Friday, 30 March 2018

Autism Speaks, Sometimes

from ‘Daughter Of “Autism Speaks” Founder Shares Shocking Information About Vaccines’ - Arjun Walia - March 30
(An old sore subject for me, that I have had to modulate in myself for years, or it would tear me apart.  Walia reports on an audio interview with the mother of an autistic child, name of Christian, now 11, who is on the ‘deep end’ of the autism spectrum; “toilet-trained at age nine and [who] needs  24-hours-a-day supervision because he has no awareness of danger [and who] cannot be interviewed on talk shows because he cannot speak”.

Thank you for this article, Arjun. I have been following this vaccine-damage subject since the mid-'90s, and it is appalling that it is taking so long for the truth about this matter - this crime - to come out. It is a terrible indictment of the so-called scientific medical profession. As you refer to in your article: All too easily, science becomes hubristic. Plus the huge financial aspect to it all. But "(t)he evidence speaks for itself". And the evidence is clear: We have been, and are being, lied to regarding this matter. And a huge number of people need to go to prison for it.

So that someone can finally speak for the likes of Christian.


We must live by Truth.  Or we will die by suicide.

Stupid Is As Stupid Does

‘Greetings, Lord and Master Mason, Grand Architect, Creator of the likes of universes!  We have been expecting you!’

‘Not so’s I had noticed.’

‘ - Sir??’

‘Now let me get this straight.  I bequeathed to you a free country,  - ‘

‘Yes, SIR!  And mighty thankful we are for that, too, Sir!’

‘I get the irony.’

‘ - Sir?’

‘As I was saying: a free country, where The People are not only free to pursue their highest dreams, and benefit personally from the fruit of their labors; but are responsible for the workings of the system of government.’

‘Yes, sir!  And mighty - ‘

‘And you have blown it.’

‘ - Sir??’

‘I understand that you turned over - allowed to be turned over, to a private consortium the printing presses of your currency.’   

‘ - Ah.  The Federal Reserve.’

‘Which is neither federal nor reserved in its actions.’


‘You not only did this - removing yourselves directly from the responsibility of the running of your economy; but you did so without requiring an audit of this so-called Federal Reserve.’

‘ - Ah.  Well.  - ‘

‘Not even an audit conducted by themselves, on themselves.  Legitimately supervised.’  

‘…Well, you see, Sir, - ‘

‘Yes I do ‘see’.  And do you see the stupidity of your actions in this regard, let alone in others that I could mention??’


‘’The Fed,’ as you so congenially call it, could have been running the printing presses full bore ’24/7’ and passing the notes on to their favored people for years and years, for all you know.’


‘Just being careful not to make it too obvious.  But as well, enjoying the fruits of their labors in ‘making money’ on the booms and busts that they create, with their control of your ‘interest rates’.  The very thing that they were supposed to guard against, in not having the short-term ‘interest’ that Congress might have, in pleasing their constituents.  That being the sales pitch for their privacy.’


‘All of which is contrary to your constitutional structure and policy, by the way.  In the workings of your rule of law.  Monetary powers residing in your Congress, and all.’’


‘As they do.’


‘And for good reason.’


‘’The People’ learning to take self-responsibility via self governance in life, and all.’


‘Not to turn their free will exercise over to others.’


‘And specifically on this business of ‘making money,’ and quite literally, in the referred-to case: I sent you one of my lieutenants some years ago, in your reckoning of time, to alert you to this whole business - and ‘business’, air quotes - of money.  Planting a subtle hint - not to undermine the workings of your free will, in this classroom; just to get you to look at how you had gone astray.  In being seduced to look at ‘money,’ not as a means to an end, which it is in its natural state, as a convenient medium of exchange; but as an end in itself.  As it has become, in its unnatural state.’


‘By the addition - a nice word concerning this matter.  Another one being ‘multiplication’.  As in ‘compound’  - of the concept that you call ‘interest’.


‘Which is all that that is.’


‘ A concept.’

‘ - Yes, I…understand.  What you’ are…’

Do you?’


‘Do you, really??’

‘… - ‘

‘Understand, that you already have all the ‘wealth’ that there is?’


‘You just need to hit on the ’secret’ to access it.’

‘…Which is…’

‘Ah.  That would be telling.  Not finding.’


‘I’ ll see you later.’

‘Wait!  What - Sir?  What are you…’

‘You lot have got yourselves stuck in the cosmic equivalent of kindergarten.  Some of you are ready to be harvested, to proceed to the next level, of your education.  But for the rest of you: I’m afraid that you will just have to experience the consequences of your actions.  Which is, after all, the point of the exercise. ‘

‘The point…’


‘Of the, exercise.’


