With all of the skillful but disgusting prevarication going on by the Deep State and the Dems and their willing accomplices in the MSM over, first, the Russian Collusion Delusion, and then the Ukraine witch hunt, and the other side of that coin involving a) the Bidens and b) child sex trafficking, it would appear that things in the U.S. and on the planet are getting about as dark as they can get, with Truth sacrificed so terribly to expediency. So, one has good reason to believe that these are, indeed, End Times, with the Christian theme of that Event coming to the fore. But how does that fit with the aforementioned, and invoked, Truth?
By now, in my long life, filled with considerable research on this matter, and other, subordinate matters (such as the cause(s) of cancer, and the truth about vaccines, and so forth), I have come to realize that the Christian story is just that: a story, concocted originally for socio-political purposes, and sustained on that level - of chicanery and deceit; and a fair amount of honest misapprehension - over the centuries. So, how do these two things ‘jibe’ with one another??
All I really know is that the Dark has taken over on this planet in a very big way (how can you get much darker than the likes of child sex abuse and torture and killing, and the drinking of their blood, whether specifically for satanic ritual or just for the hell of it??), and that is generating a very big response in such incarnate souls as me, to the point where the Light shall now take over on this planet, because The (historic) Process has now run its course, with the ‘element’ of Synthesis to take place. A Synthesis, because there is a degree of Truth in both/all sides of ‘the equation’. Thus, we need to move beyond the ‘pull’ of either/any side of The Process, and fully into the final stage of The Process: that is to say, into
The Real Thing. Beyond the Play, and its elements of Drama. Part of which End Time, involving the moving of us into a/the New World, is the establishing of a new form of human energy exchange:
working with Abundance rather than Lack;*
replacing the old (and tiresome; having reached its use-by date) fiat and interest-bearing money system and its complementary ‘training wheel’ of fractional-reserve banking with The (real) New World’s crowning motivating factor, of sharing goods and services with one another - and giving of our best in the process - out of a higher motive than the age-old and Old Age one of ‘profit’. Out of the highest motive that there could ever be:
Out of gratitude to our Creator for life with meaning.
Out of, in a word: Love.
One of the fundamental qualities behind the Creation.
And as I ‘announced’ many years ago, when I ‘came of age’. To say: when I woke up.
To what was going on.
And how to get out of the prison that we had established for ourselves.
In 3D life.
Causing us to lose sight of the larger picture. The larger reality, that the 3D realm was/is just a part of.
An educational part.
The equivalent of undergraduate school. Preparing us for graduate school. That accomplishment - that leap, in consciousness - known as
Prepare for that Liftoff. For, it is upon us.
As we speak.
And which includes -
of course -
living by Truth.
Prevarication no longer.
* via the likes of free energy devices, and replicators, and 3D printers, and on and on. To say: via the levels of technology that we have already attained to.
With more still to come.
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