Saturday 3 March 2018

On The Fine Details

Before TPTB succeed in erasing all pieces of evidence regarding the school shooting in Parkland, FL from 'the picture' - a la the Soviets airbrushing people out of pictures who had fallen out of favor of the state:

from ‘Jack Mullen: Even in the Wake of Massive, Illegal, Censorship, the Parkland School Shooting Narrative is Still Falling Apart’ - Jack Mullen - February 28
(Mullen failed to report on one key piece of evidence in the whole scenario (although citing many other pieces of the story).  Which I added.  For the record.  Albeit a few days later to the posting of the article itself.)


Of course the deputies wouldn't go in - since no one was shot their presence wasn't needed. Actually the student actors were totally amateurish and without the complicit talking heads on TV the kids wouldn't have accomplished anything.

  • Stan March 3, 2018 at 2:06 AM

  • Another take on the lack of response by the deputies: The script was for a man in full body armor including helmet and face mask - as described by one teacher, who saw him in the hallway before shooing kids into her classroom - to shoot the kids, and then be able to get out of there before they came in. Which 'take' on the matter fits with the fact, as we saw on video, that some cops or SWAT team guys loaded a body bag with something heavy in it into the back of a pickup truck and took it way (thus illegally disturbing a crime scene). The shooter's paraphernalia? The gun??
  • That bit of murky business would appear to be the key to the whole thing. Kids actually killed or not - the scenario given away. The proof it was an inside/false flag job.

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