Monday 26 March 2018

The Beleaguered Heart

Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2018 2:20 PM
To: Stan Stanfield
Subject: FYI: Something Has SHIFTED In 2018 Now DARKNESS Is Spilling Into The World Like NEVER BEFORE! - YouTube


(My response:)

Hard to believe that a cleansing of sorts isn't taking place.  Things coming to a head.  The end of The Lesson: 'NOW do you get what happens when you live as though there were no Creator, no Reason for it all, rather than as though there were one??'  A Big Breakthrough, heading for a New - 

oops.  Sorry.  But, well; you know...[*]

...but who's going to tell all the Christians that the Second Coming that they are looking forward to with such eagerness and touching sincerity already happened, in the form of Titus, come to chastise the Jews for a) not obeying the Roman authorities, and b) not looking on Caesar as their God???  Ol' Jewish general-cum-governor-cum historian Josephus making out like a bandit, from his fable about a messianic figure back at the beginning of the generation whose public ministry neatly 'foretold' Titus's military campaign in rebellious Judea, that ended with the siege and sacking of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple there, and which service to Caesar - in attempting thus to placate the Jews and their particularly rebellious nature primarily because of their belief in a Messiah - bought him a place in the imperial household, as an adopted son (hence his name down history, as Josephus Flavius, of the Flavian dynasty of Roman emperors).  But which also bought the Jews a future, in the form of some of his fellow priestly-lineage mates, brought along as part of the deal; who, as Jews are wont to do, got along very well with the opportunistic move out of Judea, in becoming bishops of the new religion, and even more, as popes (with the whole shebang controlled from Rome; and bishops made to abide by celibacy, in order to keep dynasties from happening outwith the control of the cuckoos in the nest); and ultimately as well major landowners, and the whole deal finessing them even into becoming the royal households of Europe.  Whereby they ruled the goyim by 'the divine right of kings'. As long as they could manage that caper.  And thus all, looking down on us cattle to this day.    

A bit of a shame, I suppose, in a sense, in ending that conceit now as well, for how successful it has been for them.  (And their Khazarian convert mates.)  But all good things, and all that.  As we head for - 

oops.  Sorry.  But, well; you know............



[*] This friend doesn't care for the idea of a New Age, cynically - because of a lot of Untruth floating around in our time - thinks it is a scam.  (And who can blame him.)


Speaking of the Catholic Church: I see that they are still ferreting out pedophiles amongst the priests.  Who have been known to engage in satanic rituals.  Including in the bowels of the very Vatican.

And as for Christian pastors in general: I understand that a lot of Marxists joined their ranks deliberately, for this sort of moment in time: In order to attempt to get their flocks to abide by 'scripture' advising them to obey authority.  Expecting the likes of Hillary to come into power, and inaugurate the New World Order.  And thus why there is so much outraged reaction to Trump having come out of nowhere and being engaged in raining on their parade into 'the New'.  Much like Ronald Reagan did nearly a generation ago, now.  Leaving them fit to be tied... 

Such is the Life In Our Times.  In preparation for...something.
We'll see.
In the meantime, a caveat: Yes, there are a lot of disgusting priests.  And many among in particular the Jesuits; who were always more 
militant than religious.  But there are a lot of good men, and women, in religious Orders, who are doing good work.
And it is those individuals whom I feel most sorry for.  In having devoted their lives to a charade.
But soon enough: 
The Breakthrough.
And All will be Revealed.
At last.

P.S. And a particular shout out to Fr. George Winzenburg, S.J. of Red Cloud Indian School in South Dakota in the category of good workers 
in the vineyards of our Creator.

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