Sunday, 4 November 2018

Hope Springs Eternal

(A friend has sent me an excellent article online now of an old prior election-time article on consciousness-raising/cultural shadow archetypes etc..  My response:)

"It's getting harder to uphold a divided self" in today's ubiquitous social-media climate.  Good, and.  If it is being accomplished by taking away people's inherent right to privacy, it is totalitarian, anti-free will.  If it is accomplished by free-willed consciousness-raising ("honesty about our shadow," as [Jacob] Devaney says in enlarging on [Charles] Eisenstein's essay [‘Lid is Off’]), then, and only then, is it a good thing.  Otherwise it is simply a big-government approach to life.  Disgusting stuff.  The Red China approach, and all that.  Complete with organ harvesting of recalcitrants.  While still alive.
     This big-government thing being what we are faced with in moving beyond, in today's call for a Synthesis.  Away from the New World Order's reverse image, Into the real thing...
     Delaney went on to make some good points.  As did Eisenstein.  Thanks for the forward.


P.S.  I had a good email exchange w/CE many years ago, whilst still at Cluny.  I forget where I came across his online material, but something that he 'said' in it at one point caused me to email him, in which correspondence I remarked on my 'updated' version of the Golden Rule, for our time and place; to wit: 
     'As you do unto others, so do you do unto yourself - literally.  For, we are all One.  And All IS One.'  
     (He responded by saying, delightedly, that that was very similar to his own take on things.)  

P.P.S. This Collective Evolution site is a very good one.  I would like to support them financially.  Alas, I have been rendered impotent in that sort of regard, by a recent increase in my rent (and I am already on a low-level rent for this area; and it is definitely not a high-rent district).  I have been in the habit of contributing to a number of worthy causes over the years that I have been back here in the States (who knew there were so many???); but I am now out of the market, as it were.  I am eating too bigly into my savings, now, before [I meant with] that unexpected addition to my expenses.  I had the good fortune to amass a somewhat tidy sum of Soc. Sec. payments whilst I was getting my room and board at the FF; but I have to watch the outgo, now.  That remaining sum (on which I earn no interest, for its being in a checking account, for me to draw on as needed) has to be my 'medical insurance' (of which I can afford no other).  I am still very healthy; but at my age, etc. etc..  And so it goes.  Life. 
     I have been keeping an eye on the subject of a rumored GCR/RV, for Global Currency Reset/Reval; the idea that the White Hats are going to bring in a fundamental change in the 'economy,' wherein we get to come out of the control of the world's central banks, rid ourselves of the fiat money-system scam, and enter a New Era, of peace and prosperity.  it fits in with my general feelings about 'life' (and why I feel that I chose to incarnate at this time).  But - who knows.  There is no Santa Claus either. 
      Is 'to grow up' to be defined as being cynical??  I certainly hope not.  But - we'll see, in this particular regard.
     Anyway: Be well.  One can't afford not to be, these days...

...And the 'caravans' approach steadily closer to the American border, with their load of (paid) agitators; bent on causing a ruckus, that the New World Order crowd hope to capitalize on, to bring this country down, and into their, and their masters', laps...

So, yes:

We'll see.

A lot.  

In the few days ahead.


To choose.

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