Saturday, 30 September 2017

On Earth, As It Is In Heaven...

...With The Earth Returning To The Fold
             And Those Of Us With It
                 Who Pass The Test
               Of the Ring Pass Not

An excellent article in the 'alternative media' questioning the official narrative on 9/11 has just been sent to me by a friend.  This, in perfect timing, after I read last night - via the same 'alternative media'-type site - of the heinous plans of the 'globalists' in the works for a Der Tag-like 'production' coming up.  (To be perpetrated on MY country - !!!)  My response to my friend's forwarded material:

"If I'm interested in this topic - ???  Of COURSE I am.  I am a truthseeker, above all else.  

"Yes, I'm familiar with all this material, and keep up with the subject particularly via the ae911truth e-newsletter (with its emphasis on [WTC] Building 7), and Dr. James Fetzer's site (with its more far-reaching, er, reach).  But thanks for this article - it's a very good one, that I hadn't come across.  Along with so many Americans, who don't get access to such info from their MSM outlets, for the very reasons that this author points out - the CIA is so heavily involved in our media, and which has become a near-monopoly.  And needs to be broken up, precisely like Big Oil needed to be broken up, which occasioned the Sherman Anti-Trust Act that led to the breakup of John D. Rockefeller's effectively monopolistic Standard Oil.  TPTB are leading the U.S. gently gently into their NWO trap, of a totalitarian global state - and are just about to spring it into overt action, besides the little preliminary skirmishes that the likes of Antifa and BLM and others have been engaged in, for the all-out assault that 'they' have been 'warming us up' for.  

"The word on the 'conspiracy theory' block is that 'they' have planned for an October-like Revolution in, er, October, and apparently mainly in November (which was when the 'Great October Revolution' in Russia took place according to the Gregorian calendar).  The bulk of the American public is just about to get a massive wakeup call, to the real world, and all the subterfuge that has been going on.

"But enough on all that.  It's such a disgusting subject, that I don't like to dwell on it for too long at a stretch.  Or I get really, really  angry.

"And have to remind myself constantly that it is all part of The Plan.

"But that doesn't mean that I have to like 'it'.  Particularly what is happening to my country, in the whole picture.  Feeling, as I do, that I  am not only a truth seeker.  But must have had something to do with the founding of this country, so passionately do I feel about what is happening to it.  And not for the better.

"Except in the very long term."


And this weekend works its way to its own particular end.  Of things it remains to be seen about......

'The time has come, the Walrus said, to talk of many things: of shoes and ships and sealing wax; of cabbages and kings'...


P.S.  I have relations in the Mormon Church.  One of them has sent me info on its ‘General Conference Autumn 2017’ over this current weekend.  The LDS Church has these events regularly, where the Church Authorities preside, in person and on TV linkup, over reports to the membership about Church matters specific and general.  But nary a word about something that goes to its very founding.  My response to my family member:

Ask them why they have failed to acknowledge and act on Joseph Smith's 'White Horse Prophecy,' about the day to come when "the Constitution will be hanging by a thread" and the Priesthood would come to its rescue.  That condition happened under George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, when they (along with their NeoCon criminal mates) used 9/11 as an excuse to fasten surveillance-state powers on the country, via the (so-called) PATRIOT Act, and was deepened under the Marxist and ineligible Barack H. Obama; whose ineligibility for the office worked to cause the last thread to the rule of law in the country basically to give way.  We have no longer been under the rule of law in this country - only the (despotic) rule of men - ever since his occupancy of the Oval Office was allowed to stand.  By such as the priesthood of the LDS Church.  

“It will be interesting to see what your Authorities have to say about all this truth-telling. 

“But I won't hold my breath.

“A bit of truth-telling from your well-disappointed


As you can tell, my patience is just about worn through.

Like a last thread.

Friday, 29 September 2017

On Reflection

Now Hear This, O desecrators of the flag of your country:

 A lot of good men and women, of all races, have given life and limb for that flag.  You are demeaning their sacrifice, and insulting their memory.  There are other ways to make your political points, whatever all they are.  And some very evil people (backed by other such beings) are using you, to make their political case: which is to overthrow this country, and turn the whole planet thereby and therefrom into a gulag, stifling the human spirit, so that they can control us all to within an inch of our enslaved lives.

As for this country: What other country has given blacks such opportunity to excel?  In all areas of life??...

Engage in dialogue.  Not grave insult.

That is all.

P.S. On further reflection:
     If you want to show sincere 'unity' with your teammates - and not just being manipulated by evil people - how about linking arms during the National Anthem, as long as you can still connect with your right hand over your heart.
     To show unity that way as well  Thus, you do not dishonor the memory of your countrymen and -women.
     Otherwise, it smacks of a show of defiance, not unity; thus confusing your fans.

On Playing Ball

from ‘Polls: What Do Americans Think Of NFL Players Kneeling, Trump Ripping Them?’ - Ben Shapiro - September 27/8

kibitzer3 a few seconds ago (September 29)

Athletes are paid to ply their trade. They are not paid to make political statements. People come to watch them ply their trade. Period.

Play ball. Or don't. Your choice.

I understand that the coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers - which perhaps could be renamed the Pittsburgh Kneelers - is a diehard Hillary fan.  So he is against President Trump.  So he is happy to have his players make a political statement, which turns this thing into an anti-Trump demonstration, over and above being disrespectful to the flag.

The owner of the Pittsburgh team - his, and their, boss - should let him know that they are all paid to play ball.  Not to make political statements while in uniform. 

The NWO globalists are trying to drive a wedge through America.  (Via Soros money, etc.)  Don’t let them get away with their machinations.  We have another, higher work to do.  Together.

That is all.

