Having been rendered deeply concerned by Microsoft’s new Services Agreement a/o April 1st, which talks about such cancellation-inducing no-no’s as “…offensive language, …” and “…communicating hate speech, …” I feel the need to post something For the Record, of Life In Our Times, before those of a particular political persuasion start running the communications show in this country, via an attitude of censorship, in earnest. I refer to the New World Order crowd. And more specifically among them: Jews.1
A little history lesson here. (As I have been able to piece together.)
In considerable summary: Hebrews were the Shepherd Kings of ancient Egypt (aka the Hyksos). They were called the Shepherd Kings, not because they were tenders of sheep - although some of them were engaged in that enterprise. But because of the Precession of the Equinoxes. Say what?? The reigning pharaohs of the time were all venerators of ‘the Bull’ - the constellation of Taurus; the ’reigning’ constellation behind the rising sun on the vernal equinox. And which had been for a couple of thousand years, give or take a few hundred (depending on the size of the constellation). And then along came these Hebrews (a word, as I understand it, that means something like ‘the bandits from across the river’), who basically took over the north of the country - what is called Lower Egypt; the Nile flowing from south to north, into the Mediterranean - and who venerated Aries - the Ram, because their priests told them that Aries now ruled, by virtue of the same determination as historically.2 And so a long-time clash was set up, between the Established Order, and The New Kid On the Block; which ended up with the, or at least an, Exodus.3
I point all this out for a reason that effects us humans down to this day. The reason: The Jews believe themselves to come from royal blood.
Are born to rule.
Not just from their religion as relating to Jehovah, that vengeful tribal good of what is called the Old Testament, and subsequently believing themselves to be The Chosen Ones. But because their ancestors actually reigned on this planet - for a time - as kings.4 And they keep trying to recreate the past in their present. Wherever they find themselves. And have been kicked out of country after country, in Europe, over the years, for their attempts to take over, wherever they find themselves.5
And that scenario is true for the United States as well. These ‘born kings’ having attempted to take it over from its very beginnings. Constantly trying to figure out how to do the deed. And keep butting up against ‘the rule of law’ in the country - its Constitution. And so, they have set out, for a long time, to attempt to weaken that block to their ambitions, by getting the law ‘interpreted’ - by shady lawyers and suspect judges both - to their ends.
The ultimate end, of taking this country over, as the last stop to their world hegemony.. The great clash that we are engaged in in our day:
between the Individual and the Collective. With the Jews historically on the side of the Collective, because that is how to gain great power.
Power Over Others.
POO, for short. Enhanced by central-state structures. Where you - if you are so inclined - can take it over in one fell swoop. Rather than laboriously piecemeal, as in a federal republic.
As in the form of government that is the United States of America. But which has been incessantly ‘moved’ towards being a centralized structure, for this very reason:
making its takeover easier.
By, as I say, people so inclined.
And not to say that our erstwhile masters are all Jews.
Because the idea - the feeling - of being very gods
is in all of us.
Because we are sparks of divinity, in our essence.
All, of us.
In the making.
And some are just tryng to hurry up the schedule, is all.
Before they are ready.
Have earned their wings, as it were.
In the apprenticeship.
Where you learn such things as
As you do unto others, so do you do unto yourself - literally. For, We Are All One.
And All IS
And it’s time that some of Us learned that lesson.
And stopped their attempts to lord it over others.
As though they were born to do so.
Thus endeth the lesson for today.
And now, Microsoft:
Do your damnedest.
For you do not rule over me.
I’ll figure a way around your boot. Thank you all the same.
P.S. Oh - and about that fabricated figure of ‘the six million’….
1 The Department of Homeland Security has shown its totalitarian colors, in going after ‘hate speech’ groups, as ‘potential domestic terrorists’.. By whose definition, those terms? Ah - I see. Somehow, the Southern Poverty Law Center has become a favorite ‘advisor’ to the DHS. (And the FBI, for that matter.) Now, who’s the head of the SPLC? A Jew. And who started the DHS, and obviously has set it up for infiltration by his cohorts? A Jew.
And who started, and headed for a long while, the NAACP, as a minority force created in order to help bring about change in the country? Jews. What kind of change?
Some for the better.
Some not.
Read on…(but never to forget: the Bolsheviks were preponderantly Jews.)
2 And so, rather ironically, given later circumstances, these strangers were called Ariiens. For Aries. Not Aryan.
This all has to do with what is called astrotheology. As Above - So Below. That sort of thing. Humans trying to make some sense of their condition, and in relation to the - mysterious - heavens.
But to continue.
3 There may have been more than one such; but the historical record is confusing on the matter, with some researchers thinking that there has been a repeat of said record of about 400 years. Time will tell.
4 And later as well, when they became many of the royal families of Europe. Another story.
That is to say, another part of the story.
5 Yes, a part of that 'scenario' is the long-standing animosity between the Christians and the Jews; the 'You killed Christ' meme. But if the Jews had behaved themselves, and not incessantly done 'their thing,' they could have gotten along with the majority culture.
Which they are busily undermining in Europe and this country, as er speak, with their championing - pushing - of 'multiculturalism'.
But to continue.