Friday, 29 November 2019

More On The Subject Of Untruths

After the dedicated day that Americans give thanks for whatever they choose to, and I entered into that spirit on a personal note for the day, I am still left with a sense - and a major sense; and even more so of such a sense - of disappointment and inconclusion in regards in particular to the U.S., and its Unfinished Business.  The issue of BHO's ineligibility for the office of the presidency of this nation, which was most recently addressed in these pages, from an article amongst my emails, the day before Thanksgiving just highlighted for me the fundamental issue involved of the trashing of Truth going on in particular in this country, of so much promise for a better world than that sort of fatally faulty one.  And then came another item later on during that evening, trailing right in its wake, as example of the deleterious effects from such roots, which I addressed early on Thanksgiving Day itself; well before heading out for a family celebration of what we were to be reminded that we were thankful for.  Fortunately, 'on the day' I had something on a personal level that I could relate to along that line.  But it was still colored by my response to said item; to wit:

from / ‘Obama LIED About Osama Bin Laden Killing And Here’s The PROOF…’ - Dan - November 27
(A limited report on that story, including the author taking some of it for a true take on the matter.  I doubt it, given various facts that have come out regarding the caper; as my response indicates:)

Your comment is awaiting moderation.

Since we never saw a body, and the photo of Bin Laden’s bloodied face was outed as not being the real thing, we have no reason to believe in any of that story. We could just as well accept the story from more than one source that he had died years previously from his kidney ailment, and was only brought back to life for political purposes of the NWO crowd, and BHO in particular. That last point is the best point that this article came up with. Americans should take a former Director of the CIA at his word. In a private meeting, he was quoted as saying “We will know that our disinformation program is complete when everything that the American public believes is false.”


And thus, by way of saying that I am bone tired of all of the chicanery and deceit going on, in this country in particular - for its great potential, as a spiritual leader - and in the world in general.  The spirit of Deceit is near palpable.  How incarnate souls have come to this terribly disreputable pass I can only imagine.  To say:

Things must have been allowed to get as dark as they could possibly get, in order for the Light to be invoked greatly in response.  And come to the fore globally.  In a process of Redemption.  Recapturing as many souls for The Light as possible.  Before a Great Change can come through.

When as many of us as possible - still within the 'bounds' of free will - recognize that this realm, this ledge of Light that gives the illusion of matter, is only part of a larger - much larger - whole.  (With some clued-in sources claiming that there are twelve dimensions, of 'school,' before we reach Unity with our Creator Source, and become literally as One, again.)  Is not the whole thing.  As the atheists would have us believe.  So that they could a) Iive free from a sense of Duty, and b) exert Power Over Others.  Or - as I have said in these pages - POO for short.

Thanksgiving Day in the U.S. occurs at the time of year that is associated with Harvest. 

May you be on the right side of that spiritual experience.

Which means, in effect:

May you live your life by Truth.

And a love thereof.

So that you can fulfill your own promise.

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Once More Into The Breach

from ‘BREAKING: Supreme Court Hands President Trump Another Huge Win Against House Democrats’ - Daniel - November 27
(“On Monday, the Supreme Court handed the President a win by blocking the Democrats in the House of Representatives from gaining access to his financial records. This is only a temporary block and now Trump’s lawyers must submit a petition as to why the Supreme Court should take this case…”)  I responded to the below post.  You will recognize it.

Baltimorejew777 - November 27

If the public is eventually allowed to see President Trump's financial records (supposedly to make sure there are no irregularities??), then the public should be allowed to see former President Obama's school records (to make sure that he received the education that he claims), his birth records--the original ones from Hawaii--(to make sure that his parentage and birthplace are as claimed), his financial records pre-election (to make sure there are no irregularities), and any other blocked or hidden personal or work records (to make sure that he is who he says he is). It's a bit fishy that everything about BHO is still to this day completely hidden--we don't really know anything about him pre-election.


CyanChilli - November 27

What we do know about him is that he has stated that BHO Sr. was his birth father.  He actually was toast right there.  The American people have been hoodwinked by both major political parties about the definition of a 'natural born' citizen extant at the time that it was codified in the Constitution as an eligibility requirement for the office of the presidency.  A 'natural born' citizen is a person "born in the country, of parents who are citizens" thereof - that is, a person born of the soil and of the blood.  The definition is from the definitive tome of the day on such nation-building matters, E. de Vattel's 'The Law of Nations' - and that eligibility requirement for that particular federal office STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary.  Why didn't the Republican Party make an issue of it regarding the Usurper, BHO?  Because they wanted to run their own ineligible candidates for that office, both parties having found out how difficult it would be to get an amendment through the process; and so they colluded in the crime, trusting that, between them, they controlled both the judicial branch and the MSM, and so could get away with their heist.  Big mistake.  Because the Truth WILL out.  In all things, great and small.  And this is a particularly big one, crying out for a redress of grievance against Truth.


There will be no pardon for this turkey.

Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Cultural Marxism At Its Worst

At Phyllis Schlafly Eagles for Nov. 26 is an article from The Epoch Times titled ’School Programs Mixed With Social Marxism Spread Through America’ by Petr Svab.  It opens: “Public schools are increasingly spending taxpayer money on programs that push quasi-Marxist ideology on their students.”  “Quasi-Marxist ideology”??

