Tuesday 12 August 2014

What We Believe

1) from teaparty.org: (headline: 'Most Americans Believe Migrant Children Should Be Allowed To Remain In U.S., Poll Shows' ) -  'Huffington Post Lies About Border Poll Results' - orig. posted at Breitbart Aug. 11; posted here Aug. 12
(The poll actually showed that only 13% of those polled said they should be able to stay here, period; the rest said they should go back to where they came from, either immediately (32%) or after a short 'humanitarian' period, of being taken care of in a temporary-aid way (38%).
     The Left is obviously trying to use the illegal alien 'children' invasion as a further way to break down our social structure, a la the Cloward-Piven Strategy, of creating collapse, to further the Left's desired end, of building a socialist - and people- control, totalitarian - system in the place of the former federal constitutional Republic of the United States of America, and its essential 'liberty'.  A quality anathema to the Left.  And the far Right, fascists; who both want a New World Order.  Just differing in who is to control it.  To say: to control the cattle.)

Stan Stanfield · Top Commenter · Stanford University  (Aug. 12)

This is what we get for allowing into office an administration, and its supporters, that go by the Saul Alinsky 'Rules For Radicals' 'principle' of 'Whatever It Takes…By Any Means Necessary' - i.e., that 'right' and 'wrong' are relative to your cause.  The end justifies the means.

And I say what "we" get, because 'we' should have seen long ago that the voting system was terribly corrupt, and taken measures to clean it up in our separate states, for a state of election integrity to prevail throughout the nation. As it is, not only is Obama a Usurper and an Imposter, but he probably wasn't legitimately elected in at least 2012, with all the voter fraud going on. A terrible, and disgusting, state of affairs, long since overdue for a complete cleanup.


2) from 2012: What's the 'real' truth?: 'There De-Industrialization of America, by Paul Craig Roberts' - Aug. 12 - orig. posted @ PaulCraigRoberts.org on Aug. 11 

kibitzer3 says:
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1) “There are no jobs going begging…there are no jobs to be found.” There are jobs, and then there are jobs. Close down the jobs market to illegal aliens (and put the lid back on the welfare honey pot for them, so that between the two initiatives, they will go back to their own countries), and there will be plenty of ‘jobs’ for Americans. Just not a lot of Middle Class jobs from that particular initiative. Retrain some of our jobless college grads to fill the Silicon Valley-type jobs that are currently going to special-visa foreigners, and there will be some Middle Class jobs from that one.
2) But the whole system needs to be reworked anyway. We are on the verge of major change. The U.S. dollar will collapse – under the weight of the various ‘contradictions’ that abound regarding it; its devaluation to the point of absurdity, our impossible national debt; etc. – and that is Opportunity for a return to a gold standard, and sound money. With sound money comes sound economic activity. But it also affords us the Opportunity to take further stock of where we are at in our socio-econo-political and spiritual evolution on the planet. To say: Automation can continue to do away with mundane jobs. There are a number of free energy devices, just waiting to enter ‘the market’ – once we do away with the power of the Cabal over us – that will further free us up from The Old Order. We are about to join our galactic neighbors, in exploring the near universe, AND other dimensions. And so forth. Paradigm-shifting stuff.
All we have to do, to enter such a kingdom, is to admit that we are ‘spiritual beings having a human experience,’ and show a little gratitude towards our Creator in the process. I think we can handle that. Don’t you??


3) from 2012: What's the 'real' thing?: 'Long Term Scenarios For The Planet Negotiated Between The Various Secret Societies' - Ben Fulford's Post, August 11…(posted Aug. 12)

kibitzer3 says:
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I am reminded of the old saying, ‘If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans.’
The Play stage of Life on Earth is over. It’s time for the Real Thing. (How long can you maintain an actor’s face and stance, when you know that all you are doing is playing a part in a Drama??)

Long term scenarios for the planet negotiated between the various secret societies…

Every day my blessing over my food concludes: '…and in all things, let not my will but Thine be done/on Earth, as it is in Heaven.'

The kingdom of the future will reflect God's will.  Not Man's.

Or so I believe.

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