Lies, Damn Lies, And Inconvenient Facts

I see that David Ray Griffin has come up with another of his stellar books on 9/11, this one entitled 'Bush And Cheney: How They Ruined America And The World'.

The evidence is there.  All one has to do is be willing to look at it.  And see it.

It is the same with the evidence that Barack Hussein Obama was not, is not, a 'natural born' citizen, and therefore was ineligible for the office of the presidency, and therefore conducted an illegal presidency.   Which needs to be stricken from the history books, with a footnote as to its demise.

And there are other facts of our life that need to be acknowledged, and acted on.  Things like the true nature of vaccines, and Fluoridation, and GMOs, and natural treatments and cures for cancer - the list goes on.

We need to have no more emperor's new clothes blocking our vision.  If we are to move into The New Age - as is upon us to do.  At least those of us who are ready to progress spiritually - we need to live our lives by Truth.  The whole Truth.  And nothing but the Truth.

Oh.  And - of course:  Love.  The former statement being just an expression.

The reason?  Because only those qualities can resonate to the frequency of the New Age, and thus be a part of it.

All Darkness to be wrung out of The System of Life that we will create, together, on 'a higher turn of the spiral'.

If you can't measure up to that standard - can't 'make the grade' - you will just have to take the grade over.

It would be a shame.

But that's

The Law.

Live by it.

Or lose out.

This time - and Time - around.

Or permanently.  Depending on how immersed into the Darkness that you have allowed yourself to become.  To become identified with it.

Turning your back on your Creator Source.

Silly.  Silly.  Fool.

Join the Step Up.

You will be glad that you did.

And so will your Creator.

Since you are part of

your Creator Source.

Or you wouldn't even be.

Thursday, 28 September 2017

What People Are Into. And Up To

i have been encouraged by an email friend to get a cat.   The message: Loosen up a little.  This friend also sent me - to that end, I think - a link to a radio series of programs titled  ‘New Dimensions Radio’.  To the latter, my response:

“Sounds interesting.  But I can't keep up with my tons of emails as it is, which is my way of staying in touch with what's going on in the world, via both the 'Mainstream Media' and the 'Independent Media'.  I really don't have much 'discretionary' time, to do this sort of thing, i.e., listen to the radio simply for the pleasure of it.  Old Dull Boy Johnny that I am.  My day is full up: I get up just past mid-day (I'm a night owl; sitting at my computer into the wee hours, and hooting every once in awhile at what comes through it at me), and get out every day for some exercise, either to the store (via a long way, to take advantage of the 'outing') or to the local park to get some reading in in the sun (or sometimes down to the beach, to do the same; but that's only a short walk, not getting sufficient enough of a workout to do me much good in that department), and then back home, to go through my voluminous stack of [snail] mail (I have ended up on a yuge set of mailing lists, from making donations to various worthy causes; which I can no longer afford to do, needing to watch my spending of my savings as I do, now - savings from my years living at the FF and not spending my Social Security 'return') before preparing my dinner (a big fresh salad, with a side of either a slice of cheddar cheese or a hardboiled egg.  Occasionally varied with a fish burger from the local MacDonald's; but the more I read, the more one has to worry about the mercury in such white fish) and then settling down [after perhaps as well a dinner concert from my small set of CDs] to another slog at my emails, which - as I say - goes into the wee hours.  And so it goes.  A Life.  Such as it is.

“Waiting for Godot.  So to speak.”

As for ‘the wait,’ and what it is all about; as I sent back to my friend, on the feather-ruffling ‘occasion’ of an article in one of my day’s emails entitled ‘MAJOR Voter Fraud Revealed?!’ (“Lowndes County, Alabama, has been accused of having 131 percent of its total eligible population on its list of registered voters…” - from goppresidentialdotcom:

“This Voter Fraud crap in this country is so disgusting.  It needs to be cleaned out, tooth and nail.  I refuse to vote, ever since discovering, on my return here to the States, that, in my state, a) they don't ask for any ID at the polling place - and are even instructed NOT to ask for any; thus sending THAT message to illegal aliens (of which there are millions in this state) and other ineligible voters; b) they have a Motor Voter Law, whereby everyone applying for or renewing their driver's license is automatically registered to vote, and it's up to them whether they opt out of that 'offer' or not (but with no ID asked for in the polling place…hint hint); and c) to make it even more blatant to illegal voters, they - the Democrats in charge of this state - have now even passed a law that makes it legal for illegal aliens to apply for and get a driver's license.  How's that for sending signals.  How's that for chicanery and deceit.  How's that for stealing elections.  Like some banana republic......

“So no, I am not a happy camper these days, who has either the time or the inclination to listen to the radio simply for the pleasure of it.

“And maybe you're right.  About getting a cat………………”

On a lighter note - trying to keep an even keel; and letting this person know that I can be 'cool,' too -  I emailed back an article in our local ‘Next-door’ e-newsletter about a ’New event: FREE Boot Camp Class,’ a one-hour workout class coming up at a local church: 

“Nice Community event in our neck of the woods.  There's also a weekly yoga 'class' out on a bluff overlooking the ocean, across from the park where I do my reading in the sun.  I suppose I should join it.  But there's so much to read................