‘The exercise, of your wings.  As fledgling gods.  

‘And making a right fool of yourselves in the process, right now.’

For The Record...

Having been rendered deeply concerned by Microsoft’s new Services Agreement a/o April 1st, which talks about such cancellation-inducing no-no’s as “…offensive language, …” and “…communicating hate speech, …”  I feel the need to post something For the Record, of Life In Our Times, before those of a particular political persuasion start running the communications show in this country, via an attitude of censorship, in earnest.  I refer to the New World Order crowd.  And more specifically among them: Jews.1

A little history lesson here.  (As I have been able to piece together.)

In considerable summary: Hebrews were the Shepherd Kings of ancient Egypt (aka the Hyksos).  They were called the Shepherd Kings, not because they were tenders of sheep - although some of them were engaged in that enterprise.  But because of the Precession of the Equinoxes.  Say what??  The reigning pharaohs of the time were all venerators of ‘the Bull’ - the constellation of Taurus; the ’reigning’ constellation behind the rising sun on the vernal equinox.  And which had been for a couple of thousand years, give or take a few hundred (depending on the size of the constellation).  And then along came these Hebrews (a word, as I understand it, that means something like ‘the bandits from across the river’), who basically took over the north of the country - what is called Lower Egypt; the Nile flowing from south to north, into the Mediterranean - and who venerated Aries - the Ram, because their priests told them that Aries now ruled, by virtue of the same determination as historically.2   And so a long-time clash was set up, between the Established Order, and The New Kid On the Block; which ended up with the, or at least an, Exodus.3

I point all this out for a reason that effects us humans down to this day.  The reason: The Jews believe themselves to come from royal blood.  

Are born to rule.  

Not just from their religion as relating to Jehovah, that vengeful tribal good of what is called the Old Testament, and subsequently believing themselves to be The Chosen Ones.  But because their ancestors actually reigned on this planet - for a time - as kings.4  And they keep trying to recreate the past in their present.  Wherever they find themselves.  And have been kicked out of country after country, in Europe, over the years, for their attempts to take over, wherever they find themselves.5

And that scenario is true for the United States as well.  These ‘born kings’ having attempted to take it over from its very beginnings.  Constantly trying to figure out how to do the deed.  And keep butting up against ‘the rule of law’ in the country - its Constitution.  And so, they have set out, for a long time, to attempt to weaken that block to their ambitions, by getting the law ‘interpreted’ - by shady lawyers and suspect judges both - to their ends.

The ultimate end, of taking this country over, as the last stop to their world hegemony..  The great clash that we are engaged in in our day:

between the Individual and the Collective.  With the Jews historically on the side of the Collective, because that is how to gain great power.  

Power Over Others.

POO, for short.  Enhanced by central-state structures.  Where you - if you are so inclined - can take it over in one fell swoop. Rather than laboriously piecemeal, as in a federal republic.  

As in the form of government that is the United States of America.  But which has been incessantly ‘moved’ towards being a centralized structure, for this very reason:

making its takeover easier.

By, as I say, people so inclined.  

And not to say that our erstwhile masters are all Jews. 

Because the idea - the feeling - of being very gods

is in all of us.  

Because we are sparks of divinity, in our essence.

All, of us.


In the making. 

And some are just tryng to hurry up the schedule, is all.

Before they are ready.

Have earned their wings, as it were.


In the apprenticeship.
Where you learn such things as

As you do unto others, so do you do unto yourself - literally.  For, We Are All One.

And All IS


And it’s time that some of Us learned that lesson.

And stopped their attempts to lord it over others.  

As though they were born to do so.

Thus endeth the lesson for today.

And now, Microsoft:

Do your damnedest. 

For you do not rule over me.

I’ll figure a way around your boot.  Thank you all the same.

P.S. Oh - and about that fabricated figure of ‘the six million’…. 


1 The Department of Homeland Security has shown its totalitarian colors, in going after ‘hate speech’ groups, as ‘potential domestic terrorists’..  By whose definition, those terms?  Ah - I see.  Somehow, the Southern Poverty Law Center has become a favorite ‘advisor’ to the DHS.  (And the FBI, for that matter.)  Now, who’s the head of the SPLC?  A Jew.  And who started the DHS, and obviously has set it up for infiltration by his cohorts?  A Jew.
   And who started, and headed for a long while, the NAACP, as a minority force created in order to help bring about change in the country?  Jews.  What kind of change?
   Some for the better.
   Some not.
   Read on…(but never to forget: the Bolsheviks were preponderantly Jews.)

2 And so, rather ironically, given later circumstances, these strangers were called Ariiens.  For Aries.  Not Aryan.  
   This all has to do with what is called astrotheology.  As Above - So Below.  That sort of thing.  Humans trying to make some sense of their condition, and in relation to the - mysterious - heavens.
   But to continue.

