Saturday, 9 November 2019

The Rot Thickens

I am very saddened by what all is going on in this country regarding its attempted takedown and takeover by the NWO crowd - the Bolsheviks of our day.  The threats from without are bad enough, and with things heating up now on our southern border to incandescent proportions.  But as well, I see, for disgusting example, how the Democrat governor of North Carolina has, under obviously false, politically-motivated concerns, vetoed a bill that was designed to clean up the voter registration rolls in that state of ineligible voters, both of the illegal alien variety and the simply non-citizen variety.  And his position is being supported by such corrupt leftwing organizations as Common Cause, doing all it can to attempt to pretend that the issue is 'voter suppression,' rather than what it truly is: moves for Election Integrity.  And such moves needed throughout the country, before the 2020 elections.

I don't know why enough American citizens haven't risen up in revolt against all the corruption going on in this area of civil life to have forced a complete clean-out of the voter reg rolls throughout the country by now, AND the elimination of the use of already proven-to-be hackable electronic voting machines, plus other measures - like no more Early Voting; that racket to be replaced by more precincts on Voting Day - to clean up the voting process in this country of its sordid state of affairs.  But America WILL be cleaned up of this, and all the corruption it is suffering under.*  Because it has a major role to play in the creation of a/the New World that we are in the process of coming to.  Because

it's time.

And about time.

And not before



* Not the least of which is the suffering being perpetrated on children, in various disgusting ways, by apparently demonically-possessed atheists and outright satanists.  A story in itself.

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