1) from teaparty.org: 'Ron Paul: Deliver Bus Loads Of Illegals To Hollywood Elites' - teaparty.org - July 13 (orig. posted @ infowars.com/Alex Jones - July 12)
Stan Stanfield · Top Commenter · Stanford University (July 14)
First things first. Either there is a God or there is not. If there is not, then nothing really matters anyway, and one might as well live exclusively for oneself, independent of the effect of that pursuit on others, as not; for the end of the closed system of life can, then, as easily be seen as that as anything else, say, a presumed evolutionary advantage in some degree of cooperation [with others], in the context of nothing more than the law of the jungle, i.e. the survival of the fittest. If there is, however, then [a) we should we acting as if it were true, and not as if it were not, as we are doing, for the most part, at present; and b)] certain things follow.
It follows, for one thing, that there is Plan in and Purpose to life; that life is meaningful, beyond just in and for itself only, as the atheists would have it. And so it would behoove us to find out what that Plan and Purpose are. I submit that as to the Plan, there is enough evidence in in our time of the reality of reincarnation, to build our social order on that fundamental fact: that We Are One Another, just playing, and exchanging, parts, in a Drama of our making; obviously, then, to learn lessons from it all. Which goes to the Purpose of life: which is, then, obviously, to grow in wisdom and stature, from our interactions with each other, as our mirrors. I say all this to set the scene for a New World Order. Not the one of either the far Left (socialism) or the far Right (fascism) being attempted to be fastened on us by people - having over-identified with their present parts - who would be our Controller Masters. But one of a higher order than Man's.
How would I bring it in, in this context, of illegal aliens and such? Again; first things first:
1) We must set our national House in order. The Usurper in the White House must go - by resignation or removal - and with him will go a lot of the corruption that is going on in our time. (He - his illegal, and dictatorial, presence there - is setting the tone for corruption in general in the body politic.)
2) The sitting Congress must be dissolved, for not doing its duty, of oversight of the executive branch of government, now running amok.
3) Any nation [has a fundamental right to] its boundaries [else it is not a nation]. Thus, all illegal aliens in the U.S. must go back to their countries of origin [or the country that allowed them to transit to our borders]. How to effect this? Simple: No more freebies for illegals (or their children; including so-called 'anchor babies,' which is [based on] a false reading of the Constitution), and no more jobs (any employers taking them on being subject to prison time and/or stiff fines). With the top being put back on the honey jar, they will not be attracted here.
4) A Reset of the monetary system. The Power Elite of the planet have had their day, with their devious schemes. a) A Jubilee declared on the national debt (since it was obtained corruptly anyway). b) Dissolution of the FRS. c) Elimination of fiat currency, interest-bearing money, and fractional-reserve banking. Simultaneous installation of precious metals-backed currency, as an interim measure, before moving to: d) a moneyless system, of exchange of goods and services, based on Love [the very essence of the Creation], not the profit motive. e) Release of much gold, that is just waiting to be introduced, to eliminate Want, and power various Prosperity projects, that are just waiting in the wings to be activated.
There's more; but you get the idea. The idea, that
it's time to grow up, on Planet Earth, and take our next steps. And these will not be baby steps. They will take us into our highest potential, as 'spiritual beings having a human experience'. For
it's Liftoff time. And to see the back of both welfare states and warfare states.
2) P.S. I see that the New York Times is spearheading the call to attention to the plight of those fleeing unrest and poverty in their home countries in Central America, in particular from Honduras. This, then, would be the same New York Times that told (and sold) Americans that, first, Mao was just "an agrarian reformer," and then the same canard was said about Castro. Wake up, America. You're being had. By both socialists and fascists. (The latter of whom would just love that cheap labor, resulting from a North American Union, and the resultant driving-down of labor costs.)
Why not just drop the borders and let the world's economic refugees flood in. (And disease bearers. And terrorists. And…) I mean, what's the level of intelligence that leads you to think that that would work?
Plus: We are broke, as a nation. We can't afford this sort of nonsense. 'Oh, they can afford it.' Who's 'they'? The 1%?? But they don't pay much, comparatively, in taxes. They have loopholes. It's the poor middle-class Joe and Jill schmucks who are stiffed for the bill…
Come ON, folks. We can do better than this.
What is called for?
Precisely what I indicated above, in my comment to the Tea Party-carried article:
A real revolution; one that takes in the totality of who and what we are. Not just as actors on the stage of 3D life.
Been there. Done that. It's time now for something new.
Before we really blow our opportunity to see what all we can get up to when we think our parents are not looking.
Or are not even there.
3) to myheritage.org - Jim DeMint - July 14 [site of The Heritage Foundation]
"In your own words, tell us why Heritage is your voice in Washington":
Actually, Jim, I have left 'active duty' with you, because THF has refused to address the issue of Obama's ineligibility for that (particular) office - for not being a 'natural born citizen' (born on the soil of two U.S. citizen parents; de Vattel's logical definition, of someone who therefore does not have any DUAL/CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES - critical especially to the role of the Commander in Chief of the nation's military forces) - and thus has given cover to this heist of the Constitution. We are no longer operating by the rule of law in this country, until this issue is addressed. Shame on you for giving cover this way to the federal constitutional republic's enemies.
4) …and on a more positive note, to end on, and to counter some of the doom and gloom going on around us at this time, talk about WWIII and GMOs effecting a near-total collapse of the bee population occasioning the subsequent culling of millions if not billions of people that the PTB want to accomplish in their thirst for power and control in this 3D realm that they don't want to give up being in charge of as the Light 'threatens' them, and false flag ops featuring nukes, and such terrible, terrible potentials of a family of souls gone wayward for having lost sight of and contact with their true identity, causing heartache to those of us who wish to progress out of this level of experience, but have a ways to go yet, as we see out our contracts:
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