3 There may have been more than one such; but the historical record is confusing on the matter, with some researchers thinking that there has been a repeat of said record of about 400 years.  Time will tell.

4 And later as well, when they became many of the royal families of Europe. Another story.
   That is to say, another part of the story.

5 Yes, a part of that 'scenario' is the long-standing animosity between the Christians and the Jews; the 'You killed Christ' meme.  But if the Jews had behaved themselves, and not incessantly done 'their thing,' they could have gotten along with the majority culture.
   Which they are busily undermining in Europe and this country, as er speak, with their championing - pushing - of 'multiculturalism'.
   But to continue.

Thursday, 29 March 2018

Is History Repeating Itself? Or...

...Is There Something Else Going On, This Time??

from ‘Like 1941 Japan, Is China Being Provoked to Start WW III?’ - Dave Hodges - March  27
(A good summary of the similarities between what is happening now and what happened in the run-up to WWII.)

Stan S. March 29, 2018 at 12:10 am
(Your comment is awaiting moderation.)

We’re at a higher turn of the spiral, now. Halfway measures won’t work any more. We need to start playing the Game of Life as though there were a God, and not as though there were not, as we are doing, largely, at present. And that means the end of the monetary/financial system as it is – as it is based on the concept of lack, or ‘economy’ – and the beginning of a system of exchange based on the concept of abundance. Which we are ready for, now, even at our current level of technology; with hidden technology just waiting in the wings. Having been sidelined because of the power of the status quo elite, who don’t want to give up their present positions of power and control. And thus, needing to be explained to, that those days are over. And that it is time for a New World Order, alright. Just not the one envisioned by our erstwhile masters.

There is more. But ‘you’ get the idea.

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

The Passing Of - What, Exactly

Last night I ended my blog up with the comment, and sentiment: "It's a small world...But then, a lot of things are different from when I was growing up."

As to that world.  A friend has emailed me in concern for my advanced age, and what I plan to do about it.  My response will be something like:

‘I don’t plan on going anywhere.  I am here to see the Old World out, and the New World in.  And I mean, World.  This is not just the end of an era  This is the end of an Age.  A cosmic Age.

'We’re turning the corner - having gone out as far as we reasonably can, on the current level of consciousness - and heading for Home.  One Dimension at a time.  Each complete with sub-planes.' 

I’m not sure how that sort of reply is going to go down with my friend.  But it’s the best I’ve come up with so far.


…and speaking of the end of an era: 

A ‘neighbor’ on our local Nextdoor email network has posted the story of the imminent demise of a very old Southern California icon; the site owner jacking up the rental in order to move the occupant on and make way for the likes of condos.  Originally a seafood restaurant adjacent to the beach, with a huge marlin neon sign atop the building advertising the location, it was then turned into a Don the Beachcomber Tiki palace.  The latter after my time living in the area, though apparently not by much: in the ‘60s, I read in the article on the sad passing of an icon.  As Sam’s Seafood, I had eaten there a few times, in the late ‘40s-early ‘50s.  Growing up in Southern California.  The good life.  Now, subjected to changes that I, in my retirement years in my old haunts, am having a hard time with.

It was ever thus?  Not quite.  Now we are being inundated with - well, I’ll let my comment on the article tell that tale:   

Have to make way for progress. In this case, most probably the progress of more illegal aliens, er, residents, anticipated to flock to live the good life in sanctuary state California, and on the beach in Southern California to boot. CondominiumsRUs these days, doncha know. Roll up, roll up. We take EBT cards.


Somewhere along the way, on my inveterate reader's lifeline, I read a nostalgic book by a man whose home town, and the stomping grounds of his youth, somewhere in the southeast of the country, were flooded over, in the passage of time and circumstances.

I know the feeling.

Only his situation had an element of legitimacy to it.


P.S. I have belatedly realized that an email that I sent today as a Letter to the Editor to The New American magazine has relevancy to this blog, too.  And I will definitely now close it on that note:

'Dear Editor:

'Robin Kinderman, regarding her two Features articles in the TNA for March 5, is to be commended, like the author of the book that she cites in one of them ('Selfie'), for thinking outside of the box that she was raised and educated in and, instead of blindly defending her Special Self, educated herself to the larger picture.

'There is hope yet.  But it requires a return in our schools to a decent regard for the history of this nation in teaching it fairly, with an eye to education.  Not indoctrination.  We have certainly had enough of the latter, to last us at least a couple of Lost Generations.

'Give the old gal America her due.  She deserves it.