It turns out that the far Leftists currently running the most of our educational system have come up with a more palatable, PC version of ye olde ‘class warfare,’ called ‘intersectionality’ (of race, gender, class, religion, sexual orientation, language, Special Ed, and other ‘categories’), but which is the same old thing: “the ‘privilege’ of the oppressor identity group” - meaning “white privilege,” in ‘systems of oppression’ identified by ‘identity groups,’ the latter to be indoctrinated into feelings of being oppressed.  It involves the likes of school districts being given huge amounts of money to promote programs such as ‘Deep Equity’ and ‘Youth Equity  Stewardship’ (YES), where the claim is to hep minority students do better educationally but as well having an ideological agenda mixed in; the meaning of ‘equity’ being “to eradicate the ‘privilege’ of” the aforesaid ‘oppressor identity group’.  The dual purpose of which is to a) “receive more resources” - i.e., take from Peter to give to Paul - and b) be taught anti-white hate (and become “social justice activists”).  So: Blacks don’t do as well on academic tests as whites because - in this scenario - of ‘oppression,’ of “inequitable systems of access, power, and privilege”.  So: the answer is to

a) hate whites, and

b) overthrow the “ruling class”.  Or in this new jargon, “the ‘privilege’ of the oppressor identity group”.  

Whatever the clothing you put on it: Sounds awfully like pure Marxism to me.

And it’s the same sort of message as expounded on another site among my emails today - Dave Hodges’s ‘The Common Sense Show’ -  where the STEM subjects - of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math - have  been labeled by one of these ‘academic’ indocrinators (in Washington state) as inherently “racist” because why?  Because non-whites don’t perform as well on them as whites.*

So, again: Hate Whitey.

You really cant make this stuff up.

Oh - and if you are not convinced yet about the Marxists’ attempts at overthrow of the U.S., there is also this, from today’s posting by Lloyd Marcus, a black man who calls himself ‘The Unhyphenated American,’ in an article entitled ‘SJW Zombies Turning Against Their Creators’: 

SJWs scored a huge victory when SCOTUS outrageously awarded civil rights to sexual behavior. The ruling empowered SJWs to declare war on normal. Backed by government, SJWs punish anyone whose conscience prevents them from surrendering to the LGBTQ agenda. SJWs intend to legalize 12 new perversions, which include pedophilia and bestiality. They say opposing deviant behavior is bigotry, hate, and discrimination. 

“SJWs have added the word “triggered” to their lexicon. Speaking opinions about women, race, homosexuality, and transgenderism that SJWs do not like “triggers” them; justifying them physically beating the crap out of you. Obesity has been added to SJWs' list of things they no longer allow us to speak the truth about. A study cited obesity as a cause of cancer. SJWs attacked the study, calling it fat-phobic, bigotry and hate speech. SJWs want to repeal our constitutional right to free speech, empowering them to throw you into jail for whatever they declare “hate speech…” 

Marcus thinks that the ‘haters’ have gone too far, which will cause a backlash to their ‘causes’.

One is tempted to say, and feel: ‘Let’s hope so.’  But as in all things, there is an element of Truth in the position of the SJW.  We do need to look seriously at why black kids don’t do as well as white kids on such tests, e.g.  And if they learn differently from whites, let’s look at that.  But that investigation would as well uncover the fact that black kids seem to be affected more adversely than white kids by the brain-damaging effect of (at least some) vaccines.  Why, I don’t know.  And apparently no one else does either.  Because no one amongst those with responsibility wants to look at the subject - and the fundamental subject in this matter, of the downside of vaccines.

So, bottom line:

Yes, there is a lot of cleaning up of our social order to be engaged in.

Just not in the way that the SJW crowd is being indoctrinated to do.

Rather, in a way that brings us towards unitary consciousness.

Which is also to say: Beyond hate.

* Her visual aid slides at a symposium for a group of teachers contained one that said:
   ‘Our Responsibility With Data
   ‘If you conclude that outcomes differences by demographic subgroup are a result of anything other than a broken system, that is, by definition, bigotry.+
   ‘+ racism, classism, sexism, etc.’
   A ‘broken system’ indeed…

Monday, 25 November 2019

'Tis A Puzzlement

With all of the skillful but disgusting prevarication going on by the Deep State and the Dems and their willing accomplices in the MSM over, first, the Russian Collusion Delusion, and then the Ukraine witch hunt, and the other side of that coin involving a) the Bidens and b) child sex trafficking, it would appear that things in the U.S. and on the planet are getting about as dark as they can get, with Truth sacrificed so terribly to expediency.   So, one has good reason to believe that these are, indeed, End Times, with the Christian theme of that Event coming to the fore.  But how does that fit with the aforementioned, and invoked, Truth?

By now, in my long life, filled with considerable research on this matter, and other, subordinate matters (such as the cause(s) of cancer, and the truth about vaccines, and so forth), I have come to realize that the Christian story is just that: a story, concocted originally for socio-political purposes, and sustained on that level - of chicanery and deceit; and a fair amount of honest misapprehension - over the centuries. So, how do these two things ‘jibe’ with one another??  

All I really know is that the Dark has taken over on this planet in a very big way (how can you get much darker than the likes of child sex abuse and torture and killing, and the drinking of their blood, whether specifically for satanic ritual or just for the hell of it??), and that is generating a very big response in such incarnate souls as me, to the point where the Light shall now take over on this planet, because The (historic) Process has now run its course, with the ‘element’ of Synthesis to take place.  A Synthesis, because there is a degree of Truth in both/all sides of ‘the equation’.  Thus, we need to move beyond the ‘pull’ of either/any side of The Process, and fully into the final stage of The Process: that is to say, into

The Real Thing.  Beyond the Play, and its elements of Drama.  Part of which End Time, involving the moving of us into a/the New World, is the establishing of a new form of human energy exchange: 

working with Abundance rather than Lack;* 

replacing the old (and tiresome; having reached its use-by date) fiat and interest-bearing money system and its complementary ‘training wheel’ of fractional-reserve banking with The (real) New World’s crowning motivating factor, of sharing goods and services with one another - and giving of our best in the process - out of a higher motive than the age-old and Old Age one of ‘profit’.  Out of the highest motive that there could ever be: 

Out of gratitude to our Creator for life with meaning.  

