Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Cultural Marxism At Its Worst

At Phyllis Schlafly Eagles for Nov. 26 is an article from The Epoch Times titled ’School Programs Mixed With Social Marxism Spread Through America’ by Petr Svab.  It opens: “Public schools are increasingly spending taxpayer money on programs that push quasi-Marxist ideology on their students.”  “Quasi-Marxist ideology”??

It turns out that the far Leftists currently running the most of our educational system have come up with a more palatable, PC version of ye olde ‘class warfare,’ called ‘intersectionality’ (of race, gender, class, religion, sexual orientation, language, Special Ed, and other ‘categories’), but which is the same old thing: “the ‘privilege’ of the oppressor identity group” - meaning “white privilege,” in ‘systems of oppression’ identified by ‘identity groups,’ the latter to be indoctrinated into feelings of being oppressed.  It involves the likes of school districts being given huge amounts of money to promote programs such as ‘Deep Equity’ and ‘Youth Equity  Stewardship’ (YES), where the claim is to hep minority students do better educationally but as well having an ideological agenda mixed in; the meaning of ‘equity’ being “to eradicate the ‘privilege’ of” the aforesaid ‘oppressor identity group’.  The dual purpose of which is to a) “receive more resources” - i.e., take from Peter to give to Paul - and b) be taught anti-white hate (and become “social justice activists”).  So: Blacks don’t do as well on academic tests as whites because - in this scenario - of ‘oppression,’ of “inequitable systems of access, power, and privilege”.  So: the answer is to

a) hate whites, and

b) overthrow the “ruling class”.  Or in this new jargon, “the ‘privilege’ of the oppressor identity group”.  

Whatever the clothing you put on it: Sounds awfully like pure Marxism to me.

And it’s the same sort of message as expounded on another site among my emails today - Dave Hodges’s ‘The Common Sense Show’ -  where the STEM subjects - of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math - have  been labeled by one of these ‘academic’ indocrinators (in Washington state) as inherently “racist” because why?  Because non-whites don’t perform as well on them as whites.*

So, again: Hate Whitey.

You really cant make this stuff up.

Oh - and if you are not convinced yet about the Marxists’ attempts at overthrow of the U.S., there is also this, from today’s posting by Lloyd Marcus, a black man who calls himself ‘The Unhyphenated American,’ in an article entitled ‘SJW Zombies Turning Against Their Creators’: 

SJWs scored a huge victory when SCOTUS outrageously awarded civil rights to sexual behavior. The ruling empowered SJWs to declare war on normal. Backed by government, SJWs punish anyone whose conscience prevents them from surrendering to the LGBTQ agenda. SJWs intend to legalize 12 new perversions, which include pedophilia and bestiality. They say opposing deviant behavior is bigotry, hate, and discrimination. 

“SJWs have added the word “triggered” to their lexicon. Speaking opinions about women, race, homosexuality, and transgenderism that SJWs do not like “triggers” them; justifying them physically beating the crap out of you. Obesity has been added to SJWs' list of things they no longer allow us to speak the truth about. A study cited obesity as a cause of cancer. SJWs attacked the study, calling it fat-phobic, bigotry and hate speech. SJWs want to repeal our constitutional right to free speech, empowering them to throw you into jail for whatever they declare “hate speech…” 

Marcus thinks that the ‘haters’ have gone too far, which will cause a backlash to their ‘causes’.

One is tempted to say, and feel: ‘Let’s hope so.’  But as in all things, there is an element of Truth in the position of the SJW.  We do need to look seriously at why black kids don’t do as well as white kids on such tests, e.g.  And if they learn differently from whites, let’s look at that.  But that investigation would as well uncover the fact that black kids seem to be affected more adversely than white kids by the brain-damaging effect of (at least some) vaccines.  Why, I don’t know.  And apparently no one else does either.  Because no one amongst those with responsibility wants to look at the subject - and the fundamental subject in this matter, of the downside of vaccines.

So, bottom line:

Yes, there is a lot of cleaning up of our social order to be engaged in.

Just not in the way that the SJW crowd is being indoctrinated to do.

Rather, in a way that brings us towards unitary consciousness.

Which is also to say: Beyond hate.

* Her visual aid slides at a symposium for a group of teachers contained one that said:
   ‘Our Responsibility With Data
   ‘If you conclude that outcomes differences by demographic subgroup are a result of anything other than a broken system, that is, by definition, bigotry.+
   ‘+ racism, classism, sexism, etc.’
   A ‘broken system’ indeed…

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