Tuesday, 27 March 2018

I Am Steve Stockman

Today I received in the mail an 8-page letter from one William J. Olson, Attorney at Law and General Counsel to an outfit called Conservative Legal Defense & Education Fund, detailing the harassment by Obama holdovers in the Department of Justice of former Rep. Steve Stockman, for his having had the temerity to do such politically incorrect things while in office as push a resolution in the House to issue an arrest warrant for the IRS’s Lois Lerner (for the IRS under her command having illegally targeted conservative organizations for harassing audits, to keep them from jeopardizing Obama’s re-election bid) and for his call for Obama’s AG Eric Holder’s impeachment (for his Contempt of Congress citation over the Fast & Furious episode).  After Steve left his congressional office, after his bid for a seat in the Senate and under the constant barrage from said comrades in the DoJ and their compatriots (you should excuse the expression) out in the public at large, the Obama holdovers in the DoJ have continued to attack him mercilessly for anything they could possibly find on him.  As one-party-state aficionados are wont to do.  Attorney Olson observes acutely, in his letter:   

“It has gone far beyond politics here in America.  It is now a war, in which the Department of Justice and other federal agencies are used illegally as tools to silence their opponents who stand on truth and righteousness, like Rep. Steve Stockman.”  (Emphases in original)    

I do not take a side in the legal dispute - politically motivated* - that former Rep. Stockman is under.  I simply point out how this is par for the course for the Obama-era radicals, in their putsch for a totalitarian New World Order.  And another front of that war has also come my way this week, via an email from Microsoft, alerting those who have one or more of their programs to new Terms of Use coming up on April 1st (and no joke, they).  Which include, under Code of Conduct, these outrageous points in particular:

* Don’t display or share…”inappropriate content or material (involving, for example, …offensive language, …”; and 

* “Don’t engage in…communicating hate speech, …”

- ??  “Inappropriate content’?  “Offensive language”??  “Hate speech”???  By whose definition????

Oh.  I get it.

Right, Mr. Olson.

It’s war.

And as the budding Red Guards demonstrated this past weekend…

We have been warned.

By a huge amount of history.

A subject that does not seem to be a very strong suit of our youth today.

After the ministrations on them of the likes of the takeover tactic of ‘the long march through the institutions’. 

Now, who would have coined that expression, I wonder…

I have the distinct feeling not to ask any of the kids who played out in front of the cameras for Soros & Co. this past weekend.

P.S. And Pres. Trump: You had better hurry up and drain that swamp that you have talked about.
     Before it cleans your clock.
     And time runs out as well for the United States of America.


* The same sort of thing happened to Dr. Annette Bosworth in South Dakota when she came up against the political machine in her home state, and her opponent had his lieutenants dig up anything, anything at all that they could hang her with, and have their good-ol'-boy judges throw the book at her, for having the temerity to challenge their position of authority and power in the state.  The charges were picky, simply a political harassment ploy.  She has been cleared of some of the charges, but some remain, which would keep her from being able to be a doctor, doing good work for her community.  She is in essence a political prisoner, like some other cases in the U.S. at this time (e.g., that of Schaeffer Cox).  If worse comes to worst, Pres. Trump should pardon her of the remaining charges, and let her get on with her excellent contribution to society.
   We have had quite enough of grubby, tainted 'politics' in this country.  It's time to clean house.  Totally.


And to wrap up this day, and speaking of the subjects of history and the Red Guard; this:

from ‘The Rise of the American Hitler Youth Movement’ - Dave Hodges - March 26
(Hodges pointing out how our youth need a better grounding in History than they are obviously getting from their ‘liberal’ education.)

Stan S. March 28, 2018 at 12:30 am
(Your comment is awaiting moderation.) 

Excellent point to make, over and over, Dave.

But next time you do, sell-correct yourself. It was not Chiang Kai Shek in China who did the murdering. It was Mao Tse Tung. Chiang was attempting to stop the Communists under Mao, and when faced with defeat, took the Nationalist forces to the island of then-Formosa. And now, Mainland China is modeling Technocracy. Which is rapidly coming into vogue here, with the advent of the ‘smart state’.

It’s a small world.


Aa for sef-correcting: I find out that it is Kai-shek.  And apparently the 'correct' version of Mao's last name is spelled Zedong.

It wasn't when I was growing up.  But then, a lot of things are different from when I was growing up......

Monday, 26 March 2018

Truth, Being My Middle Name

As to the point I made in my last blog about “a lot of Untruth floating around in our time”.  Like turds that haven’t flushed yet, you should pardon the expression:

I keep reading about how so many of our current lot of students in this country feel ‘offended’ by such-and-such speech, usually associated with those conservative speakers who have either been denied the opportunity to speak at their schools or have been able to run the gauntlet of radicals trying to keep other students from listening to them, and causing such as ’safe spaces’ armed with coloring books and crayons and hot chocolate for the thusly distressed precious snowflakes.  And I am not talking about six-year-olds, but college and university students.  Hey - I’ll tell you what ‘offends’ me.

