Tuesday, 5 November 2019

With Eyes To See

The defilement of Truth by all our national institutions - educational, media, government, entertainment - has gone far enough.  A particularly odious case in point.  

From the article ‘California’s Vaccination Mandate’ by Susan C. McGrath in the October 7th issue of The New American magazine:

“On the [Centers for Disease Control’s] website page entitled ’Top 4 Things Parents Need to Know About Measles,’ parents are told that ‘1 to 3 out of 1,000 people with measles will die, even with the best care.’  The CDC [which, not so incidentally, owns a patent to a vaccine, is not an impartial scientific body] is telling parents that the mortality rate from measles is 100 to 300 per 100,000 people.  In 1900, it was 10 per 100,000 people who contracted measles.  By the time the vaccine was available, the mortality rate was 0.3 per 100,000.*  How then, in 2019, can the mortality rate in the United States have increased so dramatically?  Furthermore, how can the CDC derive such a mortality rate when there have been only two reported measles deaths in the past 16 years?  One must ask why the CDC would knowingly mislead parents.  It is unfathomable.”

No.  It’s the agenda.

Due in part to venality.  Vaccines having become BIG business.  But also due in part - and a large part - to politics.  Vaccines being a prime vector for the delivery of ‘people control’ agents.  Including for their death.

And the state of California - my home state - has now, in a series of chess-like moves (sponsored by a state senator with huge financial ties to Big Pharma), succeeded in eliminating not only “personal” and “religious belief” exemptions “to the CDC’s vaccination requirements upon entry to public and private elementary and secondary schools,” but also, now, “physician-issued medical exemptions”.  The latter category of authority to be replaced with the California Department of Public Health.  Meaning 

the state.

At a time when “there have been only two reported deaths in the United States attributed to measles since 2003, the last being in 2015”.

We really need to call a spade a spade, in this matter, as in many other similar matters, wherein and whereby our Erstwhile Masters have succeeded in gaining an upper hand, and are leading this nation into their totalitarian New World Order, complete with FEMA camps for the ‘Deplorables,’ and the guillotine for the really recalcitrant.

Who will not go quiet into that dark night.

Nor should they.  When the life experience is part of a Plan and Purpose which is Good.

Not Evil.

Which is taking us back to our Creator Source.

Not to be ruled by the demiurge.  Who offords us a choice on this Planet of Choice, in this 3D realm of free will, of (seeming) Separation, Duality, Polarity.  The purpose of which is…??

The Dark side is the abrasive edge
Against which to hone ourselves, 
                               and ready us  


Or not.

Your choice.  

To live by Truth.

Or not.

And boy, are we being given a lot of untruth to live our lives by these dark days.

Free yourself, Citizen, from that spell.  Which means to look beyond the ‘truths’ we are being given by our (seduced and seductive) institutions to live our lives by.  And act accordingly.

And thereby, bring in the proper 

New World.

Just waiting for us to inherit it.  Once we move beyond

the Play that we are in.

Dominated by both Tragedy.

And Farce.

But filled with leads to that New World.  Leads dominated by one main quality, to live our lives by.


* The causes of the large drop in mortality from this ‘rite of passage’ childhood disease - which affords the recipient lifelong immunity (which immunity the female recipient can then pass on to her offspring, thus protecting them from contracting it in their infancy until their own immune systems can kick in and take over) - include: “Clean water systems, proper sanitation (sewage and solid waste disposal), and improved hygiene and nutrition”.  Not the vaccine, which came along in 1963.  At which point the main disease index for such illnesses (the Merck index) changed its definition of measles from a “mild to moderate” disease to a “moderate to severe” disease.  Go figure.

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