Out of, in a word: Love.

One of the fundamental qualities behind the Creation.

And as I ‘announced’ many years ago, when I ‘came of age’.  To say: when I woke up.  

To what was going on.

And how to get out of the prison that we had established for ourselves.

In 3D life.

Causing us to lose sight of the larger picture.  The larger reality, that the 3D realm was/is just a part of.

An educational part.

The equivalent of undergraduate school.  Preparing us for graduate school.  That accomplishment - that leap, in consciousness - known as


Prepare for that Liftoff.  For, it is upon us.

As we speak.

And which includes -

of course

living by Truth.

Prevarication no longer. 

* via the likes of free energy devices, and replicators, and 3D printers, and on and on.  To say: via the levels of technology that we have already attained to.  
   With more still to come.

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

A New Day, Dawning

A friend emailed me yesterday, among other subjects, how she had been taken to task by people on the email grapevine of the spiritual community that we were both members of in the past for opining on it that she felt that the whole Impeachment Hearings thing of the Dems was ‘nothing new,’ had little merit.  For her contribution to the, er, dialogue, she was labeled by one participant in the, er, dialogue as engaging in, quote, “BS”.  I opined back to her that I felt that that person - whom I know from said past, and would have thought the person was capable of a more thoughtful response than that - must get all their information about what is going on in the world from the - very biased - Mainstream Media.  It is obvious to any decently openminded person that what is going on in this regard - as with the failed Russian Collusion Delusion, and that attempt to spin the story away from the real Russian Collision story, having to do with HRC and Bill’s Pay-for-Play antics regarding the Uranium One deal - is pure, well, BS - not that of the naysayers to all this shammy smokescreen stuff.

And as if on cue, on a snow-threatening day (thinking of the parallel likes of snow jobs), I have been indoors, and getting into the cover article in the latest issue of The New American magazine.  Titled ‘Seeking A Scapegoat For Biden’s Crimes,’  it is subtitled/headed: “Joe Biden used the vice presidency to halt a criminal investigation into a company that hired his son.  Now Democrats are pushing impeachment to derail more Biden findings.”  And that, really, says it all.  But the story is worse than even I was aware of, with my access to other sites on the Internet for more balanced coverage on these issues than the MSM is affording the American public.  Consider this comment in this article on ‘the issue’:

“(A)t the height of the Democrats’ frenzy, President Trump released the transcript [of that phone call], and the proverbial excrement hit the rotating blades.  Because, as seen above [the article printed the relevant portion of said phone call], there simply is no quid pro quo to be found anywhere in the conversation.  There is nothing more than a head of state asking another head of state to investigate crimes that affect both of their countries.

“Compared to Biden’s actions [the details of which being another part of the story], President Trump’s call to [new Ukrainian president Volodymyr] Zelensky] stands out in sharp contrast.  Biden’s manipulation of Ukraine’s internal policies certainly smacks of quid pro quo.  After all, Biden - by his own boastful admission - held a $1 billion payout against Ukraine and forced his will over Ukraine’s legitimate interests to protect his son’s employer [and his son himself] from being investigated.  Donald Trump acted with diplomacy for the better interests of both countries.  He demanded nothing.  He threatened nothing.  He promised nothing.  

“And - just to put in the for-what-it’s-worth column - Democrats have done exactly what they claim Trump has done and for which they are seeking impeachment.  The difference is that they actually did it and there is no evidence that he did…”*

And thus would the (far Left wing of the) Dems - and their comrades in the MSM; and in the Deep State; and in the country’s other institutions (of the Marxist ‘long march through’ fame) - risk taking the country into civil war.  All because their best-laid plans are coming a cropper.

I could go into a longer comment on this sort of subject.  But I will let just one observation - statement, rather - suffice, at this point.  To wit:

We will give it, say, two weeks for everyone to decide what they choose to confess to.  And then everything comes out in The Great Wash.  For - somewhat ironically, given the season - we are moving out of the darkness; and into the Light of

a New Day.

Ready.  Or not.

P.S. And I am aware that various witnesses to the Hearings have differing opinions to this particular issue.  But a read of the phone call transcript shows one nation's president talking to another nation's president as like-minded in their political perspectives.  Pres. Zelensky even used the word "friend" to describe their relationship.  Pres. Trump obviously did not have to twist his counterpart's arm to do anything, but be a friend, on friendly terms.  End - essentially - of story.
     What Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani (or others involved, including troublemaking DS holdovers from the Obama days) did or did not do off his own bat is another matter.  (Actually, he denies that spin, on a phone call to Glenn Beck.)  Plus, Giuliani still needs to come clean regarding 9/11, and his role in that atrocity.
     Being another such matter.  Needing cleaning up.  Before a Reconciliation can take place in this country.  Between those who have this country's better interests at heart.  And those who have their own interests at heart.  Associated with the - their - New World Order.  The Dark side version of
     the Real Thing.  