I am offended, and grossly so, by all the Untruth that we are faced with in our lives these days.  Especially from such as all the false flag ops going on.  How much longer, sometimes to disastrous consequences, do we have to put up with such terrible nonsense??  Well; such sense, as in the sense of the NWO Warriors amongst us, who engage in such bad business in order to bring about the Crisis conditions necessary for their Opportunity to stage their desired putsch for power.  

Ladies and gentlemen of the Marxist persuasion (or its modern counterpart, of Technocracy): It ain’t going to happen.  At least not in the way that you are attempting to make it happen.

By Force.

A New World is, indeed, going to emerge, from this Process that humanity is engaged in, and has been for a very long time.  But not by 3D/atheistic standards of execution, and imposition.

We are going Up.

With you.

Or without you.

Your choice.

As always.

So: Look for major, comprehensive investigations into, at the very least:

9/11; the 2-day Sandy Hook FEMA Exercise; the Boston Marathon Bombing (even announced at the site) Drill; the Orlando Gay Nightclub affair (complete with doctors named Dr. Lube and Dr. Cheatham, go figure); the San Bernardino ‘thing’ (complete with advertising locally for crisis actors); the Charlottesville bad business (announced, in a way, when the mayor said, upon Trump’s inauguration, that Charlottesville was going to become ‘the Ground Zero of the Resistance,’ or words to that effect); the Las Vegas caper (with a huge number of questions still unanswered about it); and this latest apparent false flag op, in the Parkland Fla. high school (complete with the likes of some cops loading something in a duffel bag into the back of a pickup truck and spiriting it away; thus tampering with a crime scene.  A crime in itself).  All designed to accomplish the desired end of gun confiscation.  The better to take us over with, my dear fellow Citizens.

And that’s not all, heading for a Truth uncovering process.  And Reconciliation hopefully involved.  But, as I say:

Your choice.               

The Beleaguered Heart

Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2018 2:20 PM
To: Stan Stanfield
Subject: FYI: Something Has SHIFTED In 2018 Now DARKNESS Is Spilling Into The World Like NEVER BEFORE! - YouTube


(My response:)

Hard to believe that a cleansing of sorts isn't taking place.  Things coming to a head.  The end of The Lesson: 'NOW do you get what happens when you live as though there were no Creator, no Reason for it all, rather than as though there were one??'  A Big Breakthrough, heading for a New - 

oops.  Sorry.  But, well; you know...[*]

...but who's going to tell all the Christians that the Second Coming that they are looking forward to with such eagerness and touching sincerity already happened, in the form of Titus, come to chastise the Jews for a) not obeying the Roman authorities, and b) not looking on Caesar as their God???  Ol' Jewish general-cum-governor-cum historian Josephus making out like a bandit, from his fable about a messianic figure back at the beginning of the generation whose public ministry neatly 'foretold' Titus's military campaign in rebellious Judea, that ended with the siege and sacking of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple there, and which service to Caesar - in attempting thus to placate the Jews and their particularly rebellious nature primarily because of their belief in a Messiah - bought him a place in the imperial household, as an adopted son (hence his name down history, as Josephus Flavius, of the Flavian dynasty of Roman emperors).  But which also bought the Jews a future, in the form of some of his fellow priestly-lineage mates, brought along as part of the deal; who, as Jews are wont to do, got along very well with the opportunistic move out of Judea, in becoming bishops of the new religion, and even more, as popes (with the whole shebang controlled from Rome; and bishops made to abide by celibacy, in order to keep dynasties from happening outwith the control of the cuckoos in the nest); and ultimately as well major landowners, and the whole deal finessing them even into becoming the royal households of Europe.  Whereby they ruled the goyim by 'the divine right of kings'. As long as they could manage that caper.  And thus all, looking down on us cattle to this day.    

A bit of a shame, I suppose, in a sense, in ending that conceit now as well, for how successful it has been for them.  (And their Khazarian convert mates.)  But all good things, and all that.  As we head for - 

oops.  Sorry.  But, well; you know............



[*] This friend doesn't care for the idea of a New Age, cynically - because of a lot of Untruth floating around in our time - thinks it is a scam.  (And who can blame him.)


Speaking of the Catholic Church: I see that they are still ferreting out pedophiles amongst the priests.  Who have been known to engage in satanic rituals.  Including in the bowels of the very Vatican.

