1) from conservativetribune.com: ‘SHOCK: Look Who Was Spotted at Trump Rolling Thunder Rally… Media Totally Silent’ - May 31
(The article - somewhat misleadingly labeled (no celebrities or politicians were referred to in it) - quoted some Democrats, and an Independent, planning on voting for Trump, and posed the question for comment, 'Is Trump going to win in November?')
Is Trump going to win in November? Not if patriots in each of their states don't get organized and demand that their election processes be cleaned up beforehand - and I mean CLEANED UP:
certifiably cleansed voter reg rolls of all non-citizens & other ineligible voters, dead voters, and duplicate voters; no more early voting (where a huge amount of illegality slips in from - and intentionally so); photo ID REQUIRED; and eliminate the electronic voting machines, which have proven to be hackable in a number of ways - CLEAR PAPER TRAILS.
We need to stop acting like a banana republic, The amount of corruption that goes on in elections in the U.S.A. is embarrassing, and unforgivable. And speaking of corruption, and things being unforgivable:
If HRC were to be 'elected' president, that would be a definitive sign that corruption had become so institutionalized in this country that it was beyond saving. Don't let that be our answer to our legacy. Do what you can do in your state to SET THIS NATION BACK TO RIGHTS.
2a) from americanactionnews.com: ‘Desperate Hillary’s Last Minute Move’ - May 31
(HRC heading to Calif. because her chances there are tanking.)
70% of Democrats. Feel she should keep running. This certainly a lesson in self-denial and also shows they could care less about character
- Louise Adams FEDup • 6 hours ago
They care nothing for their country!
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- Gunflint Roseberg Louise Adams • 6 hours ago
Agreed...They don't care about whitewater, Clinton's chinagate, dirty Clinton Foundation, Benghazi, & the many bodies left on the trail behind them.. To even think these criminals are not behind bars.
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- AMAZING that people go on TEE VEE and in newspaper editorials to claim Godzillary has the character, expertise and an accomplished record as a government "official"....and ALL she/it had to do in ONE INSTANCE WAS to protect just F O U R PEOPLE....in Libya!!!!
- F A I L !!!!!
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Dawn Doran Gunflint Roseberg • 2 hours ago
They only care, because, she's a woman...
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kibitzer3 Dawn Doran • a few seconds ago (May 31)
No, Dawn. Also because - with the MSM behind her - she is the pick of the New World Order crowd. Having proven her bona fides to them, many times over. Bottom line: She is one of them. And if she gets in, that is the end of the U.S. of America.
And it would deserve to be.
2b) from americanactionnews.com: ’The Video the Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want You To See’ - May 31 (video posted by Ron Dwyer)
(Trump at a meeting of inner-city black businessmen, being extolled for his intention to help them in an improved business climate; plus various black American males and females giving their positive opinion of The Donald.)
kibitzer3 • a few seconds ago (May 31)
It's true. I don't know why black Americans aren't overwhelmingly for Trump. He will get rid of the illegal aliens, who take up MILLIONS of jobs that unemployed American citizens could fill, and will help create a business-positive environment for more domestic jobs - with all the excessive and onerous and arrogant regulations of the Obama administration eliminated.
The Obama administration is part of the New World Order agenda, intending to weaken the U.S. into becoming a Third World-level country, under the thumb of its erstwhile masters, where the only rights you will have are what they decide to dole out to you, as you will be subservient to them, and dependent on them for all your needs. That's called slavery. America got rid of that over a hundred years ago. It's ridiculous to think of going back under such control. This is a nation of free men and women. Let's act like it.
3) from wnd.com: ‘Glenn Beck Suspended By SiriusXM For ‘Assassinate’ Trump Interview’ - Cheryl Chumley - May 31
(“Company: Guest’s comments ‘construed’ as ‘advocating harm’”)
Elaine Morris Neighborly Jim • 3 hours ago (May 31)
3) from wnd.com: ‘Glenn Beck Suspended By SiriusXM For ‘Assassinate’ Trump Interview’ - Cheryl Chumley - May 31
(“Company: Guest’s comments ‘construed’ as ‘advocating harm’”)
Elaine Morris Neighborly Jim • 3 hours ago (May 31)
New State Department Audit Disqualifies Hillary Clinton From Running For President.
