Wednesday 20 August 2014

He Said…And Then She Said...

from (Ben Shapiro's) 'Horowitz: The Hell That Is The Obama White House' - David Horowitz - Aug. 19 (posted on CDR Kerchner (Ret)'s Blog - Aug. 20)

kibitzer3 a few seconds ago (Aug. 20)

"A pretend American." Well put and summarized, David. And your quote of Madison in Federalist #10 about "wicked projects" was spot on.
The only caveat I have with your article is your implied blind support of the israeli state. The Middle East picture is not as clearcut as you would make it out to be. The Israeli state has a number of serious things to answer for. But hopefully, all will come out in the wash. And I don't mean any whitewash.


objectivefactsmatter kibitzer3 27 minutes ago

"The Israeli state has a number of serious things to answer for."
Don't keep it a secret. What are you referring to?


kibitzer3 objectivefactsmatter a few seconds ago

1) The Zionist's (& NWO Cabal's) game plan for hegemonic control over the whole of the Middle East; which logically generates reaction, and that action-reaction game being played out ad nauseam, to the detriment of many in the area, and of us all.
Specifically in relation to the U.S.: 2) the Lavon Affair; 3) the attempted sinking of the U.S.S. Liberty; 4) the act of omission in the suicide bombing of the U.S. Marine Barracks in Lebanon; 5) the acts of omission and commission in the 9/11 'New Pearl Harbor' atrocity. (The flicking of a cigaret lighter by a Mossad agent with the burning WTC Tower(s) in the b/ground of the video shot, anyone??) One could go on.
The state of Israel has much to apologize to the American people for, specifically, and to its cross-haired neighbors in the Middle East in general. And then we go from there.


objectivefactsmatter kibitzer3 an hour ago

"1) The Zionist's game plan for hegemonic control over the whole of the Middle East; which logically generates reaction, and that action-reaction game being played out ad nauseam, to the detriment of many in the area, and of us all."
Hegemonic control? Over what? Trade? Their own security? America exercises strong hegemonic control over the entire Middle East, more or less, to the extent that trade continues. Is that on behalf of Israel according to you? Do you accuse Israel of "collaborating with imperialistic America?"
You have to explain how you arrive at this analysis. This is more or less "worldview" stuff that means very little.
"2) the Lavon Affair"
Oh please. Who exposed the "Lavon Affair?" To any rational person, this should illustrate that Israel is a properly-functioning republic.
"3) the attempted sinking of the U.S.S. Liberty;"
You probably know almost nothing about the spy ship that Johnson ordered in the area or that the realtime intelligence was being shared with the UK, who shared it with Jordan, who were fighting on with the alliance against Israel. They were warned to cease and didn't. That was totally Johnson's fault and that is why the incident was whitewashed.
"4) the act of omission in the suicide bombing of the U.S. Marine Barracks in Lebanon;"
I don't know what you're alluding to.
"5) the acts of omission and commission in the 9/11 'New Pearl Harbor' atrocity. (The flicking of a cigaret lighter by a Mossad agent with the burning WTC Tower(s) in the b/ground of the video shot, anyone??) One could go on."
Um, OK. I'm not one to casually dismiss theories...but given your other positions here in 2014 when you could have done your own objective investigations without my help...
If Israel is evil, the USA is worse by that same standard. And of course every other nation on Earth through history ranks even lower. So there you go.


kibitzer3 objectivefactsmatter in a few seconds

I'm not going to get into a tit-for-tat exchange with you here, friend. We've both had our crack at voicing our opinions. We both seem to have a common enemy in The Great Pretender in the Oval Office; maybe we should just let it go at that.
But a parting shot at Mossad. who have been up to 'dirty tricks' all over the planet, according to a couple of Insider books that I am aware of in particular. This end-justifying-the-means attitude and activity is the hallmark of a corrupt and deceitful government, and needs to be reined in.
As do a lot of the activities that the American administrations have been involved in - from both sides of the political aisle - for far too long now. I'll give you that.


If I had thought it would do any good, I could have gone on with something like:

"If you are such a stickler for details, how come you don't know about The Five Dancing Israeli Masters on the top of their Mossad-front moving van parked cinematically situated across the river from the WTC and its object of their antics; and their quick and quiet release and skedaddle out of the country and back home to Israel (where they appeared on TV and gave a frank account of what they had been up to: that they had been sent there to 'record the event'); and the so-called Israeli 'art students' who had been shadowing the Arab patsies for some time in America, and also were in the WTC towers ahead of Der Tag, doing whatever they were doing there.  And I could go on, in this vein…"

But at some point, the benefit of our exchanges would have worn itself out.


(continuing with the Comments thread above:)

William kibitzer3 an hour ago

I must say it's strange to see conservatives so distrusting of the Commander in Chief of the US military and Sec Def.


I'm not sure that I understand your uncertainty, William. What's not to grasp? As David Horowitz pointed out, and so eloquently, in his article, America's very sovereignty is at stake, and very identity, as a federal constitutional republic; with the C in C in the White House (who is there illegally; another matter) giving every evidence of being a hijacker, wishing to "transform America" into a socialist centralized state - complete with a Total Surveillance State capacity - and cut the nation free from its roots in the Judeo-Christian culture, in order to orient it more towards the Islamic culture - or at the very least, away from the Judeo-Christian one that it was founded on. And a way that he could do that more expeditiously than by a Fabian slowly-slowly approach, would be to have his minions orchestrate a Crisis that would give him the Opportunity to declare Martial Law, and thus wipe out the Constitution and its rule of law in one fell swoop. Letting such a person be C in C of the nation's military forces is to let the fox be in charge of the chicken coop. You were saying…???

(Message blocking its posting: 

'You must authenticate the user or provide author_name and author_email'
But it doesn't tell me how to do that.  It shows my Disqus user name (clicking on which just gets me the above message), but clicking on the identity icon at the top, which gets me to the Disqus site, 'it' blocks me there from editing my profile by a message saying that 'You must be authenticated to' do such-and-such, but it doesn't tell you what to do to get 'authenticated'.

I think I have been blocked from the truth site because of my daring to criticize the state of Israel in its Comments section.  But I could be wrong.  

Life is a mystery, sometimes.)

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