And as for Christian pastors in general: I understand that a lot of Marxists joined their ranks deliberately, for this sort of moment in time: In order to attempt to get their flocks to abide by 'scripture' advising them to obey authority.  Expecting the likes of Hillary to come into power, and inaugurate the New World Order.  And thus why there is so much outraged reaction to Trump having come out of nowhere and being engaged in raining on their parade into 'the New'.  Much like Ronald Reagan did nearly a generation ago, now.  Leaving them fit to be tied... 

Such is the Life In Our Times.  In preparation for...something.
We'll see.
In the meantime, a caveat: Yes, there are a lot of disgusting priests.  And many among in particular the Jesuits; who were always more 
militant than religious.  But there are a lot of good men, and women, in religious Orders, who are doing good work.
And it is those individuals whom I feel most sorry for.  In having devoted their lives to a charade.
But soon enough: 
The Breakthrough.
And All will be Revealed.
At last.

P.S. And a particular shout out to Fr. George Winzenburg, S.J. of Red Cloud Indian School in South Dakota in the category of good workers 
in the vineyards of our Creator.

Saturday, 24 March 2018

Deceased - No Forwarding Address

Today, home from an afternoon of reading in the sun at the nearby park, and picking up my mail, I found a letter in my slot that was not mine, was for a guy in our apartment complex who died a few years back.  Once in my apartment I found myself writing on the envelope ‘Deceased - Left No Forwarding Address - R.T.S.’.  I think my response had to do with what I had been reading that afternoon, and was addressed, really, to the United States of America.

I was in a bit of a funk after doing some catchup reading in my current issue of The New American bi-weekly magazine which I had received back at the beginning of the week, but had too much else to catch up on in the interim.  (I am thinking of calling my pile of reading material my ’ketchup reading material,’ to give it something of a playful identity, and thus not feel so weighed down by it all.)  The article I first caught up on was entitled ‘From Prozac To Parkland’.  It was about the obvious from the title, containing terrible facts about the strong links between antidepressants and the epidemic of mass shootings that have been going on.  Especially in schools.  Anther article in this issue of their mag going into that specific subject, ‘Gun Free Zones’.  But one appalling. outrageous, disgusting subject at a time.

So here we are, with this extensive litany of links between such shootings and such ’medications’.1  Year after year after year.  I found myself scribbling furiously all over the pages.  ‘How long is it going to take you to wake up to what has been going on in your midst? Your trust in the MSM, and in your medicos, has been severely misplaced.’  ‘Doctors: Wake the hell UP.’   And imagining a devil’s response: ‘Well, if you’re going to be so stupid as to take such products, you deserve what you get.’  (And those around you???…)  

“One of six Americans is on psychiatric drugs…One study shows a quarter of all children on drugs such s Paxil and Zoloft become dangerously violent and/or suicidal…”

People, people…wouldn’t it make some sense to look at causation?  At why such brain-skewed conditions that have triggered the rise and rise of such medications??  Parents???  Anybody????…

My research into the matter tells me that there are two main causative factors for such as depression and autism spectrum disorder/ADHD, etc. etc.  One is faulty nutrition.  (Insufficient omega-3 oils; dangerous additives in our foods; etc.)  The other is the brain-damaging side effects of vaccines.

The latter is too lengthy a subject to go into here.  I would rather concentrate, here, on what I think are the main reasons for a lack of substantive and ‘correct’ responses to this terrible matter. 

One is the money factor.  As the article quotes a UK newspaper on the matter: “Pharmaceutical companies spend far more than any other industry to influence politicians,’ having poured ‘close to $2.5bn into lobbying and funding members of Congress over the past decade.’”  The article goes on to comment: ‘This dwarfs the ‘gun lobby’s’ political contributions, mind you.”  And failed to point out how much money the drug companies pour into advertising on the MSM, that has bought its conspicuous silence on the issue…

The other main factor is the New World Order crowd’s attempts to take over this country (among others), which scenario includes the concept of Crisis = Opportunity.  As I have shared in these pages before, I was aware of a push by said crowd in the ’70s to attempt to outlaw guns, and it never went anywhere.  Why?  Because there was no major Crisis.  So, they have figured out how to create one.  Which also involves another, related subject: that of ‘Gun Free Zones’.2   Long story short: Create a crisis, in order to apply a solution.  In this case: a totalitarian regime, merging the - former - United States into being merely part of a region of a despotic New World Order, run by our erstwhile masters, who have hungered, and planned, for this Opportunity for a very long time.  