“Dull Boy Johnny

“P.S. I realize that you didn't grow up in this country, to be familiar with our expressions.  Do you know the term??  It's from a saying in English: 'All work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy.'  
     “You probably have the same sort of expression in German.
     “And speaking of German: I was watching some videos last night of an interview with a guy who alleges that he was involved for 20 years in a Secret Space Program (SSP; as David Wilcock and Corey Goode talk about) activity, where 'they' have set up bases on various bodies in our solar system, with both 'their' people and satanic ritualized slaves, on places like the Moon, Mars, and Ceres, where many of the 'masters' speak German.  [So that's where all those missing Pentagon trillions went to.  And why there has been no follow-up on that story...]  Before you scoff, check out the interviews of a guy named Tony Rodrigues by a web site host (I think it's called exopoliticsdotcom) named Dr. Michael Salla, held at an event on Mount Shasta a year ago.  Mind blowing stuff.  But very believable in the telling of his tale.  And involving a number of other sentient species.
     “As I say: So much to keep up with………”

..but warming to my ‘subject;’ on the occasion of an article at wnddotcom titled ‘Why Is Hillary Clinton Still Walking Around Free?,’ listing the charges against her in a lawsuit filed by Freedom Watch on behalf of the parents of two of the men killed in the Benghazi affair, and subsequent cover-up by Hillary (and the State Dept.):

“Too Big To Jail' Hillary.

“Okay, okay.  No more for today.

“And anyway, Tomorrow IS another day...


This friend also emailed me today something titled ‘2017 Seattle Findhorn gathering album’.  A Lorian Conference gathering, mostly of ex-Findhorners.  The Lorians being a group started back in the ‘70s primarily by David Spangler and his wife after they left the Findhorn Foundation, to take the spirit of the New Age out into the world.  As my friend said, in emailing me this ’album’ of pics from it: “This was part of the Lorian Conference gathering..lots of familiar faces…”  My specific response:

“Those were the days.....

“…lost in the mists of a dream.................

“like Camelot.  Which came.  And went.”

My more complete response, here:

Ah, the halcyon days of ‘Revelation: The Birth of a New Age’ and young idealists out to create a new world…

…and at this time, TPTB are busily consolidating their satanic hold over the planet, by such measures as controlling the world’s money supply and financial system, and blackmailing politicians with such as child sex trafficking, and flooding Europe with the Western civilization- (with its emphasis on the rights of the individual, as opposed to the power of the state over the individual) destroying ’culture’ of fanatical Islam and military-age males thereof, and the same treatment having been applied to the U.S. (sometimes in the dead of night, by plane and by bus, stealthily), along with illegal aliens of every stripe, including rapists and gang members - which excesses occasioned the rise and election of Donald Trump; and thus the violent reaction to him, and calling of him by every politically demonizing name in the (Saul Alinsky ‘Rules for Radicals’) book, by the ‘education’ institution indoctrinators and the MSM and Hollywood - three of the main arms of the Revolution, read ‘Resistance,’ as it is called publicly by the NWO forces.  With Antifa a dead giveaway as to whom is behind a lot of the society-‘deconstructing’ going on, for being patterned precisely, down to its flag and logo, after the paramilitary arm of the Communist Party in early-’30s Germany.  And which is precisely why the far Left is equating Trump with Hitler.  Creature of their own unleashing as he is, to them.  

And all of which is why I feel the spirit of Charles ‘The Hammer’ Martel rising in me, too.  

And not just against the invading Muslims this time.  But in reaction to - or more clearly, in response to - the whole kit’n caboodle of the NWO forces.  Who were behind the likes of the atrocity - on our very homeland - of 9/11.  And of the various false flag ops ever since; those ones designed (the 9/11 one for the creation of a ‘Greater Israel’ in the Middle East, via the demonizing of their enemies in the area) to strip as many guns out of the hands of the U.S. citizenry as they can.  Before they unleash the hounds of hell on the country.

But hey.  A cat would be nice to have.  For its quiet purring to wake up to.

At least, if you are into that sort of thing.

Rather than the rumbling of a tiger in one’s belly.

Wednesday, 27 September 2017

On The Game

'But Nancy, that's not constitutional.  Is it?'

'Are you serious?  Are you serious?'

'...How do you mean.'

'I realize that you're new in this town.  But nobody around here goes by the Constitution any more.'

'But..what about the Supreme Court? And all that...sort of thing?'

'What about it?  Come on.  Wakey wakey.  The Republican judges have it say what they want it to say, and our judges have it say what we want it to say.  Look: It's a game.  That's all.'

'..The Games That People Play...'

'Now you've got it.  And the better you are at playing it, the more power you get.'

'The name of the game.'

'That's it.  Power.  That's what it's all about.   That's what it's all ever been all about.  It's the same with us women getting the vote.  We had to start playing The Game by 'their' rules.''

'I see.  And so - and speaking of 'the vote': when the other side talks about 'Voter Integrity...'

'We talk about 'Voter Suppression'.   And so forth.  Right.  Now you're getting it.

'Welcome to The Club.'

The Club over the head.  Beating humanity into submission.  To...

...well.  You know.  By now.

And what you may know - or not - is that

that Day is over.

It's time for

the Real Thing.

Straighten Up And Fly Right...

…Or You Will Be Left Behind
         As No Kin Of Mine

Now that The Play is just about over, and it’s time for the Real Thing - instead of the Reel Thing, as it were (and is) - it’s time for you to ‘take stock’ of where you are at in the grand scheme of things, which side of this Fall harvesting you are on.  If you are on the side of the Dark forces on the planet - having chosen the ‘harder’ of the roles to play in the summing-up stages of The Play - you need to start extricating yourself - your Self - from your role, and ‘cotton on’ to your true identity, as a child of God, engaged in a classroom exercise.  If you seriously identify with your role, and are consciously in alignment with the Dark side, that is, of course, a different matter.  And you might as well prepare for your punishment.  The least aspect of which sentence is your banishment.

Because The Play - the playing around - is over.  And this ‘stage’ is going


With you.  Or without you.

Your choice.

As always.

Question, you there, walking on the Dark side for now; having been given enough rope to hang yourself by: Why would I be inspired to write this sort of ‘message’ if there weren’t something to it??