* Yes, I am using a conservative source’s report for this commentary.  And so it has that ‘take’ on things.  But it is, still, dealing in facts.  Not hyperbole.  And outright lying.  With the NWO crowd evidencing, over and over again, in all manner of subject areas, that they have no morals.  No sense of obligation to either the rule of law.  Or Truth.  Truth, to them, being totally relative.  A belief that is about to come to a shattering halt.
   ‘Shattering’ to those who believe it.


And further in the for-what-it’s-worth department:

A comment to an article at redrightdaily titled ‘Video: Hunter Biden Has A Horrible Day After GOP Counsel Corners Impeachment Witness During Testimony’:

"The Burisma thing is a farce.  The real Biden Family story is from CHINA! The Chinese actually gave Hunter Biden’s private equity firm a total of $4.5 Billion. This was after Hunter introduced the officers of the Chinese State Bank to his father the Vice President. Hunter and company invested the money on behalf of the Chinese in sensitive military and technology companies in the USA. It is said that Hunter’s take on the INTEREST on the private equity money is on the order of $220 Million. Burisma is a small potato compared to the Chinese Bank. All while dad is VP in charge of foreign relations with China and Ukraine. According to my sources, Quid Pro Joe went soft on the Chinese after his son got the money. Trump is trying to repair the damage done. The Chinese story is the big deal; hasn’t even seen the light of day!!!"

And even further in that department:

A friend has sent me a link to an article, thusly:

The hashtag #PresidentPelosi was trending Wednesday as Ambassador Gordon Sondland testified to the House Intelligence Committee in the impeachment hearings on President Donald Trump's Ukrainian schemes for assistance in the 2020 election and implicated Vice President Mike Pence in the effort.
If Trump and Pence are both removed from office over their involvement in the plot, the next in line for the presidency is House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).


My response, thusly:

“Trump needs no assistance from Ukraine in the 2020 election.  He just needs to do his job, as president, in regards to political goings-on involving the two countries.

“As for Pence: The 'word' is that he will be outed regarding the pedophile area of econo-socio-political life in this country.  A tragedy that needs 'outing' just asap.

“One's patience is wearing thin.........


Tuesday, 19 November 2019

P.S. To My Last Blog

P.S. A friend has sent me a link to a site offering a petition for people to sign who want the Impeachment Hearings to be aired not only in live format but also in the evenings for more Americans to be able to watch.  The petition is being sponsored by liberals (Common Cause and Bill Moyers/PBS).  I personally think that this whole thing will boomerang on them.  As per my comment back to my friend: 

“The more citizens who watch it, the more citizens will know that it is a big nothing burger, and will let the Dems know about that at the next election.  If there will be another election.  With the NWO crowd realizing that they have shot all their ammo - under the 'principle' of 'Whatever It Takes' - and nothing worked, so they decide to resort to Plan B: An assassination attempt, or attempts.  Which would/will be all she wrote for the federal constitutional republic of the U.S.A., as it is torn apart, in an ugly civil war.  Which nation has been on its last legs anyway, especially with all the 'activist judge' decisions that have made a mockery of the rule of law - the Constitution - and turned the country into one big pile of steaming, er, corruption.

“A shame.  It held such promise.  But that's free will for you.  



Let me clarify something in particular about this business of 'activist judges,' and the undercutting in this country of the/its rule of law.

There is nothing in either the 14th Amendment's explicit wording or its historically defined and definable intent that says anything like what has happened in the nation in its wake.  But ah, to the Republic's subversives, it was a door, to pry ajar, and open wider and wider, thus to turn the federal constitutional republic into a centralized form of government.  The easier to take you over with, my dears.

But with the advent of Pres. Trump, and of his appointing conservative judges to the benches of various courts throughout the country, the termites are shifting their Game Plan, and concentrating on turning the separate states to their cause(s), as many as they can.  With the help of thousands upon thousands, and even into the millions, of votes of illegal aliens, and other minority groups - think class warfare - and dead voters, and voters who have moved out of state, and on, and on, and on.

As I say:

a steaming pile of corruption.

Disgusting stuff.  And especially for aspiring gods.

Who just don't understand the Larger Picture, of which they are a part.

But who will.  In time.

If, possibly, not 'in time,' for the American Republic.

Before it undergoes Change anyway.  In the Ascension processing going on.  Out of the old.  And into

The New.

Monday, 18 November 2019

On Gaslighting, & Other Human Conditions

All Americans must prepare for more attempts to assassinate President Trump or forcibly remove him from power. The coordinated conspiracy to overthrow the United States of America and criminalize conservatives has now spread across Big Tech, the left-wing media, elements of the Pentagon and the judiciary. Civil war seems imminent, and there appear to be no boundaries or limits to the desperation of the deep state.”

That’s Mike Adams of Natural News/ speaking.  It is the closing paragraph to an article that he has very recently posted, which opened:

“The President’s unscheduled stop at the Walter Reed military hospital on Saturday involved a battery of tests to determine whether the President was exposed to a chemical agent that is suspected of being introduced into his food, says a White House connected source who shared detailed [sic] with Alex Jones of”

And thus are things heating up in this country, with the Deep State gang, including the far Left wing of the Democrat Party, apparently realizing that their attempts to impeach Pres. Trump are failing, and they are getting desperate to take him out, before too big a reaction to their efforts develops, and Trump’s popularity gets too big for them to deal with.  It’s a terribly sad situation.  The NWO crowd are being ‘guided’ by the philosophy that Anything Goes.  ‘Whatever It Takes.  By Any Means Necessary,’ in the words of Saul ‘Rules for Radicals’ Alinsky, ‘community organizer’ BHO’s mentor.  A huge number of people in this country having forgotten their true natures, as ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.  And as I referred to in my blog on Saturday, of your being “a being of infinite, glorious possibility”.  

