from ‘Rush: ‘Shocking’ Reason To Be Cited When Hillary Loses’ - Joe Kovacs - May 23
(“Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has received more than $21 million in just two years for giving speeches to large banks and corporations, and that could be the key factor in her potential political plunge, according to talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh…”)
kibitzer3 • 17 minutes ago (May 23)What? Corporate Crone Clinton? Slush Fund Hillary? Rob'em Rodham Clinton? 'Thanks for your emails' Madam Secretary? Is she still around?? Why isn't she in prison???
Martha Stewart: Sue the damn government. You wuz robbed.
LiberalsLie Botvinnik✓ᵀᴿᵁᴹᴾ • 35 minutes ago
I wasn't aware that Cruz did business with foreign countries like THE BIG SLEAZE to the detriment of American businesses. Nor did Cruz hire foreign workers over American workers, even illegals. Trump worked against America's interests as sure as any globalist including Soros.
Even a cursory examination of Trump’s business dealings reveals that playing in international markets is a matter of routine for him. The Donald J. Trump Collection brand shirts, eyeglasses, perfume, cufflinks and suits are made in low-wage countries like Bangladesh, China, Honduras, and Mexico to keep costs down. And Ivanka Trump’s own product line imports 628 of its 838 items on offer.
Other Trump brand products such as shoes, ballpoint pens, soap and ties have been outsourced to China, Japan, Honduras, Brazil, Norway, Italy and Germany since 2006. And about 1,200 shipments of Trump brand goods have been imported into the United States by foreign companies since 2011.
And for all Trump’s criticisms of foreigners stealing American jobs, nine of Trump’s companies have tried to import at least 1,100 foreign workers to America via short-term visas.
Trump’s foreign dealings are not limited to consumer products. The Trump Hotel Collection has locations in Panama, Rio de Janeiro, Ireland, Toronto, Vancouver and Azerbaijan. The Trump Real Estate Collection has Trump Towers in India, Istanbul, Uruguay and the Philippines, as well as Trump World in South Korea. Apparently, what’s good for Donald Trump Inc. is not good for Ford, Apple or any other American business. Trump knows best.
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- kibitzer3 LiberalsLie • a few seconds ago (May 23)
Gee, LiberalsLie: for someone who is so good at research, how come you don't know that Ted Cruz was and is ineligible for the office of POTUS? What does it take to read plain English, with even a modicum of comprehension?? "The natives, or natural born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens..." That's from the same source that the constitutional Framers were going by - the definition of an NBC as understood in their day; and one of the eligibility requirements for the office of the presidency to this day, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary.
E. de Vattel, 'The Law of Nations,' Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212, for those of you who are interested in the truth of things. And possibly even interested in seeing the truth applied to the Usurper in the Oval Office as we speak.- 1
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- LiberalsLie • 19 minutes ago
Another wacko birther without a functioning brain cell. As if de Vattel was codified into U.S. law ! LOL. Too funny !!!
I guess the Pennsylvania Supreme Court justices can't read plain English, with even a modicum of comprehension.
I had enough of you kooks during the primaries. Get lost !!!
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- kibitzer3 LiberalsLie • a few seconds ago
Dear LiberalsLie:
Read my lips: Nothing trumps the Constitution but an amendment TO the Constitution. There is all manner of historical evidence to confirm that the 'original intent' of the constitutional Framers for the definition of that term was as I pointed out - and that's why they put it IN the Constitution for that particular office, and that particular office ONLY: To make sure that the occupant of that office, who would as well then become the Commander in Chief of the nation's military forces, has NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCE OR INFLUENCES. Had SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the U.S.
- Thanks for asking for clarification on the issue.
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- kibitzer3 • a few seconds ago
- P.S. As for understanding law: Both current major political parties
- tried a total of 8 times between them, between 2003 and '08 alone, to
- get a constitutional amendment going through Congress ON THIS
- VERY ISSUE (including it in their proposals as their common
- denominator) - and they failed each time even to get their proposals
- out of committee, such was the sensitivity around this particular
- issue. And there were a lot of lawyers involved in those attempts. I
- guess they knew something about the law, wouldn't you say???