Something at the least to ponder.  Wouldn’t you say???

Director’s Cut:

Coming up.

In the Summing Up.

On Statements

1) from ‘EXCLUSIVE: Read Roger Stone’s Opening Statement To Congressional Russia Investigators’ - Lucian Wintrich  - September 26 (posted at American Retirement Club)
(His statement to the House Intelligence Committee, meeting unfortunately only in private session.  Total refutation of any Russia ‘collision delusion’ during the 2016 elections.  Calls out some of the Committee members for libelous statements they have made about him.  Good job, Roger.)

kibitzer3 a few seconds ago (September 27)

Excellent opening statement by Roger Stone.

The record MUST be cleaned up on all of his points. The Dems, and their presstitutes in the MSM, are hoping that such facts never get out there, that the smears and innuendos that have been slimed across the trail will continue to linger in the public's mind. Such is the tactic of propagandists. What corruption the Left is demonstrating in this matter, of the attempt to throw a distraction over the outrageous information that came out from the insider leaks of the DNC emails. (May Seth Rich be avenged.)  Keep your eye on the ball, John Q. Public. Don't be fooled by these charlatans. Their attempts to bring down this country, and merge it into just being a part of a region of their totalitarian New World Order, must not be allowed to stand. Let's get ALL the facts out there. And let the chips fall where they may.

And on another kid of statement:

2) from ’Super Bowl Champs Booed for Kneeling During National Anthem’ - Dave Hodges - September 26
(“Only 7 months following their Super Bowl win, the fans of the New England Patriots are now booing their players for kneeling during the National Anthem. What is up with that? Here is the story….”
This article follows on from a number of other posts he has made on this NFL situation, where he has talked about the ‘constitutional right’ of the players to do that sort of thing, but “Americans have the right to boycott”…)

Stan September 27, 2017 at 1:03 am
(Your comment is awaiting moderation.) 

Dave, this really isn’t a constitutional issue. That is to let the team owners off the hook. The players are employees, under contract. They need to abide by the rules of their employment. If their employers let them take the knee during the National Anthem, that is on the employers. So yes – hit the employers where it hurts them: in their pocketbook. But don’t confuse the issue.

The real shame in all this NFL kneeling ‘business’ is the basis for the demonstration.  It seems to have been triggered by the BLM’s demos that began in Ferguson.  But that was parlayed by communists and other far left ‘players’ - and the NWO moneybags behind them, like Soros - into a political ongoing process based on untruth.  Particularly the untruth, which the MSM has allowed to continue, that the black criminal in that case was walking towards the cop car with his hands up saying, "Don’t shoot".  When in reality (as came out in the hearing), his hands were in the cop’s car, trying to wrestle the cop’s gun from him.  So we have a long-standing issue, about white cops and black hoodlums, being bent all out of shape.  With, as I say, the complicity of the corrupt MSM. 

Where white cops have done wrong, let them be called on it.*  But let’s stop all this orchestrated crap.  It has gone far enough.  Any further, and civil war could ensue.  

And then the Dark forces win the day.  

No.  Way.

* And let there be a stop to our local police forces being trained by members of the Israeli Defense Force in techniques appropriate only - if even then - to an occupying force attempting to cow the locals into submission.  Whoever was behind that bit of legerdemain (did it start under Obama or George W.??) needs to be outed, for its blatant attempt to create Crisis in this country, for the Opportunity of takeover that it enhances.

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

The Final Test

It’s Finals Week.  

I missed my last Finals Week in my undergraduate years, many years ago.  I see now that that was, and is, because it was to come now.

And with a lot of other Us.

I see something now, that I didn’t quite ’get’ before.  To wit:

If Americans let the illegal presidency of Obama and his administration stand, then they will have failed their Finals; will have proven a) that another criminal in the Oval Office, George W. Bush, was ‘right’ when he said that - to him - the Constitution was “just a damn piece of paper;” and b) that many of you will have failed the final Test: which is whether or not you can live by and under the rule of law.  For, as we approach the outer reaches of the kingdom of Heaven - the long slog through a degree of Separation from our Base over - we will see who cannot, as proven by their actions, on the last question on The Test, live by Law: in this case, by the Law of Heaven.

Which has such features as Power With Others, not Power Over; and as orientation more towards Service to Others - sharing our common space along The Path - than Service to Self.  Having attained all the recognition that one needs, as ‘a child of God,’ your Creator Source; and so, having attained that degree of self-realization, and starting to concentrate more on giving a hand up to your fellow brothers and sisters along The Way, come to the further recognition, and understanding, that As you do to others, so do you do to yourself - literally.  For, We Are All One.  And All IS One. 

And once you have attained that state of self-awareness, you are ready for your Next Steps.

Not before.

So; I urge you to Step


Not back.  For more seasoning.  In the lower grades of The School that we are all in.

The School for aspiring gods.

As unto our basic Nature.


P.S. A friend sent me today an article on the huge amount ($35M; a record) that the LDS Church just paid for an original copy of their founding document, The Book of Mormon.  My response:

"I wonder if the Mormons' (obviously considerable) interest in their founding documents will extend to their Founder's so-called 'White Horse Prophecy' wherein Joseph Smith prophesied that 'the Constitution would be hanging by a thread' when the Mormons came to its rescue.  They recently did just the opposite, when a lot of them - including one of their (Utah) U.S. Senators, and Glenn Beck - backed Ted Cruz for the Republican Party nomination.  And with not a peep out of the Church (as they think of themselves; like the Roman Catholics do theirs) during both the candidacy and the 8 long years of illegal occupancy of the Oval Office of the Usurper, Obama."

