Palinkas' advice and do all you can to STOP THE AMNESTY.
And you, Citizen?  What say you??? about what is going on in your country……

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