And as well, of ‘the other persuasion’.  Descending into utter Darkness.  But that’s free will for you.

For you.  To grow to your ultimate potential, in The Light of The Point to it all.

Or not.

Your choice.

But if you are of the Dark-side persuasion at the moment, please consider an impending factor.  Let’s say that the world’s monetary system were to go through a major revamping, whereby there was a Global Currency Reset and Revaluation, with currency being put back onto a basis of ‘sound money’ - that is to say, our money based on gold and other precious metals, with the elimination of both fiat and interest-bearing money and fractional-reserve banking, all debt cleared by a Jubilee, and the world starting to live by Abundance, not ‘economy’ with the advent of such technology as what are called free energy devices and replicators, along with other high-tech products that also have been kept under wraps by TPTB for monetary and people-control reasons.  All of which will change our human society into a people-centered society, not a profit-motivated one; which change will as well clean up our environment, and have people living in harmony with one another, rather than in competition with one another, as well through nation states.  In short: a/the New World Order of the Light side.

Rather than the Dark side one, which we are now more rapidly entering into.  And will sink into fully, if we don’t have a course correction.  Moving beyond where we are at now.  And entering into a state of Synthesis.  Which will allow us to enter into ‘the kingdom of heaven’.  Meaning: a state befitting ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.

And choosing to ‘go for gold’.  Instead of sinking into oblivion.  A ‘state’ which we have entered into a number of times previously, on this sorely put-upon planet. This Planet of Choice.

I am saying, that we now have the opportunity to break a long-standing pattern, of going ‘round and ‘round and ‘round on a Wheel of Rebirth, over and over and over again.  Thinking to change something on the same level of consciousness that created the problem.  The definition of a form of insanity.

Come on, folks.  Time to live up to our highest potential.  Not our lowest, any longer.  And if we do, a whole new world awaits us. 

A - the - New World.  In deed.

And just in time, it would appear.  More and more.  As we approach

not just Ascension.  But

Harvest time.

Of those who choose to live by Truth.

Not falsehood.

Any longer.

Sunday, 17 November 2019

Further On Christianity

It’s time to call a spade a spade.  Christianity is a flawed religion.  Not just in its practices over the years.  But as an intrinsically flawed religion.  

Being rooted as it is in the concept of many of the ‘god-men’ and ’sun gods’ believed in by various peoples at the time was bad enough, in the way of, and comparison to, capital-t Truth.  But being primarily rooted in the so-called Old Testament as it is, with that vengeful, bloodthirsty ‘god,’(1) there should be no wonder about such a revolting development in its history as the Inquisition.  With all of the evidence that there is in our day, of the likes of  a) in-depth research into the origins of Christianity, and b) the evidences -  in books and videos, of individual ‘encounters’ with memories, and research studies of, as I term it, ‘the natural fact of reincarnation and its attendant law of karma,’ there is no good reason - to repeat: no good reason - for humanity to continue to believe in errors, of either the theistic kind or the atheistic kind.(2)

Example, as I heard yesterday evening in a video at one of the Internet sites that I visit regularly, for its host engaging in basically good commentary on the socio-econo-political scene in the U.S. these particularly troublesome, ‘dark’ days.  Besides being an invaluable commentator on that scene, he is a staunch Christian; and in referring to ‘the secular Great Commission’ - of letting people in America know about the New World Order and its adherents’ multiple machinations (including impending invasion of this country, from various sources, from the equivalent of a domestic ’Tet offensive’ from embedded sources within the country to all-out amphibious and subterranean assault) - he compared it to the (Christian) ’Great Commission,’ of “letting people know about Jesus so that they have a chance at salvation”. 

‘Salvation’.  Of souls who are basically ‘saved’ by virtue of the fact that they are ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’ - are chips off the old block, are cut from the same cloth as their/our Creator Source; who advance on their individual spiritual evolutionary journeys according to their degrees of consciousness development, in experiencing the consequences of their actions and reflections, in 3D life after life, until they free themselves from that not-so merry-go-round - ‘get’ it, and move on, and Up, the spiral stairway to the heavens.  Ultimately to reach Unity.  Again.  The richer for the experience.  As is the Whole.

And if they fail in that Process, it is due to their own decisioning.  And if they succeed in that Process, it is due to their own decisioning.  No one else’s.  Now, they can have inspirations along The Path.  But no one or nothing does it for them.  It is due to their own accomplishment.  As befitting their basic nature.

Even those souls who, for whatever all reasons, have chosen to dwell on the Dark side.  They can always choose to release that orientation, and return - like The Prodigal Son - to the Light side.  Lighting their way to their inherent Goal.  But having been given Choice in     

The Process.

To this otherwise commendable commentator on the current Scene, of the Drama that we are in (having a Point; and a Grand one at that), I would say, ‘Please; check your premises.  With a good Light.’(3)

And what about all those souls who lived before the time - the purported (historical) time - of the man whom many in our day, and through the years since then, have called Jesus (the) Christ?  And all those who have lived after that calendrical transition time, between BC and AD, who never heard of, er, Him, and so never had a chance to be, er, saved??

