And Those Of Us With It
Who Pass The Test
Of the Ring Pass Not
An excellent article in the 'alternative media' questioning the official narrative on 9/11 has just been sent to me by a friend. This, in perfect timing, after I read last night - via the same 'alternative media'-type site - of the heinous plans of the 'globalists' in the works for a Der Tag-like 'production' coming up. (To be perpetrated on MY country - !!!) My response to my friend's forwarded material:
"If I'm interested in this topic - ??? Of COURSE I am. I am a truthseeker, above all else.
"Yes, I'm familiar with all this material, and keep up with the subject particularly via the ae911truth e-newsletter (with its emphasis on [WTC] Building 7), and Dr. James Fetzer's site (with its more far-reaching, er, reach). But thanks for this article - it's a very good one, that I hadn't come across. Along with so many Americans, who don't get access to such info from their MSM outlets, for the very reasons that this author points out - the CIA is so heavily involved in our media, and which has become a near-monopoly. And needs to be broken up, precisely like Big Oil needed to be broken up, which occasioned the Sherman Anti-Trust Act that led to the breakup of John D. Rockefeller's effectively monopolistic Standard Oil. TPTB are leading the U.S. gently gently into their NWO trap, of a totalitarian global state - and are just about to spring it into overt action, besides the little preliminary skirmishes that the likes of Antifa and BLM and others have been engaged in, for the all-out assault that 'they' have been 'warming us up' for.
"The word on the 'conspiracy theory' block is that 'they' have planned for an October-like Revolution in, er, October, and apparently mainly in November (which was when the 'Great October Revolution' in Russia took place according to the Gregorian calendar). The bulk of the American public is just about to get a massive wakeup call, to the real world, and all the subterfuge that has been going on.
"But enough on all that. It's such a disgusting subject, that I don't like to dwell on it for too long at a stretch. Or I get really, really angry.
"And have to remind myself constantly that it is all part of The Plan.
"But that doesn't mean that I have to like 'it'. Particularly what is happening to my country, in the whole picture. Feeling, as I do, that I am not only a truth seeker. But must have had something to do with the founding of this country, so passionately do I feel about what is happening to it. And not for the better.
"Except in the very long term."
And this weekend works its way to its own particular end. Of things it remains to be seen about......
'The time has come, the Walrus said, to talk of many things: of shoes and ships and sealing wax; of cabbages and kings'...
P.S. I have relations in the Mormon Church. One of them has sent me info on its ‘General Conference Autumn 2017’ over this current weekend. The LDS Church has these events regularly, where the Church Authorities preside, in person and on TV linkup, over reports to the membership about Church matters specific and general. But nary a word about something that goes to its very founding. My response to my family member:
P.S. I have relations in the Mormon Church. One of them has sent me info on its ‘General Conference Autumn 2017’ over this current weekend. The LDS Church has these events regularly, where the Church Authorities preside, in person and on TV linkup, over reports to the membership about Church matters specific and general. But nary a word about something that goes to its very founding. My response to my family member:
“Ask them why they have failed to acknowledge and act on Joseph Smith's 'White Horse Prophecy,' about the day to come when "the Constitution will be hanging by a thread" and the Priesthood would come to its rescue. That condition happened under George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, when they (along with their NeoCon criminal mates) used 9/11 as an excuse to fasten surveillance-state powers on the country, via the (so-called) PATRIOT Act, and was deepened under the Marxist and ineligible Barack H. Obama; whose ineligibility for the office worked to cause the last thread to the rule of law in the country basically to give way. We have no longer been under the rule of law in this country - only the (despotic) rule of men - ever since his occupancy of the Oval Office was allowed to stand. By such as the priesthood of the LDS Church.
“It will be interesting to see what your Authorities have to say about all this truth-telling.
“But I won't hold my breath.
“A bit of truth-telling from your well-disappointed
As you can tell, my patience is just about worn through.
Like a last thread.