And who have managed to enlist a sizable percentage of our youth in their endeavor, by gulling them into thinking a) it’s good - and now a matter of criticality - for the environment, and b) ‘equality’ should be the password into The New.  A world where everyone is equal.  Just that some are more equal than others, in that scenario… 

Anyway.  Enough for now.  I’m too disgusted to want to spend any more time on the subject now.  Just to conclude:

Come ON, People.  Wake the hell UP.  We have a world to win.

Away from some very dark characters.  Who represent the Dark side, spin, image, version, of

the Real Thing.

P.S. "Those who would give up essential liberty for a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."  - Benjamin Franklin
     ('Who's he,' I hear quite a few of our fresh new indoctrinated generation asking...) 


1 I hesitate to use the term.  The label of one such drug, citing its ‘adverse reactions,’ includes - are you ready for this?:
   mania, insomnia, anxiety, agitation, confusion, amnesia, depression (!), paranoid reaction, psychosis, hostility, delirium, hallucinations, abnormal thinking, depersonalization, and lack of emotion.  
   Among others.  (Including ’homicidal ideation’ and suicidal ideation’.)

2 Which provide “target-rich, no-risk environments,” as Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky) has correctly described it.  (In introducing legislation in early 2017 to counter the killing zones, as another article in this issue of TNA reports.  Which bill, still sitting on the shelf, has attracted less than a half-dozen co-sponsors.  Go figure.)


A final thought for the day, as Re: the matter of vaccines:

Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2018 1:12 PM
To: Stan Stanfield
Subject: vaccine
Well, I guess this should not be a surprise, but still, it gets really shocking, and nothing is ever in the news about it.

The public has to see how easily it is for vaccines to be added to the schedule and that the people in charge admit the safety data is really only done when the vaccine has been put out into the population.

(My response:)

1) Tip of the iceberg.

2) Yes, it's completely outrageous.  I can only trust that all these people behind this sort of vaccine scam will 'get theirs' when it's time for the Truth to take over in this realm.

3) This Collective Evolution site is a good one.  I think it was you who brought it to my attention originally (I have since subscribed).  Many thanks.

There is so much to clean up in this realm.  I can hardly wait.  One would think that it has gotten just as bad as it could.  But then, one never knows.  The U.S. may be brought to the brink of civil war - right up against it - before the Breakthrough happens.  I certainly hope not.  Things are bad enough as they are - and badly needing to be righted.  But we are not in charge of The Plan.  However, one can grouse.........and get angry as hell, at all the Darkness ensuing on tired old Gaia.

And keep getting informed.  Thks for all you do in that regard.  For me and others.


Friday, 23 March 2018

On The Tip Of The Turning Point

from YouTube: ‘Played Or Paid?’ - Roy Potter - March 23
(Potter on a well-deserved rant against Trump signing the Omnibus Bill, and thus caving in to TPTB, for he’s right. And when he says/said:
“You don’t win when you play a game with the Devil.  You play the Devil’s game, and you lose.”
Some say that Trump is outsmarting the opposition.  (Because what he signed was an Omnibus (Spending) Bill, not a Budget per se, and supposedly he can spend the monies however he wants, a la Obama; but it’s still money that we don’t have, and have no right to pretend that we do, are simply going deeper into debt to the moneychangers - and being seen as doing so; so that it appears to be Business As Usual.)  I don’t see that, any more than Potter does.  All we see from Trump is caving.  The NWO crowd is moving inexorably on their path (including info that Potter mentioned as links to regarding inside stuff on both the Austin bombing thing and the Las Vegas thing).  It’s time to call them on their agenda.  As Potter continued, in his worry over continued death and destruction:
“The truth needs to come out.  And it has to come out massively.”) 

1 second ago (March 23)

Thank you for your deep and passionate allegiance to this nation, and for your integrity in general, Roy.  Hang in there.  Stay the course.  We need you to do so.


Dear Pres. Trump:

You can’t spend your way out of debt.  I don’t care how you played your real estate game, with its built-in aspect of/dependence on debt:  This is a different ball game, with a country, that has people in its government who will not stop spending, because that’s how they stay in their cushy positions, with their special healthcare and retirement benefits and re-election support and such.  It is a creature with its own life, not subject to being controlled, like you could with your personal business affairs.  Not a good move, for the country, already massively in debt.  

One would think that you are assuming that the whole Game is about to end, anyway, so what the hell.  If that is, indeed, the case, I have one further comment:

So let’s see that End.

If you have the U.S. military on your side, and the White Hats are about to step in:

Play that card.

Enough is enough.


A Patriot


...and a couple of late entries, at the tail end of this evening, on this same them, of in effect things coming to a head (or tip, as it were):

from ‘The Middle and Upper Middle Classes Cannot Leave California fast Enough - Dave Hodges - March 23
(In the report, Hodges quoted a CalExit proponent saying on the Tucker Carlson show, to the suggestion that the Middle Class is leaving the state, “Good.  Most of them are white.”)

