I have found myself in a life situation in which I am in a milieu of religious ‘true believers,’ whereas I have lived the most of my life with and by a piece of early advice, to wit: “Of all sure things, the surest is to doubt.”(1)
They are Christians of a particular ‘denomination,’ thinking of itself as The Truth. And are very good people, and holding to that belief system out of the highest of intentions. But their belief system is not based on all of the information that is available to us incarnates at this very crucial time regarding life, and the point of life. Except for one fact, I want to say to them:
‘There is a larger context and Process at work than is dreamt of in your belief system, which involves the natural fact of reincarnation and its attendant law of karma.’
1) By means of which we experience the consequences of our actions, and learn therefrom. ("One is cause in the matter of one's life." - Werner Erhard.) And
2) No one can attain a sufficient level of consciousness-raising in one lifetime to be able to complete the Journey back Home, to Oneness - to At-One-ment - with our Creator Source, after our sojourn in the 3D field of Duality. Of school. For apprentice gods. As facets, fractals, aspects, points of view, expressions of said Creator Source. In perfect alignment - at last - with as well the Will of The All That Is.
Even though they believe that ‘As Man is, God once was, and as God is, Man may become.’
They have part of the Process right. But they believe - as Christians - that 'they' as their current incarnate selves exist eternally. And as such, can be ‘sealed ‘ - via particular rituals in a Temple partially dedicated to that cause - to their current spouses and children ‘for time and all eternity’.
Which brings up my caveat; that “one fact” that I mentioned. Which is based on another bit of good advice that I have picked up over the course of my long life in this incarnation. That being, that if you are going to question something of value, it would be best to have something of at least equal value to replace it with. Or you are merely a Destroyer. And I have ‘nothing of value’ to replace the very valuable bonds of ‘family’ and ‘community’ (common unity) - based on the teachings of their religion - that these good people live their lives by.
Except with Truth. And you can’t eat Truth, as it were.
Truth will, ultimately, out. But until then, I will tread lightly, on this current Earth.
And as for Christianity as a religion. Besides the good research works of both Joseph Atwill and Kenneth Humphreys in this regard, I like a summation of it that Barbara G. Walker made in her, er, ‘valuable’ book ‘Man Made God’:
“Gospel teachings attributed to Jesus have been found in earlier texts, often word for word, some - like the famous Beatitudes - in Buddhist scriptures. The Golden Rule was not a Christian teaching but a Tantric Buddhist expression of karmic law, repeated in the proverbs of Egypt’s Goddess Maat, the Mother of Justice, as well as those of Greece’s Goddess Dike, ruler of fate, and of the Jewish sage Hillel. Nothing truly original has been found in any of the Jesus traditions, and the wonder-tales that used to compel belief because of their vary incredibility are now dismissed as crude anachronisms persuasive only to the most naive and credulous minds.
“Theologian Tom Harpur’s book The Pagan Christ urges that the pagan roots of the Jesus myth should now be recognized and embraced because, in effect, they are all we have. Still, it may seem a tad hypocritical for theology to embrace these roots after officially declaring them false and devilish for so many centuries. Harpur himself says: ‘This great world religion actually rests on a foundation of falsehood and forgery.’ Christian authorities try to conceal this fact, but it is leaking out and demands to be acknowledged.”(2)
As does everything. In this time of Completion.
And of Graduation. Out of spiritual elementary school. And setting our sights on the further education that awaits us on the path - the Journey - that we are all on. To -
as I say -
Our natural state of Being.
(1) Which has proven to be very good advice, indeed, especially with the admission of a former Director of the CIA to a private group, that “We will know that our disinformation is complete when everything that the American public believes is false.”
(2) The religion of Christianity would appear to have been founded on the imagination mostly of a Jewish general-cum-governor-cum historian named Josephus, via his assumed identity as Saul become Paul, who was thereby currying favor with his ’savior’ - via such admonitions as ‘Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s,’ and ‘My kingdom is not of this world’ - a Roman general named Vespasian who became emperor, and thereby, in allowing Josephus-become Saul-become Paul to be adopted into his imperial household, allowed him - who was of Jewish priestly lineage as well; and a number of his priestly-lineage friends - to live to fight another day. Under the cover of the new religion that subsequently gained so much influence throughout the West over the centuries. A story for another day.
While we are still dealing with such stories.
And before the West and the East meet and amalgamate, in a final, global Synthesis, in the New World aborning.
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