American Civil War Revisited
An article in the current issue of The New American magazine(1) has brought back memories for me. In the summer of 1955 I dropped out of my formal education - at the end of my Junior year at university - to go looking for Truth, of both the spiritual and the political kinds. The first quest took me more or less directly to New York City (from my home in Southern California), to do some serious research in the stacks of what I figured must be ‘the largest public library in the Western world’.(2) The second took me at a later date both to a public library and to the stacks of the Law School library at UCLA. I was looking for clues as to when ’we’ got off the track of a true understanding of the Constitution.
What am I talking about. I am talking about the fact that we Americans, at this time in our nation’s history and for some time past, have - been led to have - a basic misunderstanding of the Bill of Rights. It is addressed to the federal government - as the First, Ninth and Tenth Amendments clearly indicate. The Bill of Rights is a collection of examples of rights that We, the People have not surrendered up to the power of the federal government to deny us; the federal government being one of limited and delegated powers - enumerated powers - “few and defined,” in the rather authoritative words (in ‘The Federalist Papers’) of the man rightly considered to be the Father of the Constitution, James Madison. The salient point being that we need such thus-exampled rights to be vouchsafed us in and by our several state constitutions. This being a federal form of government, not a national government per se.
Now, some academic pundits have said that the 14th Amendment changed all that, and turned everything upside down, whereby we are vouchsafed our rights by the federal Constitution. (Thus the cry through the years: ‘I know my rights!’) But that is a misreading of the 14th Amendment, in both its wording and its intent. It does NOT say, in effect: ‘All the rights and powers formerly reserved to the States respectively or to the people shall now reside in the purview of the federal government’. That impression has been created and ‘upheld’ by a bit of legalistic hogwash, a ‘principle’ called ‘incorporation’ - that all the rights and powers mentioned in the Bill of Rights were ‘incorporated’ into the 14th Amendment’s wording and intent, and thus transferred to the power of the federal government to rule on.
Not. So.(3)
But not to get bogged down in this particular blog (thus the term to be called, ‘blogged down’??) on that aspect of the undercutting of the Constitution. Just to point out - as has the aforementioned article - that the Constitution - to say, a nation operating under the rule of law - is being threatened by citizens who want this country to operate under the rule of the mob - to say, a direct democracy. Ruled, of course, by them.(4) All, as part of the New World Order crowd’s attempts to do a Bolshevik Revolution on this country, on their way to their ultimate goal: the world en toto.
I note that that crowd has moved to condition the members of our various federal agencies under their ideological control to fire at the target likes of pregnant women, little children, and elderly people pointing a gun at them. Anything to lessen the danger to them, of a nation of people who think, rightly or not, that they have a ‘constitutional right’ to keep and bear arms, and thus will be an obstacle to their takeover plans.(5)
To these, our Erstwhile Masters, I say: You might as well add my (c.o.’s) photo to your collection of targets for target practice. Because I am here to see that you and your ilk, on the Dark side - lusting after Power Over Others; or POO for short - do not prevail, in this Drama unfolding to its conclusion.
And I encourage as many American patriots as possible, who feel comfortable with the idea, to obtain weapons of self-defense and engage in target practice as well; in order hopefully to cause the NWO crowd to cease and desist in their insidious plan to take down the U.S.A., and merge it, as a whole or in part, into being a part of a region of their (long-planned-for) global gulag/totalitarian state. Ruled - as I say - by them.
An ounce of prevention being worth a pound of cure, and all.
The bottom line:
The far Left wing of the Democrat Party, in cahoots with their cohorts in crime, a corporate-government nexus - all controlled at the top of the pyramid of power by the same small group of satanists - are mutually attempting both to subvert the Constitution and forcefully to take down this country, for top-down and totalitarian control over The People. It is the Dark side version of a/the kingdom of heaven.
Let’s go for
the Real Thing. Before The Process that we have been in for time immemorial ends abruptly short of that goal.
And we have to start it all over again. From scratch. In the appalling aftermath of
a terrible civil war.
(1) entitled ‘Constitution Under Attack: Article V Convention Greater Threat Than Open Attacks’.
(2) Which I engaged in for almost exactly a year, before The Draft caught up with me, for having dropped out of official school. The upshot of both instances in my life was that I went into the Army as a conscientious objector (c.o.), serving in South Korea for two years in that capacity. Well, not precisely; but another story for another time. The c.o. status was at the least my basic ‘statement’.
(3) My research into this curious bit of subterfuge ultimately took me to a decision in the early ’40s whereby the SCOTUS decreed that a symbolic burning of the American flag by a citizen was a form of speech protected by the First Amendment, as ‘incorporated’ in the terms of the 14th Amendment. Before then, such subjects were dealt with under the purview of the several states, operating in homage to their state constitutions.
(4) the article cited “a recent forum at New York University sponsored by Harper’s Magazine” that systematically attacked the Constitution from the Left. A number of the participating ‘scholars’ being on the law school faculty at Georgetown University. Apparently operating in the footsteps of Prof. Carroll Quigley at that institution of higher indoctrination.
(Pertinently from the article: “These so-called scholars hate the Constitution to the extent that it inhibits them from carrying out their agenda, an agenda that dates back at least to the ‘Progressive Era’ of American politics of the early 20th century. The ‘progressives,’ which included Republicans such as Theodore Roosevelt and Democrats such as Woodrow Wilson, were at odds with the philosophy of the Founders. George Washington viewed government as something like fire - ‘a dangerous servant, but a fearful master.’ Thomas Jefferson saw the Constitution as a ‘chain,’ restraining the men who would exercise limited powers under it…”)
(5) That obstacle being undercut by all the NWO machinations going on, particularly via false flag ops, to get as many guns out of the hands of as many patriots as they can, before they make their big takeover move.
A project that has been going on for some time. This being a very longstanding plot. And the U.S., with its intrinsic emphasis on the rights of the individual, as a sovereign being - as ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’ - being such a major obstacle to the NWO crowd’s best-laid plans, who want all power invested in the state.
As part of The Process unfolding.
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