Stan S. March 24, 2018 at 12:30 am
(Your comment is awaiting moderation.)

As one of those ‘whites.’ a) I’m going nowhere. This is my longtime home state, and California is a state in and of the United States; and b) I can’t wait for the federal government to come into this state and clean house.

It has plenty of legal provocation. 1) Declared sanctuary state, and sanctuary cities. 2) Voting is a crime in this state. More clearly: Is to aid and abet in the commission of a crime. The voter registration rolls are inundated with the names (or aliases) of illegal aliens; because a) the rolls are never cleaned (in itself a federal crime), and b) The Motor Voter Lw in the state has allowed them to be registered automatically, and c) this state’s authorities have even signaled to them a further step in the scam, by making it legal for illegal aliens to obtain a driver’s license in this state. The big sign is clear: ‘Get Out And Vote – We Won’t Check On You!’

Disgusting stuff. But for ‘whites’ to leave is not the answer. That just plays into the hands of the New World Order mob. Instead, the state authorities need to be arrested, and brought to trial, on a whole host of charges.

As i say: I can’t wait.

Could it all be more obvious?  In another article posted at the same time as the above, Dave Hodges points out that:

“With what is happening to social media and Hollywood in general, you [would] think the liberals, if they wanted to make any money, would get a clue and change their ways and stop the blatant censorship and extreme propaganda. But no, even the Justice League has gone rogue. That is right, the Justice League used to pledge allegiance to America and now the new movie curses America. The “terrorist” in the movie wears a MAGA shirt. I am not joking, the trapppings [sic] associated with President Trump are attacked in the new Justice League movie. And the trusted authority figures are all from the United Nations and not the United States.

“There is no difference in the extreme propaganda being put forth by the social media and Hollywood. They all serve the same Deep State…”

That situation also served by the fact that one of these social media platforms (I forget which) has announced that it will use the SPLC as a ’source’ of info to be used to go by to censor ‘extreme’’’hateful’/‘offensive’ material.  Come again?  Ah - the Southern Poverty Law Center.  Now what have I heard about them before??  Ah yes.  They consider that ‘potential domestic terrorists’ are the likes of patriots, constitutionalists, conservatives, Second Amendment supporters, Ron Paul supporters, Christians…you know: the usual……

Kind of gives the game away, doesn’t it?  I mean, now who would think such a thing??

People trying to take over, including overthrow if necessary, this country.

As the ‘Justice League’ implies, in their latest outing……

Good one, Hollywood.  Spell it out for us, why don’t you.

Notes On The Path

from ‘CALEXIT, MS-13, ISIS and the Deep State Have Reared Their Ugly Heads - GAME ON!’ - Dave Hedges - March  21/22
(A number of posts wanting simply to cut CA off...)

Fergus March 21, 2018 at 10:49 am 

If Crazyfornia wants to leave, let it. Just wall it off.

Stan S. March 23, 2018 at 12:43 am (Your comment is awaiting moderation.)
 I live in California. I’m a patriot. I don’t particularly care for the voice that says Let California go, just wall it off, etc. California is part of the Union. That’s the United States of America. The government of California, which has been slowly slowly put in place with the help of millions of non-citizen votes, needs to be reined in by the federal government, for a number of reasons. Which is a different ballgame from other Americans wishing us ill over here. Wake up and understand the whole picture, not just part of it.

from ’The Inner City Turns Away From Democrats Welfare State and Embraces Trump’s Economic Policies’ - Dave Hodges - March 21/22
(Hodges points out how Trump has created 3 million jobs since coming into office…)

Stan S. March 23, 2018 at 1:09 am
(Your comment is awaiting moderation.)

Let’s tell it like it is. The NWO crowd don’t WANT a return of jobs in the U.S. The Marxist professors have managed to convince a sizable percentage of our youth, for a long time, that the U.S. needs to be reduced to Third World status, because its high standard of living is harmful to the environment. Thus, they will help to bankrupt the nation (under the Cloward-Piven Strategy) in welfare costs, in order to hasten that outcome; for their crowd then to pick up the pieces, for their totalitarian global state, which will FORCE the people to be good little automatons in, and to, the state.

Somehow a lot of our youth have drunk the Kool-Aid, and been convinced that it would be the best for humanity.  A remarkable accomplishment, given the lessons of history in this regard. But then, History doesn’t seem to have been a strong point in their education…

Personally, I think it’s because on a deep, almost unconscious level they understand that we are at a Turning Point. They just don’t understand that their way will end in the pit. So let’s tailor our reaction to them, and their idealism, accordingly. That we can join together, in bringing in The New.