P.P.S.  As for my emphasizing of living by 'the law,' I trust that you, Dear Reader, understand that I am talking about legitimate law (and specifically, spiritual law).  I am certainly not talking about blindly following 'the law'.  There can be bad law in good societies, and  particularly arrogant, high-handed law in atrocious societies.  Like that of our erstwhile masters, who are attempting to fasten a totalitarian state on the whole of humanity, and are busily involved in the trappings of a surveillance state in this country in the approach to that dystopian state of affairs.
     One looks back on the Soviet Union, with such police-state measures as requiring paper manufacturers to put a watermark on all of their product, so that the authorities can trace any (what were called) samizdat publications, as a quaint exercise in people control.  Hardly up to the totality of Orwell's suggestions.  And clearly, very short of the mark of what is already going on in this country today.
     And speaking of: Have you checked your own TV, or cell phone, or Smart Meter, or community's street lamp fixtures, and such, lately???  And car license plate recognition cameras on our highways.  And drones overhead.  And billions - that's billions - of rounds of not just rubber bullets but hollow point ammo (the kind that is designed to kill, and horribly) having been distributed to various federal agencies.  And nano chips embedded in our vaccines (that TPTB are now forcing us to take as mandatory 'treatment').  And.  And... 
     Just saying.
     And suggesting.  That it's time  And almost past.  To put a stop to all this demeaning nonsense.
     Hardly the sort of thing that aspiring gods should be up to.
     Unless you are an aspirant of a different sort of god.  Than the Creator of this universe.
     Say, a Dark side being?  The epitome of rebellion??  Into such things as blood sacrifices, and child sex trafficking, and snuff filming.  And.  And.  And.........and
     I say.
    What say you. Citizen?????????
     What will it take to get you so mad that you won't take it anymore???????????????

Monday, 25 September 2017

Atlas Needs To Shrug...

...On our way to
A World That Works For Everyone

The Name of The Game

Taking personal responsibility is the name of the game.  That is why the American experiment in governance was, and is, so important to the world's peoples: to help them understand that they are responsible for their own personal development, and to give them an example to go by.  That's why the collapse - the orchestrated collapse; with a little help from 'internal contradictions,' in the way of corruption of the ideal - of the American exercise is such a terrible shame: We were to be an 'examplar to the nations,' of how to 'do it': to lift oneself up by one's own bootstraps.  Not to have - rely on; be dependent on - 'the state' - a class of masters; or any individual - to do it for us.

And, inevitably, to us.

Get 'frequency specific' to the Earth's evolution; our carrying wave  Or be left behind.

That is all.

Except just to summarize:

We are all in the same 'bird,' the same unified field.  Get with the real narrative.  Or lose out, in this cosmic go-round.  And have to take The Class all over again.

(With a nod to a recent blog by James Gilliland.  Most of which I resonate with.)

Of Country And World

A couple of subjects have just occurred in my life that I feel have some synchronicity to them.

The first: A new documentary is out on TV about 'Vietnam', I am told by a friend, who mistook something I said to this person some time ago.  My friend, an ex-Findhorn Foundation member, who has enjoyed its beginning episode, sent me a commentary on it by a reporter on a paper up in Maine.  My response:

Good, reasonable commentary by Roskin.

No, I wasn't in [the Vietnam War].  You must be thinking of something I may have said about going to a Peace Camp out in the desert sort of between Iraq and Kuwait in the lead-up to the first Gulf War, whilst living at the FF.  That was in around '90-'91.  

Vietnam was a tricky bit of geopolitical business.  On the one hand, the U.S., as part of SEATO (the SouthEast AsiaTreaty Organization, of the UN), was obligated to come to the defense of South Vietnam against both the subversion of the Viet Cong and their support by Communist North Vietnam.  But LBJ turned it into a MIC (Military-Industrial Complex) event, with his false Gulf of Tonkin excuse to send in more troops there, than just the 'advisers' that JFK was looking to withdraw, under the advice of such real experts as Gen. Douglas MacArthur ("Don't get bogged down in a land war in Asia"), and which was in part what got him assassinated.  So the anti-war protesters had it partly right: It was a tar baby, a No-Win War, designed to make the money people big bucks (as ever, from wars, that they help foment).  But that movement was also the handiwork of Communists; with their 'war cry' chant of 'Ho Ho Ho Chi Minh' a bloody insult to our troops who were out there dying for a lost cause.  Unfortunately, the cynicism of the 'deal' got to many of our troops, and 'we' did, indeed, slaughter the villagers in a particular loss of patience - our troops were being killed by the Viet Cong 'hiding' amongst villagers - that led to the beginning of the end, when the word got out back home about 'our boys killing babies'.  The MSM even then doing its hatchet job for the NWO crowd, and not telling the whole story.  Anyway, yes, it became a nightmare, for this nation, and the South Vietnamese themselves, and did, indeed, need to end.  

