Sunday, 17 November 2019

Further On Christianity

It’s time to call a spade a spade.  Christianity is a flawed religion.  Not just in its practices over the years.  But as an intrinsically flawed religion.  

Being rooted as it is in the concept of many of the ‘god-men’ and ’sun gods’ believed in by various peoples at the time was bad enough, in the way of, and comparison to, capital-t Truth.  But being primarily rooted in the so-called Old Testament as it is, with that vengeful, bloodthirsty ‘god,’(1) there should be no wonder about such a revolting development in its history as the Inquisition.  With all of the evidence that there is in our day, of the likes of  a) in-depth research into the origins of Christianity, and b) the evidences -  in books and videos, of individual ‘encounters’ with memories, and research studies of, as I term it, ‘the natural fact of reincarnation and its attendant law of karma,’ there is no good reason - to repeat: no good reason - for humanity to continue to believe in errors, of either the theistic kind or the atheistic kind.(2)

Example, as I heard yesterday evening in a video at one of the Internet sites that I visit regularly, for its host engaging in basically good commentary on the socio-econo-political scene in the U.S. these particularly troublesome, ‘dark’ days.  Besides being an invaluable commentator on that scene, he is a staunch Christian; and in referring to ‘the secular Great Commission’ - of letting people in America know about the New World Order and its adherents’ multiple machinations (including impending invasion of this country, from various sources, from the equivalent of a domestic ’Tet offensive’ from embedded sources within the country to all-out amphibious and subterranean assault) - he compared it to the (Christian) ’Great Commission,’ of “letting people know about Jesus so that they have a chance at salvation”. 

‘Salvation’.  Of souls who are basically ‘saved’ by virtue of the fact that they are ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’ - are chips off the old block, are cut from the same cloth as their/our Creator Source; who advance on their individual spiritual evolutionary journeys according to their degrees of consciousness development, in experiencing the consequences of their actions and reflections, in 3D life after life, until they free themselves from that not-so merry-go-round - ‘get’ it, and move on, and Up, the spiral stairway to the heavens.  Ultimately to reach Unity.  Again.  The richer for the experience.  As is the Whole.

And if they fail in that Process, it is due to their own decisioning.  And if they succeed in that Process, it is due to their own decisioning.  No one else’s.  Now, they can have inspirations along The Path.  But no one or nothing does it for them.  It is due to their own accomplishment.  As befitting their basic nature.

Even those souls who, for whatever all reasons, have chosen to dwell on the Dark side.  They can always choose to release that orientation, and return - like The Prodigal Son - to the Light side.  Lighting their way to their inherent Goal.  But having been given Choice in     

The Process.

To this otherwise commendable commentator on the current Scene, of the Drama that we are in (having a Point; and a Grand one at that), I would say, ‘Please; check your premises.  With a good Light.’(3)

And what about all those souls who lived before the time - the purported (historical) time - of the man whom many in our day, and through the years since then, have called Jesus (the) Christ?  And all those who have lived after that calendrical transition time, between BC and AD, who never heard of, er, Him, and so never had a chance to be, er, saved??

At least the Christian denomination whose adherents I am currently living amongst have tried to answer this basic conundrum by having a belief in what is called ‘Baptism of/for the Dead’ - descendants vicariously being baptized in at least the name of their forebears.  Who presumably have a choice ‘on the other side’ to accept that intended gift or not.  But if this terrestrial realm is the realm of free will (and we ultimately graduate out of it to live in perfect alignment with the Will of our Creator Source; being fractals of such), how does that work???  

I’ll tell you how it works.  It ‘works’ awkwardly.  With good intentions.  But poor reason.

How much more sense does it make to believe - understand - in reincarnation.  Understanding that it would be impossible to develop the degrees of consciousness necessary to progress on one’s spiritual path in one life.  Inheriting karma along The Way.  Until finally graduating from 

the Great School.

The bottom line:

We are approaching an End to The Grand Process, in which those who qualify may graduate from this elementary-school level, en masse, rather than individually, as normally in this spiritual evolutionary Procedure.  And that End Process will involve bringing ‘East’ and ‘West’ together, as One.  Incorporating ‘the best of both’ approaches to life.  Especially in the sense of ‘the Collective’ as championed from the East, and ‘the Individual’ as championed from the West.  In

the ultimate Synthesis


The Process.   Resulting in a major Graduation for

aspiring gods. 

Our essential


That we are in the Process of ‘inheriting’.

As we speak.


P.S. How do I correlate this perspective with all the dark and terrible things going on in the country and the world these days?  I would say:
     All the dark stuff needs to come out, in order for the Light to be able to come in.  Which, with its intense pressure to come in - being the natural Order of Things, our natural state, beneath the surface of our temporary state, for educational and consciousness-raising purposes, in this classroom for aspiring gods - is forcing the Dark out.
     And boy, is there a lot of it in there.  Having built up - karmically; to say, under Law - for a long, long time, in this realm of the experience of Duality, Polarity, and seeming Separation.
     Seeming.  Because we are never fully divorced from our Source.       


(1) at best, a tribal god; of which there have been many over the years, and especially in those days, with the advent in our history on this planet of the Anunnaki; another story

(2) Evidences of the fact of reincarnation are a priori evidence that there is Plan in and Purpose to life beyond just in and for itself only; that there is a large Reality that this one, of 3D materialism, is but part of.  
   And may itself only be, intrinsically, an illusion, built on the ‘edge’ ‘of a geometric pattern.  But to continue. 

(3) A tongue-in-cheek play on the fact that one of his sponsors is the manufacturer of quite a special flashlight.

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