I have been reading a book about the occult-ritual aspects of the satanic ceremony that was 9/11. Not to go into all those details here.1 Suffice it to say that they will all come out in the Light of a - the - New Day.
And speaking of.
With such events, and the consciousness-raising involved in seeing them for what they are, and have been - the Aha! moments that we are experiencing, about the fiction that we have been forced to live within; for a long, long time, and long enough, now - it is time to take the world's humanity out from under the rule of the Dark forces that it has been under for so very long, and bring it into the Light, of a new day, dawning, as we speak. And "a new day" meaning as in a New Age. A New Aeon, or Era; as precursor to Ascension, to a higher level of frequency, vibration, for us humans to operate on now - a higher level of resonance, with our Higher Selves. For we are more, far more than merely humans. We are very gods in the making, as it were; apprentices to our Maker, of which we are a part, holographically.
The Dark forces have known this. And they have done all that they could to keep our awakening from our slumber from happening. To keep us as slaves to their system, of control; cut off from our intimations of immortality, by such techniques as calcifying our pineal glands,2 through such mediums as fluoride, and the fluoridation scam.
All that, as part of the sad story that we have been forced to be a part of; acting out, and exchanging, over and over and over, parts in a Play, of our making, and that of our erstwhile Masters - Keepers, cultivating us like ants do aphids, and then tossing us aside when no longer needed, to be of service to them. Or could not be, as we began our awakening process, each individually at first, to the Dark Night of the Soul that we have all been engaged in collectively.
Now to end. For Good to take place. The Goodness of the true Creation. Not this facsimile, this Illusion that we have been incarcerated in. For reasons referred to in our history as The Fall.3 We are to be, now, the Masters of our Fate that we have always been, under the veneer of our - seeming - separation from Source.
Now, watch us soar; as we take on the wings of our transformative stage, from the creepy crawly stage of our development that we have been in - been kept in - long enough.
Action stations. It's takeoff time.
1 You can check them out for yourself: The Most Dangerous Book in the World: 9/11 As Mass Ritual by S.K. Bain. Building (as acknowledged) on the work of two other researcher-authors in particular: William Ramsey, author of Prophet of Evil: Aleister Crowley, 9/11 and the New World Order; and Michael Hoffman, author of Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare. Also, noting William Wynn Wescott for his book Numbers: Their Occult Power And Mystic Virtues.
You did know that we have been under varying forms and degrees of mind control, didn't you? Well, didn't you??
If not, why not? You've been alive during this whole time, haven't you?
Well; haven't you?? A good, self-governing citizen, and so forth???
2 Ever wonder what that sculpture of a pine cone - or at least, of what looks like a pine cone - was doing in a square of the Vatican City???
3 Not to go into those details here. Time enough.
P.S. from PAO on July 26:
P.S. from PAO on July 26:
The Planetary New Year ~~~~ A New Cycle of Time
by Celia Fenn
According to the Galactic Calendars that were kept by the Mayans and other advanced races on Earth, the "natural" New Year of the Planet is on 26th of July. Because the more traditional calendars do not keep accurate time in synchronization with Galactic cycles, the 25th of July is designated as the "Day out of Time" when the Earth realigns with Galactic time in preparation for the New Cycle of Ascension and Creation. This is a magical day filled with Joy and Creativity and Magic as the New Energy is birthed.
The 26th marks the New Year itself, as the moment when the New Light Codes are fully grounded and a new cycle of creation can begin. This cycle is always experienced at a higher level of consciousness in the natural order of things, as consciousness is always evolving in an upwards spiral towards Light. However, in your old energy matrix, many have chosen not to move upwards, but to keep cycling round and round in the same old energies and making the same old choices. At this time too, those in power often try to hold the mass consciousness at a level of fear and anger by creating drama and diversion so that the Earth Collective will not "naturally" move upwards but will stay pinned in the levels of fear and violence. It is therefore so necessary, Beloved Family of Light, that you do not allow yourself to be pulled into the mass emotions at this time, but allow yourself to move on the upward flow of evolutionary energy that is "natural" in your existence on Earth.
As you make this choice, individually, and by engaging your Core Power, you will enable others to also begin making this choice. The field of resonance of those making the choice to evolve provides a powerful alignment with Divine Light and enables the Planet to begin more easily aliging with Divine Light. Your choices right now are powerful and can assist the Planet on her journey into Higher Consciousness as a Collective.
In the coming month of August, these energies will culminate at the Lion's Gate on the 8/8, a powerful momet of integration and grounding of the new energies and light codes, and by 12th August your new direction for the upcoming cycle will be established, both on the personal level and on the Planetary level.
Beloved Family of Light, we wish you much Joy as you engage your Conscious Creator Energy and work with the Galactic Diamond Light. May you enter into the Clarity of Heart, Soul and Mind as you create a New Cycle of Time on Planet Earth.
For more from Celia Fenn
…and a good example of the old order of things, that we MUST now supersede. Not to go back. But to go forward from here; leaving all the old, compromised behind:
from 2012: What's the 'real' truth?: 'MH17 Verdict: Real Evidence Points to US-Kiev Cover-up of Failed False Flag - MUST READ!' - July 26 - orig. posted by 21WIRE on July 25
(Too detailed to go into here. Bottom line: We have been lied to. Again.)
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