I am not a happy camper this evening. A mood that even a Royal Philharmonic Orchestra mealtime rendition of 20 Love Songs couldn't assuage.
I know what a lot of it is due to. I spent the better half of the afternoon reading in the book I have referred to recently, of '9/11 as Mass Ritual'. The extent to which some souls have gone in turning their backs on their Creator, and playing with fire, including literally…But that's not all that it's about.
It has to do as well with some of the (voluminous) mail that I have bothered to look into.1 And actually, starting yesterday, when I found myself irritated at two recent requesters who each sent me a dollar bill in their begging-bowl letters,2 and I finally decided to send each of them back the same response (with their dollar bill); to wit:
"Dear (blank),
"Don't ever send me any more money. I don't relate well to this fundraising gimmick. It's too 'hard-core' for my taste."
Another letter today that I got peeved with, but still sent back some financial support for, got off on the wrong foot with me first of all by misspelling a word in the covering letter. Meaning 'waver,' 'they' spelt it 'waiver' ("And as a 32-year combat veteran of the U.S. Air Force -- I simply never back down from a fight and will never waiver in my commitment to defend our Constitution…"); and then compounded their error with me by putting on their donation sheet something that I have seen before in these letters, but had finally had enough of: a space for ticking 'No (blank), I won't support you in your fight to take these disgusting liberals to task for' etc. etc. I drew some heavy lines through that 'option' and wrote in below it:
"Don't do this nonsense. It is an insult to our intelligence. Fundraiser 'experts': Please note.'"
And in fact, by then I had really had it, and wrote additionally:
"Can't professional fundraisers ever get anything right?
"Sign me
I didn't want to take my disgust out on the (senatorial) candidate himself, who may well not even have seen the letter that was being sent out over his name. So, as I said, he got a contribution from me.
But not double the last one.
And then, suitably warmed up, I let John Boehner and the National Republican Congressional Committee have it. On their mailing list for receipt of their 2014 Republican Proxy Ballot, to list my 'grassroots' priorities for the upcoming elections, I wrote in my single priority for them:
(tick) 'Remove & jail Obama as the Usurper that he is'
and after crossing out any contribution, I wrote:
"Until the Republican Party does its job of being the opposition party and opposes the Usurper in the Oval Office, you do not have my support."
And as a final touch, I wrote on the back of the return envelope (on which I placed my own postage; for the opportunity to discharge):
"It is NOT 'business as usual' in America. Wake up!"
That'll show 'em.
Maybe not.
But I felt better.
At least I had done something. About the hijacking of America going on. Under my partial watch.
Which is, really, what this irritation, and angst, is all about, I realize:
Not only my inability to do more about it. But my unhappiness with this generation of Americans - my fellow citizens - for not doing more to keep from happening this slow-motion, Fabian Socialism hijacking of America, and The Dream, going on, before our very eyes.
To say: knowing, that it is about more than even all of the above. It is about, as well - neatly symbolized in - the letter, from some time ago, that I got around to opening just this past weekend. From one of the conservative candidates for Congress that I have been sending financial support to, it turned out to be a Thank you note - and more:
"Though we came up short on Election Day…"
This would have been for the Republican Party primary. But -
Migod. A true-blue conservative candidate in Idaho, coming up short on Election Day?
In Idaho???…
What is the world coming to.
Climax. It would appear.
1 I have been in a bit of a funk for some time now anyway, as my mail has piled up. I am, simply, experiencing contribution fatigue. There are, simply, too many worthy causes out there, asking for money, for me to keep up with. And wanting more, and more, and more, out of me.
It must be in the professional fundraiser's workbook to automatically write back and ask for double the person's contribution - or triple, or quadruple. Don't let 'em off the hook. Get 'em while they're hot…
2 one asking me for double my last donation, and the other asking me for four times what I last contributed to them. Cheeky bastards.
Well, it was for four separate candidates. But still……
And P.S. Others have engaged in this same gimmick; and usually I have sent them something back with their dollar bill (or make-believe check). But I have simply had enough of all this crap.
Including the theme of some other letters that I opened, having to do with the raiding, by Congress, of the Social Security system's Trust funds that has been going on. For years.
It is really time to get ON with things. Not play the same old tunes. As though the nation were not burning.
And about to, even worse.
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