The reason that this issue hasn't been able to progress properly through
the court system? Because the fix is in. Period.
the court system? Because the fix is in. Period.
- As to the domestic enemies of this nation, I say: You people are
- trashing our country, and We the People are not amused. To all the
- supporters of the United States at its finest and best, on both sides of
- the political aisle, I say: It's time to rally 'round the flag, and repel all
- boarders, by creating better borders. Within the country. And without.
- And that means the corrupt judicial branch as well as the others.
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Logic1 Botvinnik✓ᵀᴿᵁᴹᴾ • 3 hours ago
Democrats are truly .......fill in the blank I can say it on this page!!
Stan Stanfield Stanford University (May 23)
…and speaking of war:
- Franie Logic1 • 2 hours ago
That's true, and as a result, those machines can be calibrated to register a vote for Hillary each and every time someone votes for Trump. Think I'm kidding??
That's why we need to demand some type of backup checklist as people leave the precinct after voting to see if there is a hugh discrepancy between those checklists and the machines tally's.
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kibitzer3 Franie • a few seconds ago
No, we really need to get rid of the electronic voting machines altogether - they are too hackable. In fact, we need to overhaul the whole kit 'n kaboodle of the process. Certifiably cleansed voter reg rolls, photo ID required, a clear paper trail - the works.
CLEAN ELECTIONS OR NO ELECTIONS. Don't take part in a scam. That makes you an accessory to the fact.
from ‘UNREAL! Hillary Encouraged Her Staffer to do WHAT?’ - Patrick Howley, Breitbart - May 23
(“Hillary Clinton Encouraged Her Assistant To Use Private Email.
“Hillary Clinton encouraged a State Department staffer to use a personal email address to conduct State Department business instead of her official government email account…”)
If Hillary is not sent to prison for her gross malfeasance, and even treason, this country is doomed.
We CANNOT have one set of laws for the plebeians and one set for our masters. Or there will be war.
- Listen up: less than 178 days is all Obama has left to launch his nationwide gun, DNA and ammo grab vaporizing the Second Amendment!
- Here is the inside scoop. As all eyes are turned to Hillary, Sanders, Trump and the election process… few have been watching what Obama has been up to. Secretive, nefarious activity has just been discovered which places Second Amendment in peril.
- I'm giving you the 'heads up'. Your Tea Party alert last week revealed Obama's gun and DNA grab scheme, which includes secret meetings with Governor Jerry Brown of California and other key Governors to create a diabolical plan to extinguish the second amendment. Well guess what, the Obama gun and DNA grab scheme is happening before our very eyes… and they are ahead of schedule!
- As you're reading this, the Tea Party Team is turning up the juice in an effort to intervene on behalf of the American people. I'm here to tell you… we have become big targets but WOW are we getting results! We discovered new information which surpasses the evil of even Nazi Germany!
- There is a greater, even more sinister attempt to crush the Second Amendment than we ever imagined… and it's about to happen before Obama leaves office! This is why we need your help to STOP this atrocity before this before it becomes enacted.
- We reported Obama's Plan: Outlaw gun stores in every state. Register all ammunition. Expand background checks to non-gun owning friends and family. Force all gun manufacturers to produce only smart guns. Mandate citizens to surrender their DNA before gun purchase can become completed. But there's one more thing we discovered that set us back on our heels.
- *You must sit down before you read anymore; this is going to knock the wind out of you.*
- Think about this, America's honored Veterans; many of them wounded in service to our nation have been targeted for gun confiscation and placed on government watch lists with greater scrutiny than dangerous ISIS and radical Islamic terrorists. You heard me right!
- Outrageous!
- The fact is Obama is using a Department of Veterans Affairs fiduciary trustee scheme to locate, target and revoke veteran's lifetime right to own guns. Obama ordered the Department of Veterans Affairs to declare our heroes mentally defective, as if our honored veterans are no longer honored, wounded patriots who served our nation with life and limb. Our heroes are being relegated to nameless pieces of gear, deemed to be defective and not deserving of rights or benefits and life!…
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