- Donald Gibby Elaine Morris • 30 minutes ago (June 1)
Her boss should have been disqualified, too, but it didn't stop him from cursing us with 8 years of tyranny and turning race relations back to pre-civil rights. Apparently, the only qualification that matters to far too many voters is how much free stuff they're offered in exchange for their vote. Half of American voters are now living off the public dole. That's enough to get Hillary elected. Obama will pardon her for all her crimes against America before he leaves office and she, in exchange, will appoint him to the Supreme Court.
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kibitzer3 Donald Gibby • a few seconds ago (June 1)
Why are good Americans like you accepting that the Usurper is legally in office, and can legally do such things as pardon criminals, when he is one himself??
The Constitution, and the historical record, are clear on the matter: Obama is not a 'natural born' citizen. To buy the argument that 'It's too late to do anything about it' lets a breach in the Constitution stand, and therefore leaves it twisting in the wind, subject to whatever interpretations anyone wants to make of it. The rule of law in the nation having been thus turned over to the rule of men. Aka arbitrary law. Aka tyranny.
Patriots need to wake up to the bare fact: Either we right this wrong. Or the federal constitutional republic of the U.S.A. is finished. And we are into the realm of empire.
Also known in our day as the New World Order.
...and to end this blog on a positive note:
from prepareforchange.net: ‘American Bishop Explains How Religion Is ‘Made Up’ And Used To Control People’ - Edward Morgan - May 31
(Video of Episcopal retired bishop Jon Shelby Sponge discussing Christianity from a ‘liberal’ perspective “Religion is always in the control business…”)
- margarett44
May 31, 2016 at 1:08 PM | Reply
I knew it all the time!
- Commenter-Smegan
May 31, 2016 at 10:32 PM | Reply
And I enjoyed the article.. Thank you. He is pretty well known in the Progressive Christian community… A smart guy.
- Fiona
- June 1, 2016 at 12:37 AM
How refreshing to read the Truth from the courageous Bishop Sponge.. There’s more! Jesus, his Grandmother, Mother and first cousin Pontius Pilate were all born in Scotland. Jesus travelled widely, receiving initiations in many different faiths, including the ability to transcend death according to the Egyptian rites. He was not ready for his date with destiny in the Middle East until he was a mature man – which is why nothing is written about his early years. All the carefully corroborated information you could wish for is contained in “Vision of Albion: The Key to the Holy Grail”, strap-lined Jesus, Mary Magdalene and the Christ Family in the Holy Land of Britain. It’s available online from http://www.sacredconnections.co.uk. The true Church of Love, in the the esoteric Johannine tradition which recognised that Divinity lies within all of us was foretold by the Cathars in 1244 in “The Cathar Prophecy”. The exoteric Petrine tradition we see today brain-washed humanity into believing we needed intermediaries to connect with the Divine. Go within, connect with your HIgher Self, connect with your heart (which has intelligence) and that small voice within will answer you. With love to all out there.
- Marian Baghor
June 1, 2016 at 1:45 AM | Reply
Although I’m educated during childhood with hell and damnation on the background, I’ve always found wise people in the church, where my father was a minister. Still, to this day, I know people who sincerely praise the Lord and accept human beings around them for who they are and not for what they do. - To experience your own father in an unholy shine is a deep impact, as you can imagine maybe.
- To grow up and release that childhood imprint takes a while. I guess I was lucky to be pretty much psychic too, from a young age, so part of me could look through all that jazz. That helped me tremendously in looking through so many veils, later in life. Including mine, lol.
- kibitzer3
June 1, 2016 at 2:29 AM | Reply
…And then there’s the fairly recent book ‘Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus’ (by Joseph Atwill) that makes a strong case for Josephus, a Jew who became the royal historian for the Roman Flavian dynasty, having created the Jesus of the New Testament in order to set up Vespasian’s son Titus as the Second Coming of the Messiah for the Jews, who were causing Rome so much trouble in Judea, and thus hoping to get them to settle down and be good subjects of the empire. And then there’s the book ‘Christ In Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection’ (by D.M. Murdock) that details the many similarities between the New Testament figure & story and previous religions, in particular the ancient (even in those times) Egyptian religion of Osiris-Isis-Horus. And so it goes…
Yes, religions are Man’s creations. So we need to look elsewhere for actual Truth. And I for one have found it in such areas as Near Death Experiences (NDE/OOBE), and many evidences for reincarnation. And ultimately, by going within, and cultivating my inner connection with Spirit. Which tells me, simply, that ‘the universe has Purpose; and that purpose is Good’. And that’s enough for me to live my life by. With meaning. And compassion, for the human experience.