Saturday 8 November 2014

The Hoped-For NSA Slayer At Work

from 'NSA Slayer' To Judges: The Government Is Lying!' - Bob Unruh - Nov. 7 - posted to Freedom Watch
("'This court should not believe anything' feds say".  Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch to the U.S. District Court of Appeals.)

andrewwhitehead 6 hours ago 

The government is proving itself a bigger enemy of the people than those it claims to be protecting us from. Why is this? When I was growing up, I didn't fear my government... What has changed? ...and why?


    • kibitzer3 andrewwhitehead a few seconds ago  (Nov. 7)
      Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by WND.

      Andrew, nothing has changed; the rot has just gotten more into our faces, as it approaches its zenith.

    • It's a long story, which culminates in a move by the Power Elite on the planet to take over the whole ball of wax, in their long-planned-for and totalitarian New World Order. Their moves in this country were furthered by the so-called PATRIOT Act, under George W. and NeoCon Dick 'Darth Vader' Cheney (the precursor to all this NSA mess that we're now in); but they were highly helped on their way when the Repub Party, as the nominated 'opposition' in our two-party system of government, not only failed to call the Dem Party on its nominating [of] a constitutionally ineligible candidate for the presidential office in '08, but actively blocked calls from the public for its recognition. Why?  For their own interests, obviously, in nominating their OWN candidates in the future, who are not "natural born" citizens.

    • (This is not rocket science. The whole POINT of that requirement, on the part of the constitutional Framers - and as highlighted by the letter by John Jay to G. Washington, as Chair of the C'l Convention, at the time of the discussion on the matter - was so that the person in that office - who would also become as well the Commander-in-Chief of the nation's military forces - would not have DUAL LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES. Like a naturalized citizen. And like a dual citizen. Like Obama.
    •     Why would the Repubs collude in this end-around of the Constitution? As I say: because they want the requirement trashed in their own interests; and decided it would be too difficult to get a c'l amendment to the effect. (Both sides tried a total of 8 times between 2003 and '08 to get such an amendment starting through Congress; and they failed each time even to get it out of committee.) As for the public, well, between them, they have control of the MSM. And as for the judiciary, well, …ditto.)

    • In looking at the national demographics down the road, both major parties have sold out the constitutional Republic, in turning the Constitution clearly now into "just a damn piece of paper". And Obama & his cohorts in crime on the nominal Left are driving a coach and horses through that rent in the fabric of our rule of law; since we have clearly now become governed merely by the rule of men. So the Repubs are as guilty of this fundamental national crime as the Dems are. And they both need to suffer the consequences of their actions. In the spirit of such "best-laid plans of mice and men".
…and In the same vein:

2) from 'WATCH: Judge Napolitano Drops The Hammer, Saying Obama A "Candidate For Impeachment"' - Norvell Rose - Nov. 7

November 8, 2014 at 2:45 am 

I have a lot of respect for Judge Napolitano. But I agree with some of the posters here: Obama is a Usurper in the office – for not being a bona fide “natural born” citizen – and I am disappointed that the good Judge is not seeing that, and calling the Usurper – and the two major political parties in the nation – on it.
This is not rocket science. The whole POINT of that requirement for that office, on the part of the constitutional Framers – and as highlighted by the letter by John Jay (later the first Chief Justice of the new SCOTUS) to G. Washington, as Chair of the Constitutional Convention, at the time of the discussion on the presidential eligibility issue – was so that the person in that office – who would also become as well the Commander-in-Chief of the nation’s military forces – would not have DUAL LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES. Like a naturalized citizen. And like a dual citizen. Like Obama.
So, Impeachment is not what is called for, in this instance. That is for legally sitting presidents, who have exceeded their authority, and/or committed “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors” while legally occupying the office. Obama simply needs to be removed – by Oathkeepers – and held for trial, for his multifarious crimes. And both the Democrat and Republican Parties dissolved – as the criminal enterprises that they have proven to be – and their officials held for trial on RICO Statutes.
It’s time that we got serious in this matter. The matter, at its root, of the attempted overthrow of the federal constitutional Republic of the United States of America. If that’s not serious, I don’t know what is.

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