At least the Christian denomination whose adherents I am currently living amongst have tried to answer this basic conundrum by having a belief in what is called ‘Baptism of/for the Dead’ - descendants vicariously being baptized in at least the name of their forebears.  Who presumably have a choice ‘on the other side’ to accept that intended gift or not.  But if this terrestrial realm is the realm of free will (and we ultimately graduate out of it to live in perfect alignment with the Will of our Creator Source; being fractals of such), how does that work???  

I’ll tell you how it works.  It ‘works’ awkwardly.  With good intentions.  But poor reason.

How much more sense does it make to believe - understand - in reincarnation.  Understanding that it would be impossible to develop the degrees of consciousness necessary to progress on one’s spiritual path in one life.  Inheriting karma along The Way.  Until finally graduating from 

the Great School.

The bottom line:

We are approaching an End to The Grand Process, in which those who qualify may graduate from this elementary-school level, en masse, rather than individually, as normally in this spiritual evolutionary Procedure.  And that End Process will involve bringing ‘East’ and ‘West’ together, as One.  Incorporating ‘the best of both’ approaches to life.  Especially in the sense of ‘the Collective’ as championed from the East, and ‘the Individual’ as championed from the West.  In

the ultimate Synthesis


The Process.   Resulting in a major Graduation for

aspiring gods. 

Our essential


That we are in the Process of ‘inheriting’.

As we speak.


P.S. How do I correlate this perspective with all the dark and terrible things going on in the country and the world these days?  I would say:
     All the dark stuff needs to come out, in order for the Light to be able to come in.  Which, with its intense pressure to come in - being the natural Order of Things, our natural state, beneath the surface of our temporary state, for educational and consciousness-raising purposes, in this classroom for aspiring gods - is forcing the Dark out.
     And boy, is there a lot of it in there.  Having built up - karmically; to say, under Law - for a long, long time, in this realm of the experience of Duality, Polarity, and seeming Separation.
     Seeming.  Because we are never fully divorced from our Source.       


(1) at best, a tribal god; of which there have been many over the years, and especially in those days, with the advent in our history on this planet of the Anunnaki; another story

(2) Evidences of the fact of reincarnation are a priori evidence that there is Plan in and Purpose to life beyond just in and for itself only; that there is a large Reality that this one, of 3D materialism, is but part of.  
   And may itself only be, intrinsically, an illusion, built on the ‘edge’ ‘of a geometric pattern.  But to continue. 

(3) A tongue-in-cheek play on the fact that one of his sponsors is the manufacturer of quite a special flashlight.

Saturday, 16 November 2019

On Getting It Together

When I discovered that ‘women’s libbers’ were helping wives learn how to divorce their husbands (by giving them easy access to such legalese material, both information and forms) I got angry, seeing it as simply the work of the Marxists amongst us (and especially in such infiltrated metropolitan areas as New York City) attempting to break down the family unit, thereby to make the state paramount in our lives - a state that they meant to control, and thus to take over the world thereby, in their vaunted, and totalitarian, New World Order.  But I was appalled, and gained a larger perspective on ‘the matter,’ when I came across the following material, in the book ‘Man Made God’ by quite the researcher in such general matters, Barbara G. Walker.  In a chapter titled ‘Women And Religion,’  under a subsection titled ‘American Christian Sexism,’ she points out:

“ American churches firmly supported all the political, economic and social inequalities that plagued women.  People today seldom realize that the suffragists had more at stake than winning the vote.  For example, in the past, American women were legally barred from signing contracts, making wills, or even keeping property inherited from their own families.  Everything belonged to their husbands, including their children, who could be willed away or sold into bondage by their father, whether their mother consented or not.  When a wife worked for wages, all her earnings belonged to her husband.  When a wife died, her husband automatically took everything; but when a husband died without a will, in many states the widow was allowed to live in her home for only 40 days.  The home was then sold; the widow received only one-third of its value and was sent to live with her nearest male relative.  If both husband and wife died together, the estate went to the husband’s family.  Widows and single women who earned money were forced to pay taxes, even though they couldn’t vote.

“When religious women began speaking out against slavery in the 1800s, the most influential churches in New England demanded a ban against the abolitionists, not because they wanted to free the slaves, but because they ‘set aside the laws of God by welcoming women to their platforms and allowing them to speak in public.’  Abe Lincoln’s government ‘of the people, by the people and for the people’ was actually a government of men, by men and for men.  Women had no part in it.

“Churchmen found plenty of historical precedent to support their anti-woman viewpoints…

“…In 1854, at the Fifth National Women’s Rights Convention in Philadelphia, the Reverend Henry Grew had the effrontery to stand up and say that ‘the Holy Scriptures show that it is clearly the will of God that man should be superior in power and authority to woman…No lesson is more plainly and frequently taught in the Bible than woman’s subjection.’  He was, of course, correct enough to show that women who cling to the biblical worldview will never achieve their full humanity…

“The fact is that women’s causes during the last couple of centuries have been served by the increasing rejection of Judeo-Christian mythology that accompanied the rise of scientific rationalism…”

She had, under the just-previous subsection, entitled ‘Spiritual Women’s Lib,’ made this point:

“Nineteenth-century American feminists allied themselves with the wave of rationalism then stemming from the Enlightenment, moving toward the new Freethought.  Their leaders openly declared that the Judeo-Christian God is a myth and Eve’s alleged responsibility for sin and death is a delusion.  They declared that men had been putting women down for two millennia on the basis of a primitive legend that made no sense.  [An early suffragette named Elizabeth Cady] Stanton sweepingly defied churchmen who had been cursing women on Eve’s account throughout European history.  She said, ‘Take the snake, the fruit-tree and the woman from the tableau, and we have no fall, no frowning Judge, no Inferno, no everlasting punishment—hence no need of a Savior.  Thus the bottom falls out of the whole Christian theology.’”

