from Need To Know:
The cashless society is under construction
Two news stories this week are huge reminders that the cashless society already is under construction throughout the Western world. I
have added the word Western, because there are rumblnigs from Middle-Eastern countries that Islamic scholars are now working on a new interpretation of Sharia Law to allow gold to be used in commerce. So, while the West is moving toward a digital fiat system, the East is headed in the opposite direction with the intent of placing precious metals at the center of all monetary transactions. What a tragedy for the West.
Last month, more than 100 executives from some of the biggest financial institutions, including Nasdaq, Citigroup, Visa, Fidelity, Capital One, and Pfizer met in secret for the unveiling of a proposed digital money system that converts US dollars into digital currency.
Promoters say this will reduce crime and corruption, but the real attraction for this group is its role in a cashless society. If there is no currency, then money will exist only in the computers of banks, which means that every transaction – even the payment of a child’s allowance – will generate a bank transaction fee. Your money also will be forever available for confiscation for bank bail-ins and government taxes and fines. These guys can hardly wait. Economic Collapse 2016 May 2 (Story) (Cached)
G. Edward Griffin
2016 May 6
2016 May 6
All par for the course. You see, the Dark side is creating the conditions for its reverse image - the Light side - to land in the physical realm. A cashless society makes all kinds of sense, in a system of the Light. In a Dark-side system, the opposite is true. It gives TPTB - our erstwhile masters - extreme power over the inmates of their concentration camp. (FEMA camps, anyone??)
It's all part of how things evolve. Some defenders of freedom have pointed a finger at what is called the Hegelian system, thinking that it is pure Marxist, in the Marxian concept of the state ultimately withering away, but that until then, the state has total control over the individual. Because people need to be forced to be 'good', won't abide by the dictates of the state freely.
Absolutely correct, the latter phrase. Nor should they. Because 'the state' as indicated in the Marxist philosophy is an amoral, atheistic concept, and therefore, governs by Force. By the concept of Power Over Others. Rather than Power With our Selves; in a spiritually evolving experience of life in 3D. Evolving by the 'Hegelian' concept, not of dialectical materialism, but of/by dialectical spiritualism. A 'thesis' generating a reaction, or to say 'antithesis,' which in turn generates between them a 'synthesis,' which, until the system runs its course - becoming global; to say, total - becomes merely the 'thesis' of another go 'round of the process.
Guess what.
We're there.
We are heading towards a cashless society naturally, after a stabilizing period of our currency being backed by precious metals (& possibly a basket of commodities). And doing away with the interest-bearing system, of 'money as debt,' that has haunted us, and controlled us, for centuries.*
No more. Because it is
that time.
All we need, when we move up in consciousness to the level that we are heading into as we speak, is a system of credits and debits, where the individual gives credits for goods and services rendered to him/her, and automatically thereby incurs debits to the same extent. It is like a LETS system, gone international; with the transactions recorded in a central data base, and accessible to anybody, for them all to keep tabs on the debits being incurred by any one individual, thus keeping the system balanced, and honest.
The motive for the system to operate by?
The highest motive there could ever be; much higher, and cleaner, than the profit motive:
to share our goods and services with one another - and give of our best in the process - out of gratitude to our Creator for life with meaning. Out of, in a word: Love.
Welcome to the kingdom of Heaven, ladies and gentlemen of planet Earth.
We're there.
* Along with its partner in crime, fractional-reserve banking. Both, merely concepts. Not truisms in themselves. As with that system's false 'take' on 'wealth'.
Time for the true wealth: the Abundance of the universe.
For a people who are ready to tap into it.
Ready. On all levels.
I've waited a long time for this day to come. It was back in late 1961 that I was inspired to pack it in regarding my day job, as it were, and headed off, from the L.A. area, on foot, towards Washington, D.C., "to see the president and draw to his attention that the way to rid ourselves of all our aches and ills [I may have used the word 'evils'] is to do away with money". I got as far as a side gate to the White House with my message - which I shared at newspaper offices all along the way, through a southerly path to my destination - where I was blocked by a Secret Service agent, I presume. But mission accomplished, as far as I could. At the time.
I remember, on my way back across the country to my home state - hitchhiking a more northerly route this time - getting a ride from a nice older man, somewhere in Ohio, who, upon asking me what I had been up to, and my telling him briefly, said simply, "I suppose you think that he will act on your advice immediately?" I found myself replying, "No. I understand that this is an educaional matter. It could take, oh, say, thirty years."
Close enough.
…But even understanding the dynamics at work - how a bit of a Game is being played, to get to a positive outcome - i can still get incensed by the tactics of the Left/NWO crowd, in their attempts to bring down Western civilization, because, with its emphasis on the rights of the individual as against the power of the state, it won’t kowtow to their demands, to rule the roost like the arrogant oligarchy that their leaders are:
from ‘Pope Francis Attacks Europe For Defending Themselves From His Hordes’ - Rick Wells - May 6/7
(“The Argentine Marxist now leading the Catholic Church and Europe down the “Road to Hell” urged on Friday that rather than building fences, weaker versions of what surrounds his own fortress domicile, the Europeans should submit to their invaders, the very ones he is maneuvering into position. He urged them to tear down their newly erected protective fencing and instead commit to “an open and multicultural society.”…
“He said, “I dream of a Europe where being a migrant is not a crime but a summons to greater commitment on behalf of the dignity of every human being. Europe should be an open and multicultural society; welcoming refugees and helping young people start a family by offering adequate job opportunities.” As if that were what this deliberate invasion was all about…)
Stan // May 7, 2016 at 12:54 pm // Reply
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Thanks for telling it like it is, Rick.
This is such obvious New World Order bleating that it boggles the mind that he is getting away with it. It’s rubbing our noses in it. How come he’s not being booed off the stage wherever and whenever he tries this ‘party line’ crap??? It’s an insult to our intelligence.
A touch further in this vein:
from TeaPartyC.C.: ‘Why George Washington Would Have Agreed With Donald Trump’ - posted by Natl Dir. Dee - May 6
(“Our detached and distant situation invites and enables us to pursue a different course. … Why quit our own to stand upon foreign ground? Why, by interweaving our destiny with that of any part of Europe, entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European ambition, rivalship, interest, humor or caprice? It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world ... ”)
Reply by Stan Stanfield 1 second ago (May 6)
New Era, new situation. Trump is right, and, he is wrong. It's a new world. America - the pre-eminent champion of the Individual vs. the State - needs to take a lead in its outcome.
'East' meets 'West', and they both win - on a higher level than the level that they entered the process on. Moving onto the level of Completion.
It’s the kingdom of Heaven vs. the kingdom of Darkness.
No choice, really.
But it’s still yours to make.
Last word for the night:
from ‘The 2016 Election Will Produce a Civil War’ - Dave Hodges - May 6
(Included the video of a rant that Ted Cruz made against Trump on the morning of the GOP Indiana Primary, accusing him of all manner of attributes, including being a pathological liar.)
Stan May 6, 2016 at 11:53 pm
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Dear Ted,
You have said, over and over and over, that you are a ‘natural born’ citizen of the U.S..
You have thus lied, over and over and over.
That makes YOU a pathological liar.
And on that note...
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