Monday 16 May 2016

Where Are You When We Need You, Franz Kafka

A number of years ago, when I was living in Australia, I got involved in a free speech committee.  In that capacity it came to my/our attention that a university professor was being hounded and fined/found guilty for questioning details of the so-called (Jewish) Holocaust.  He came to the hearing (it was some sort of state tribunal, not a proper court per se; I don't recall the details of why the difference in trial procedure) with a stack of evidence supporting his claim that that 'holocaust,' as presented to the public, never happened in a lot of its claimed 'facts'.  (A 'Holocaust denier' then.  Not in Germany.  In Australia.  About as far away from that geographical site as one could get.  What a long reach, these free-speech deniers have.)  His defense was ruled inadmissible evidence.  Why?  Because he was not being tried on the Truth of the issue, rather, on the fact of the matter: that the law in question was that he couldn't make such claims.  Period.1

We are experiencing the ramifications of such arrogant rules and rulings these days.   There is a case in the U.S. going on right now (on appeal) where a person is being tried for contempt of court for refusing to sign an affidavit that would have caused her to commit perjury.2  And: Groups are being sued for denying that any Global Warning - excuse me; the rationale (for totalitarian takeover) is now Climate Change, going on, or not going on - is anthropogenically induced, i.e, manmade.

You can't make this stuff up.

Next will be the suing and incarcerating of people for speaking out against mandatory vaccination, for 'threatening the public safety'.  The 'public safety' is already being threatened enough by the toxic (and malevolently nanoparticled) vaccines, thank you very much.

No.  This is all, at its core, an assault against free speech.  Is, at its core, the enthronement - the attempted enthronement - of arbitrary power.

That's what's manmade about it all.   The rule of men, rather than the rule of law.

As the Southeastern Legal Foundation has said, about their being caught up in the net against 'Climate Change deniers' (for suing the EPA on a number of issues):

"This is a direct attack on our right to free political speech...

"...and if the Left can silence us from speaking against them on their bogus climate science, then it can do that for every issue.

'...(T)his corruption goes to the very top of the federal government.

"In sworn testimony, Obama's Attorney General Loretta Lynch has referred the 'fraud' charge [i.e., the charge being leveled, by Al Gore and 17 state attorneys general in on the scam, against oil companies and any other 'climate change deniers'] to the FBI to investigate.

"The highest levels of the Obama Administration are conspiring to deprive you and me of our rights to oppose the left's radical agenda..."  (emphasis in original)

It is, of course, more than the Left behind all this sort of corrupt crap going on these days.  It is the World Order crowd.

For however long I will be permitted to make such a claim.

For, Truth is no longer the issue.

For the Dark forces amongst us.

To whom I for one say:

Get thee behind me, and my people.  Assholes.  Where you belong.

P.S.  Some years later I came across that university professor's story on YouTube.  Not the part of his trial; I have never found out about that.  But of his claim.  Substantiated, when he went to the main camp in question - Auschwitz - and found that there was, in fact, no historical or physical evidence that the showers had ever been used for gassing.  The gas used in the camp was for delousing the inmate's clothing, in small closed-in units, that still showed signs of the as used in them.   And the iconic figure of 6 Million 'murdered in the camps'?  An old meme (based on the idea of the Diaspora and their roughly-calculated loss to history) dating back close to the turn of the century, used by the Zionist-movement leadership to try to generate sentiment to let the Diaspora Jews have their own homeland, preferably in Palestine, but anywhere possible (e.g., Malta or Madagascar).  
     The - Jewish - Holocaust?
     A falsehood, then.
     Almost as big a falsehood to history as that of the New Testament.
     Another story.



1 Did the NSW Free Speech Committee ever come to his assistance?  No.  Why not?  Because the issue was buried under the pile of other matters that we attended to.  Or didn't.
     That there was a Jewish lawyer on our Committee I'm sure didn't help matters any, either.  But then, I have no proof of that claim.  So I hereby withdraw it.
     Did you get that part, you sayanims out there??  Or outright Mossad agents???

2  Such a Kafkaesque charge being, of course, illegal.  But they have to raise the money to fight it all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, if need be, to get JUSTICE in this damn country these Orwellian days.
     We have ideologues in many positions of our judicial system these days; like USSR commissars of old.  Some are 'merely' leftist ideologues, pushing the Obama agenda.  But some are outright evil, controlled by Dark forces.
     My personal belief is that they have Minimal Brain Damage, like unto subclinical autism; so constitutionally non-empathic and void of conscience and morality are they.  They just spout the 'party line,' and that's it.  They might as well just phone their parts in, for all their personal involvement in the issues.

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