Um…actually, there would appear to have been, indeed, a Fall, of a kind, which kicked off the whole sojourn-in-3D thing.  As elucidated upon masterfully in the book ‘the Fall’ - subtitled ‘You were there, it’s why you’re here’ - by Michael G. Reccia.  A product of something called ‘The Joseph Communications,’ a series of very intriguing and insightful books by a disincarnate entity coming through the aforesaid incarnate soul.  

I could comment on that most interesting narrative here as well.  But that would be to open up another can of wriggly facts, competing for attention.

And anyway, nothing beats being exposed to such ideas as by checking them out for yourself.  But just, here, to give a teaser, in its closing words (Emphases in original):

"You are a being of infinite, glorious possibility. You are a being of Infinity - you just need to remember that.  And as a being of Infinity, as a being of glorious infinite possibility, you create.  You create create solar create create glorious, glorious scenarios...and you can still do that now.

"You need to do that now to cleanse this region, to change this region and to bring finally peace on Earth, forever and ever."

Via our, and its, Ascension, out of the Field of The Fall.

All by way of saying that we need to stop selling ourselves short.  As in thinking of ourselves as poor miserable sinners.  Changing our tune to reflect our potential.

As the Christian denomination some of whose adherents I am living amongst now - the Mormons - implies, in its belief that 'As Man is, God once was; and as God is, Man may become'.  Since we are fractals of our Creator Source.

Sometimes, some belief systems that are not totally correct can get some things right.

Discernment, folks.  Practice discernment.   And we will 'get there'.

Because it's in our DNA.

And further.

Thursday, 14 November 2019

On Sacred Kings, And Queens

In my last blog I talked about ‘true believers,’ and made reference to a quote in a book by Barbara G. Walker to that effect.  In a chapter in that book entitled ‘The Other Easters’ is a subsection called ‘Dying and Rising Saviors,’ which begins:

“By one count, at least 20 dying-and-resurrected saviors are known, each one god-begotten and virgin- or miracle-born (often at the winter solstice), and given the Greek title of Christ (Christos), which means ‘Anointed One,’ or some other such divine epithet…

“One of Rome’s most popular saviors was Mithra, whose titles ‘Light of the World’ and ‘Messiah’ were assimilated to Jesus.  Mythraic dualism taught of the war in heaven between heavenly angels and the rebellious underworld angels,or daevas (a word meaning both ‘devils’ and ‘divine spirits’).  The final battle between these forces, Armageddon, would bring on the end of the world and the Last Judgment, according to Persian eschatology.

“Mithra was born on December 25, of the usual mortal virgin.  He healed the sick, raised the dead, cast out demons, made the blind see and the lame walk.  Before he ascended into heaven around the time of the spring equinox (celebrating the sun’s annual ascension), Mithra had a Last Supper with his 12 disciples, who represented the 12 signs of the zodiac.  His worshippers practiced baptism and ate his holy body in the form of bread marked with a cross.  This tradition was one of his seven sacraments, called mizd, Latin missa, English mass.  In 307 AD/CE, the emperor officially declared Mithra ‘Protector of the Roman Empire.’  But in 376, his temple on Vatican Hill was seized by Christians.  The title of the Mithraic high priest, Pater Patrum, ‘Father of Fathers,’ was taken over by Christian bishops and shortened to Pa-Pa, or ‘pope.’

“Similar elements of the salvation cult are found in many other tales of the dying and resurrected god-men, such as Dionysus, Marsyas, Heracles, Aleyin and the Babylonian savior Tammuz, whose sacrificial death was enacted in the temple of Jerusalem (Eze 8:14).  Jesus’s title of Adonai, ‘Lord,’ was plagiarized from the cult of Adonis, another savior popular in the Middle East.  Adonis was born of the ‘virgin’ Myrrha, and died in the spring, to be resurrected as the deity of new vegetation…”

At this point the Editor (also an excellent researcher into such things) appended a very telling footnote; to wit:

“This designation of ‘virgin’ appears to be based on the mythical motif of Myrrha giving birth to Adonis through her side—the same manner in which Buddha was said to have been born—after she has become treelike.  In the classical myth, Myrrha is impregnated by her father…Of course, in myths goddesses or other figures often maintain or regain their virginity because they are not in fact ‘real people’ with genitalia but, instead, represent natural phenomena that are cyclical.  In this case, Myrrha is obviously nature, as expressed in sap or ‘myrrh’ from a tree.  Adonis is therefore the resurrected or renewed life force, like Osiris and Jesus at Easter or the spring, symbolized by the sap.  As [an author] remarks, ‘The father, in this context, is the sun who is loved by the tree.  The sweet sap oozing out is ‘Adonis’ because the word for ‘sweet savor’ is adon.’” 
The root of Adonai - ‘Lord’.  And ‘savor’ has an association, then, with ‘savior’.  Associated with rebirth and resurrection, annually.  Because it all - all - has to do with people trying to make sense of life, and taking hints thereof from nature/their surroundings.

Sweet saps that they are.

And need, now, to cease being such.  As we approach the Era -

the New World - of



And when I say ‘total,’ I mean


Not to live in a Lie, and by lies,

any longer.


Take heed.  Your day



A New Day is beginning.  

To be ruled over by

sacred kings, and queens.  