A perhaps interesting footnote, about a personal aspect to it, and in a way, a further comment to your query, about anything I might have had to do with it.  First of all, a clarification: In the aftermath of the Korean War - back in '51-'53 - when I dropped out of university (to go find some answers to 'What this Life business is all about') - I became subject to the Draft, and chose to become a c.o. (conscientious objector), such was my antagonism towards all this warring business that Humanity had gotten itself involved in.  (Due mainly to 'money' - to say, interest-bearing money.  Money as an end in itself, rather than a means.  Another story.)  It was in that capacity that I was drafted into the Army, and ended up over in Korea, as a medic (actually, I got into Special Services over there, in the Entertainment Section; another story), for a 2-year Tour of Duty (this was '57-'58).  And when I came back, at the finish of my 2-year stint in the Army, I decided that I had to help create the sort of world that I wanted to live in, which would not involve all this low-consciousness stuff going on, that we had been wallowing in for long enough - and are to this day.  It was to that end that I ended up in the FF.  But before then, the Vietnam War broke out.  And as it dragged on, and the antiwar sentiment was growing in this country, I found myself torn.  On the one hand, I was, in the fiber of my being, a c.o..  But on the other hand, I felt sorry for those poor guys over there - they were just doing what their country asked of them; and it was under the auspices of the UN - a hope for mankind, at that time.  Seemingly.  So, a long way of saying that I might well have seen [a member of the FF who was in Vietnam during the war] over there in Saigon, if my volunteering to go over there as a medic had been accepted. (This was in the '70-'72 time period.) In the event, the authorities thanked me for my offer, but turned it down, and invited me to consider joining some international volunteer organization of some kind at the time, I forget the name.  But I have felt sorry for those poor sods to this day.  They just didn't know what they were up against.  Which included such crap as our country selling the Soviet Union war material that they just then turned around and sent down to North Vietnam.  A world corrupt to its core.

And needing replacement,  And, now, fast.  Before the warmongers - and moneychangers - have at it, yet once again.

And for the Fire this time.


The other subject: Having been born into the Mormon Church, and though no longer a member of such, I have family in it, and have been invited to have Thanksgiving in Utah with an extended portion of them, as also celebrating the return of one of the sons of one of my nieces from his Mission in Japan for the last two years.  I have already had 'words' with this branch of my family - in a civil way - regarding my unhappiness with the Mormon Church's failure to live up to one of its Founder's prophecies (titled 'The White Horse Prophecy') when he said that 'a time would come when the Constitution would be hanging by a thread, and the Church would come to its assistance'; and turned down a Family Reunion in Utah in 2016 when many Mormons backed Ted Cruz in the Republican Party's nomination process, failing to note that he also is not eligible for the office of the presidency; that following on from the Usurper's occupancy of the office with another ineligible candidate was just cementing the crime that has been committed on this nation and its rule of law - its Constitution - and I refused to set foot in Utah in protest at its failure to live up to its responsibility in such a matter.  The return of my niece's son from his Mission - and the recent death of another uncle of my niece (on the other side of the family) - has brought that subject up again.  My response:

Hi (niece)

Thanks for this.  Glad to hear that [her son] has enjoyed his mission.  And I understand your concern for your ancient uncle.  Indeed, our time in the Game of Life may be called at any moment; and the older we get, the more that is a possibility.  But I still haven't finished the work that I am to do here yet.  Whatever all that is.  So I appreciate your sentiment, lovely niece that you are.  But I'll pass on the invite.

Basic reason: I would not feel comfortable in 'Mormon country'.  I am still terribly disappointed that the Church leadership didn't 'rise to the occasion' of the Constitution "hanging by a thread," when both major political parties colluded in the crime of allowing an ineligible candidate to run for, much less occupy, the presidential office, and thereby deepened this country's estrangement from its rule of law.  If we don't have law, we have anarchy.  And that is what is going on in this country today.  Which has deepened, after 8 years of the Usurper's unconstitutional activities, until it may be well nigh impossible for Trump to bring the country back to its rule of law.  The Marxists were given a huge head of steam, with that betrayal of the nation's founding, as a federal constitutional republic; and they are thereby determined to keep pushing their advantage, and keep pushing, until they drive this country into civil war.  And then the Constitution will REALLY be "hanging by a thread" - so clearly that even the Mormon Church's leadership, and its priesthood itself/themselves, can see it starkly.  And by then, it may well be too late, to pull the nation back from the brink.  When an ounce of prevention might have headed off a pound of attempted cure.  

So no, I won't be taking you up on your kind offer.  But thanks anyway.  And I hope you folks have a great time, especially with [her son's] return involved in your Thanksgiving celebration this year.  

Yes, family is important.  But there are things that are more important even than that special institution.     

Best wishes, from your curmudgeonly old

Uncle Duane    ðŸ˜Š


Perhaps I am particularly sensitive at this particular time about such a subject, what with being in the middle of reading an excellent book on the founding of this country - Prof. Kevin R.C. Gutzman's 'James Madison And The Making Of America'.  What a process, of political deliberation, they went through, to get this country up and running.  It is worth a major motion picture.

Alas, Hollywood, what with being in the hands of the New World Order crowd and all, wouldn't touch it, with a ten-foot pole.  But some independent filmmaker is missing a good bet, to come up with such a film; especially given the reaction to the revolution going on that occasioned the election of Donald Trump.  

One can only hope in miracles.  And for more reasons than one, these fraught days.

Of losing sight of such as Laws.

And especially, of the Law of Karma.

Saturday, 23 September 2017

Reigning Cats And Dogs

I like cats.  They are so - cool.  They want what they want, when they want it, and no beating around the bush.  But they can seem, sometimes, well, arrogant.  Cocky.

Take this one cat in my apartment complex  (Please.)  The minute you open your front door, - wham - it makes a beeline for that inner sanctum.  Where one can curl up, and have a good nap, in the warmth.  ‘What’s with this business of these humans always wanting to put you outside?  Against your will??  I want what I want, when I want it.  What’s the problem???’

And when you block it, here comes The Act.  ‘Purr like mad.  That’ll usually get’em.  They like that.  They think you like them, by it.  So: purr.  And rub against their leg.  They seem to like that, too.  And roll on you back, and stretch, and then rub against their leg again.  That should work.  If not - hell, just move on.  Somebody else may open their door, to give you another crack at What You Want, When You Want It.      

