Thursday 29 March 2018

Is History Repeating Itself? Or...

...Is There Something Else Going On, This Time??

from ‘Like 1941 Japan, Is China Being Provoked to Start WW III?’ - Dave Hodges - March  27
(A good summary of the similarities between what is happening now and what happened in the run-up to WWII.)

Stan S. March 29, 2018 at 12:10 am
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We’re at a higher turn of the spiral, now. Halfway measures won’t work any more. We need to start playing the Game of Life as though there were a God, and not as though there were not, as we are doing, largely, at present. And that means the end of the monetary/financial system as it is – as it is based on the concept of lack, or ‘economy’ – and the beginning of a system of exchange based on the concept of abundance. Which we are ready for, now, even at our current level of technology; with hidden technology just waiting in the wings. Having been sidelined because of the power of the status quo elite, who don’t want to give up their present positions of power and control. And thus, needing to be explained to, that those days are over. And that it is time for a New World Order, alright. Just not the one envisioned by our erstwhile masters.

There is more. But ‘you’ get the idea.

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