Until we inherit our Light bodies.  Beyond the realm of Duality.

Graduates of our elementary schooling as we will be at that point.

Beyond the reach - and limitation - of


And its adherents.  Who wish to keep souls bound to 3D life/school.  In order to exercise Power Over Others.

Or POO for short.

And who are about to reach the end of their rulership.  Because

it’s that


Things being cyclical as they are.

And Harvests being what they are.


Jesus Christ, then, being a construct, a composite figure in a work of fiction, a personification of myths.  His adherents are well-meaning, but misguided.    

 Time, then, to enter another Era.  

And this one being a major Concluding one.  For the Dark side having set its sights on the planet as a whole, to wrap it up in and by a global satanic totalitarian state.

And thus invoking its reverse image.  That is to say, a - 

the - 

kingdom of heaven.

On Earth.

And thus, bringing an End to the current stage of ‘reality’.  Which requires an end to all Lies.  

And the kingship of Truth.

Embodied in its subjects.

So: Here we


Wednesday, 13 November 2019

On True Believers

I have found myself in a life situation in which I am in a milieu of religious ‘true believers,’ whereas I have lived the most of my life with and by a piece of early advice, to wit: “Of all sure things, the surest is to doubt.”(1)

They are Christians of a particular ‘denomination,’ thinking of itself as The Truth.  And are very good people, and holding to that belief system out of the highest of intentions.   But their belief system is not based on all of the information that is available to us incarnates at this very crucial time regarding life, and the point of life.  Except for one fact, I want to say to them:

‘There is a larger context and Process at work than is dreamt of in your belief system, which involves the natural fact of reincarnation and its attendant law of karma.’ 

1) By means of which we experience the consequences of our actions, and learn therefrom.  ("One is cause in the matter of one's life." - Werner Erhard.)    And 

2) No one can attain a sufficient level of consciousness-raising in one lifetime to be able to complete the Journey back Home, to Oneness - to At-One-ment  - with our Creator Source, after our sojourn in the 3D field of Duality.  Of school.  For apprentice gods.  As facets, fractals, aspects, points of view, expressions of said Creator Source.  In perfect alignment - at last - with as well the Will of The All That Is.

Even though they believe that ‘As Man is, God once was, and as God is, Man may become.’  

They have part of the Process right.  But they believe - as Christians - that 'they' as their current incarnate selves exist eternally.  And as such, can be ‘sealed ‘ - via particular rituals in a Temple partially dedicated to that cause - to their current spouses and children ‘for time and all eternity’. 

Which brings up my caveat; that “one fact” that I mentioned.  Which is based on another bit of good advice that I have picked up over the course of my long life in this incarnation.  That being, that if you are going to question something of value, it would be best to have something of at least equal value to replace it with.  Or you are merely a Destroyer.  And I have ‘nothing of value’ to replace the very valuable bonds of ‘family’ and ‘community’ (common unity) - based on the teachings of their religion - that these good people live their lives by.

Except with Truth.  And you can’t eat Truth, as it were. 

Truth will, ultimately, out.  But until then, I will tread lightly, on this current Earth.

And as for Christianity as a religion.  Besides the good research works of both Joseph Atwill and Kenneth Humphreys in this regard, I like a summation of it that Barbara G. Walker made in her, er, ‘valuable’ book ‘Man Made God’:

“Gospel teachings attributed to Jesus have been found in earlier texts, often word for word, some - like the famous Beatitudes - in Buddhist scriptures.  The Golden Rule was not a Christian teaching but a Tantric Buddhist expression of karmic law, repeated in the proverbs of Egypt’s Goddess Maat, the Mother of Justice, as well as those of Greece’s Goddess Dike, ruler of fate, and of the Jewish sage Hillel.  Nothing truly original has been found in any of the Jesus traditions, and the wonder-tales that used to compel belief because of their vary incredibility are now dismissed as crude anachronisms persuasive only to the most naive and credulous minds.  

“Theologian Tom Harpur’s book The Pagan Christ urges that the pagan roots of the Jesus myth should now be recognized and embraced because, in effect, they are all we have.  Still, it may seem a tad hypocritical for theology to embrace these roots after officially declaring them false and devilish for so many centuries.  Harpur himself says: ‘This great world religion actually rests on a foundation of falsehood and forgery.’  Christian authorities try to conceal this fact, but it is leaking out and demands to be acknowledged.”(2)

As does everything.  In this time of Completion.

And of Graduation.  Out of spiritual elementary school.  And setting our sights on the further education that awaits us on the path - the Journey - that we are all on.  To - 

as I say -


Our natural state of Being.


(1) Which has proven to be very good advice, indeed, especially with the admission of a former Director of the CIA to a private group, that “We will know that our disinformation is complete when everything that the American public believes is false.” 

(2) The religion of Christianity would appear to have been founded on the imagination mostly of a Jewish general-cum-governor-cum historian named Josephus, via his assumed identity as Saul become Paul, who was thereby currying favor with his ’savior’ - via such admonitions as ‘Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s,’ and ‘My kingdom is not of this world’ - a Roman general named Vespasian who became emperor, and thereby, in allowing Josephus-become Saul-become Paul to be adopted into his imperial household, allowed him - who was of Jewish priestly lineage as well; and a number of his priestly-lineage friends - to live to fight another day.  Under the cover of the new religion that subsequently gained so much influence throughout the West over the centuries.  A story for another day.   
   While we are still dealing with such stories.
   And before the West and the East meet and amalgamate, in a final, global Synthesis, in the New World aborning.