‘And as for dogs.  What an uncouth bunch they are.  Walking around - and on a leash, no less!1 - with their tails up in the air, airing their wares.  So uncouth.  Sniff.  Now, take us cats.  We know how to take care of our business in an appropriate manner.  With some couth about it.  Not this going all over the place.  And making their masters pick up after them.  We don’t need our servants to do that for us.  And then, there’s their chasing after you.  Gotta watch them.  They are so stupid.  You can’t give’em an inch.  Gotta keep an eye on them at all times.  Some of them are okay.  But so many of them - ugh.’

Jews are a lot like cats.  (And, er, like Katz.)  They have this superior air about them.  Arrogant, even.  A lot of them.  Not all.  But enough, to indicate that they are - or at least, think of themselves as - The Chosen People.  And don’t you forget it.  

‘And we will make sure that you don’t forget it.  When we gain the upper hand.  And put you goyim in your place.  Which is at our feet.  Doing our bidding, for a change.  For the change; into our New World Order.  Our global gulag.  Our totalitarian control over you.

‘Look down on us, down your patrician noses in the air, will you.  You insufferable WASPs.  Treat us like second class citizens, keeping even us out of your high-and-mighty, hoity-toity country clubs.2  We’ll use the (stupid) blacks as a battering ram to take our places at the table, too.  And even head the table.  At our rightful place.  For we are The Chosen People.  Sniff.’

But don’t get me wrong.  I like ‘cats’.  They have done their job, to help break down barriers between peoples.  

They just need to know their place - their rightful place.  Their rightful rightful place - too.  Is all.  

As servants of

The Most High.


1 Have you seen that video on YouTube where the owner comes to his cat - enjoying its snooze.  Minding its own damn business - with a leash, to take it outside for a walk.  A  leash!  Can you imagine?  Like a stupid dog??!!  - and the cat immediately goes limp.  And the guy stands it up on its legs.  And it collapses.  And he tries again.  And the cat collapses again.  This goes on for a bit, until the owner gives up, and walks away.  At which point the cat looks up and around, at his retreating figure.  And then makes a dash for relative freedom.  (You can always hide under a sofa.  When you’re a cat.)  Priceless.

2 Although another way to look at such a situation wold be, as Groucho Marx said: 'I wouldn't want to be a member of a club that it would have me as a member.'

As far the true New World a’comin’ in.

Take America.  We will have an in-depth investigation, and get to the bottom, of:

The Charlottesville caper.  The 9/11 false flag op. The Sandy Hook cover-storied FEMA Exercise.  The Boston Marathon Bombing announced-at-the-site Drill.  The Orlando gay nightclub ‘thing’.  And any other event that smacks of suspicious goings-on.  

Because the Truth will out. 

That’s all.

For now.

Except just to say, for clarity’s sake:

In the (proper, Synthesis-stage) New World, it is not a crime to be offended.  Heaven knows that I am offended by many things multiple times a day.  But that’s life.

But it’s getting better.

As we speak.

About such things as cats and dogs.

And what they have dividing them. 

And what they have in common:

A place to work out their differences, and similarities - and learn all sorts of other things - in a sort of classroom.

For aspiring gods.  For,

We Are All Chosen.  

By virtue merely of Being.

As facets, fractals, aspects, points of view, of

The All That Is.

And that makes all 

the difference.


And when this Preliminary
Stuff is all over, and we are
Well on our way
Into the Light of
Our New Day, and its
New heights:
               Let someone say
Of me: 'Thanks
For being One of us.'
And I'll be happy.

That's all it will take.
For goodness sake.

Thursday, 21 September 2017

Speaking Of Mail...

...Amnesty International has just sent out a mailing in which they rip Donald Trump'to shreds, for denying people their 'human rights' in various ways.  I couldn't believe it.  They (or at leasts her; the letter being from, and signed by, Margaret Huang, Exec. Director) must have thought it would entice big donations from Democrats.  It may.  In any event, my response:

'Dear AI:

'You do basic good work.  But:

'There is no 'right' to come to this country.  Rather, this country has every ''right' - & responsibility - to secure its borders.

'We are being invaded by people who mean to do us harm.

'Your priorities have been skewed.  Get back to basics.

'And please take me off your mailing list; at least until you do.

'In the meantime, I won't hold my breath.'



I am really having enough of all this crap going on these days.

I accept that it is part of the Mill grinding exceedingly fine.  But oh, how I long for the cleansed world to come.

One can endure the Darkness for only so long.

And I didn't incarnate at this time in order to waste my time.

Nor did a lot of other souls, here, to help in the Transition.

One of my affirmations is: 'In all things, let not my will but Thine be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven'.  (And also: 'I desire earnestly only to do what Thou wouldst have me do; that my will and Thine might become fused into One'.)  But oh, how I would love to have this Process over, and done with.

So that I can return


With the

Mission Accomplished.

And Humanity can get on with its

Ascension Process.  In alignment with the Will of

its Creator Source


The All That Is.

Leaving its Dark stage behind.

Like a booster rocket, that propelled it to its Takeoff point

Home, again.

The Point of the whole Process.

And in the meantime, we live with a sense of Separation.

But it's not a true condition.

The true Separation comes when

we leave the Dark stage behind.

The stage, of our schooling.

Coming now, to



The Nation's Unfinished Business

from ‘The Antithesis of Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum’ - Kelleigh Nelson - September 20
(“Back in early 2016, Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum was torn apart by Cruz supporters. After Phyllis Schlafly’s endorsement of Donald J. Trump, a rift started in her organization and family. The coup, which emerged, was over Phyllis’s endorsement of Donald Trump, and her battle against a Constitutional Convention……….”)

email to Kelleigh Nelson:

Dear Kelleigh:

First of all: Thanks for this.  Very helpful info.  I have wondered what the ’Dominionist’ thing was all about; and also, what precisely was behind the split in Phyllis Schlafly’s organization.  I knew that it had to do with some of her ‘people’ wanting to back Cruz, and unhappy with her coming out in endorsement of Trump’s candidacy; but I didn’t know the whole extent of the matter.

