Monday, 18 November 2019

On Gaslighting, & Other Human Conditions

All Americans must prepare for more attempts to assassinate President Trump or forcibly remove him from power. The coordinated conspiracy to overthrow the United States of America and criminalize conservatives has now spread across Big Tech, the left-wing media, elements of the Pentagon and the judiciary. Civil war seems imminent, and there appear to be no boundaries or limits to the desperation of the deep state.”

That’s Mike Adams of Natural News/ speaking.  It is the closing paragraph to an article that he has very recently posted, which opened:

“The President’s unscheduled stop at the Walter Reed military hospital on Saturday involved a battery of tests to determine whether the President was exposed to a chemical agent that is suspected of being introduced into his food, says a White House connected source who shared detailed [sic] with Alex Jones of”

And thus are things heating up in this country, with the Deep State gang, including the far Left wing of the Democrat Party, apparently realizing that their attempts to impeach Pres. Trump are failing, and they are getting desperate to take him out, before too big a reaction to their efforts develops, and Trump’s popularity gets too big for them to deal with.  It’s a terribly sad situation.  The NWO crowd are being ‘guided’ by the philosophy that Anything Goes.  ‘Whatever It Takes.  By Any Means Necessary,’ in the words of Saul ‘Rules for Radicals’ Alinsky, ‘community organizer’ BHO’s mentor.  A huge number of people in this country having forgotten their true natures, as ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.  And as I referred to in my blog on Saturday, of your being “a being of infinite, glorious possibility”.  

And as well, of ‘the other persuasion’.  Descending into utter Darkness.  But that’s free will for you.

For you.  To grow to your ultimate potential, in The Light of The Point to it all.

Or not.

Your choice.

But if you are of the Dark-side persuasion at the moment, please consider an impending factor.  Let’s say that the world’s monetary system were to go through a major revamping, whereby there was a Global Currency Reset and Revaluation, with currency being put back onto a basis of ‘sound money’ - that is to say, our money based on gold and other precious metals, with the elimination of both fiat and interest-bearing money and fractional-reserve banking, all debt cleared by a Jubilee, and the world starting to live by Abundance, not ‘economy’ with the advent of such technology as what are called free energy devices and replicators, along with other high-tech products that also have been kept under wraps by TPTB for monetary and people-control reasons.  All of which will change our human society into a people-centered society, not a profit-motivated one; which change will as well clean up our environment, and have people living in harmony with one another, rather than in competition with one another, as well through nation states.  In short: a/the New World Order of the Light side.

Rather than the Dark side one, which we are now more rapidly entering into.  And will sink into fully, if we don’t have a course correction.  Moving beyond where we are at now.  And entering into a state of Synthesis.  Which will allow us to enter into ‘the kingdom of heaven’.  Meaning: a state befitting ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.

And choosing to ‘go for gold’.  Instead of sinking into oblivion.  A ‘state’ which we have entered into a number of times previously, on this sorely put-upon planet. This Planet of Choice.

I am saying, that we now have the opportunity to break a long-standing pattern, of going ‘round and ‘round and ‘round on a Wheel of Rebirth, over and over and over again.  Thinking to change something on the same level of consciousness that created the problem.  The definition of a form of insanity.

Come on, folks.  Time to live up to our highest potential.  Not our lowest, any longer.  And if we do, a whole new world awaits us. 

A - the - New World.  In deed.

And just in time, it would appear.  More and more.  As we approach

not just Ascension.  But

Harvest time.

Of those who choose to live by Truth.

Not falsehood.

Any longer.

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