Sunday, 25 November 2018

This Too Shall Pass Away

As I go through some mundane difficulty on my sojourn here in 3D (and yet, know that this, too, shall pass away, is merely ephemeral; a small test of my patience, that things are not perfect here - yet),* I still have enough centeredness to shake my head over what else is going on; which, frankly, causes me to comment on how so many people - fellow incarnate souls - have forgotten, not yet awakened to, what the point of the exercise is.  The point of the exercise - of life - being not to make money, or to gain Power Over Others (POO for short) - i.e., not get lost in the thicket.  But is to, in a phrase, achieve self-realization, as a child of God.  And to proceed from there, that awakening - that re-awakening; that re-membering - Up.  The stairway to the heavens.  Ultimately to achieve Unity.  No longer to be in degrees of separation.  From each other, and from the Godhead, of which we are all a Part.

From, that is to say: The One.

And that's what our current Process is all about: to move from a stage of Synthesis through 4D (which, as I understand it, is a realm of emotions) to 5D, in the awakening Process to our true Selves.   I believe it is called maksha - i.e., liberation from the physical, i.e., from 3D birth and death.  Because there - and from there on - you live - as a fractal of The All That Is - only to serve The Plan, and therefore generate no karma, to have to balance out, before Completion.  Completion in the highest 'heaven,' dimension, realm of resonance; however many dimensions Up that is.  I have heard various 'numbers' Up that is.  (Particularly the 13th.)  Whatever the actual fact (I am in a state of 'slumber' too, have a hard time breaking through my cocoon; as seeing through a glass darkly.  Obviously, to keep me centered here, for my work to do, whatever all I contracted to do), it is the realm of Unity.  Back totally to the Godhead.

Enriching The All That Is from your journey in this realm of (seeming) Separation and Duality, and from there, your creativity - as a creator in your own right; from your birthright - all the way up through the 'stairway to the heavens'.

Or at least, so it seems to me.

How about



* It has to do with my computer (on which I am typing this report, on my Process).  I am having extreme downloading difficulties, and especially regarding my emails.  It has caused me to be cut off, at least momentarily, from being able to send out emails to  - i.e, to communicate with - whomsoever I might wish to, be it friends or responses to e-newsletters articles.   What am supposed to learn from this?  To start practicing communicating telepathically??
   A thought.

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