As for Cruz.  This is a terribly important matter, that we conservatives must never lose sight of.  I don’t know how much you know about the definition of the term, a ‘natural born’ citizen, but I wanted to give you the benefit of my research on it.  That you knew all that I know about it.  If you already know a lot about it, please bear with me, for me to make sure that you have all of the info that I have.

A ‘natural born’ citizen, rather than just a ‘born’ citizen or a naturalized citizen, is a person “born in the country, of parents who are citizens”.  (That’s what makes it ‘natural', for heaven’s sake.)  The definition is from the definitive tome of the day on such nation-building matters, Emer de Vattel’s ‘The Law of Nations’ (Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212.  It’s on the Internet.)  This eligibility requirement for the office of the president - and that federal office ONLY; indicating the specific importance and nature of that office, among all the others  - was put in the constitutional contract particularly so that the occupant of that office, who would as well, then, become the Commander in Chief of the nation’s military forces, had NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES.  Had SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the U.S.  

Supporting factors.  1) Benjamin Franklin, the constitutional Framers’ elder and well-respected mentor, and who was sitting right there amongst them as a delegate himself to those proceedings, is known to have had 3 copies of the de Vattel tome in his possession (one given to the Continental Congress, for their edification on such matters), and thought highly of it (historical letter to that effect).   If any of the delegates were not precisely sure of the definition of the term, all they would have had to do was ask him.  2) John Jay, a leading statesman of the day (and who, not so incidentally, ended up being the first Chief Justice of the new U.S. Supreme Court), sent a letter to G. Washington, in his role as Chair of the Convention proceedings, highly suggesting that this particular eligibility requirement be put in their contract for that particular office.  (Historical letter to that effect.)   And 3) Alexander Hamilton, in his role as a delegate to those self-same proceedings, made a proposal that, as regards this particular aspect of the eligibility requirements for that office, the president need only be, quote, “born a Citizen” - and his proposal was SPECIFICALLY TURNED DOWN, in favor of the more stringent category of citizen, of needing to be born both jus soli (of the soil) and jus sanguine (of the blood). 

Cruz and his supporters have tried to point to the Naturalization Act of 1790 as support of his claim to qualify under that requirement.  But they fail to note that a) that Act was repealed in 1795 ON THAT VERY BASIS - that it was misleading in its use of the term (with that repeal being signed off on by no less constitutional authorities than James Madison, then a Congressman, and G. Washington, as President); and b) no Act or Declaration or other such device, other than a constitutional amendment, would be sufficient to change the meaning of the eligibility requirement itself.  

People can play a shell game all they want with the definition of the TERM.  But they need an amendment to change the REQUIREMENT.  And indeed, both major political parties of our day even KNEW of this necessity, with the evidence being that, between them, they tried a total of 8 times between 2003 and ’08 alone to get [such] an amendment going through Congress - proposals all of which had this particular matter as their common denominator - and they failed each time even to get their proposals out of committee, such was the sensitivity around this issue.  So: THEY HAVE KNOWN.

And the last attempt at obfuscation that I have read is that ’they were going by British Common Law’ when they wrote this eligibility requirement into their contract.  But which speaks of 'natural born SUBJECTS’.  Which those men certainly were not, any longer.  Having fought a long battle of Independence to be able to call themselves no longer ’subjects’ but CITIZENS.  Sovereigns in their own right.  And damn proud of it.  [They were, then, going by what is called American Common Law, or Natural Law.] 

And so, not only is Ted Cruz (and Marco Rubio.  And Rick Santorum.  And Bobby Jindal) not eligible for that office.  But the Usurper, who took to calling himself Barack Hussein Obama later in his life, needs to be arrested, and held for trial (on a whole host of charges by now, including fraud, perjury, and treason).  And, when he is found guilty of the basic charge, of ineligibility for that office: All of the legislation that he signed into law, and all of the E.O.’s and P.D.’s that he issued, and all of the appointments that he made - including to the SCOTUS, and interior courts (and the decisions that they figured critically in) - go with him.  Into the trash bin.  For it to be as though he were never there.  For, he was never there legally.

That is how crucial this matter is.  

To the rule of law in this country. 

And its continuance, as a federal constitutional Republic. 

Please use this info as you feel so inclined.  But please: Use it.

This nation is hanging by a thread.  It can go one way or another.  Help make sure that it goes the correct way.


’Stan’ Stanfield       

P.S. A good source of additional info: puzo1dotblogspotdotcom.  


The likes of Antifa - communists, and other members of the NWO crowd - want to erase aspects of the history of this nation?

Watch this space.

And as for 'erasing' things...

The Congress needs to be dissolved, for having failed in its duty to oust an ineligible occupant of the Oval Office.  (Not 'impeachment'.  That is for legally sitting presidents.)  

Both of our current major political parties need to be similarly dissolved, for having engaged in the corrupt practice of colluding in this criminal enterprise; with, first, their officials brought to trail, on RICO charges, the institutions fined, and said officials imprisoned.

In a proper court of law, and under proper, that is to say, (American) Common Law.  No more Admiralty Law.  We are not 'lost at sea'.  We are found.      

And this nation begins to get back to its rightful state.

In preparation for its - and the world's - Next Steps.

Into full integrity.

A New World Order, alright.

Just not the one that TPTB have been aiming for.

In fact, the reverse image thereof.

While there's is built on Force.

The Real Deal is built on Love.

Big difference.

Reflecting the difference between their sources.