The voting fraud activity STILL going on around the country is just simply and appallingly outrageous. Which includes some Democrat lawyers down in Florida, in the attempt to keep the elections there still open (for finding more ballots. In the trunks of cars, and such), objecting to non-citizens’ ballots being thrown out…*
The lunatic left at work?
Not so. A lunatic often doesn’t understand fully what he or she is doing. The Left - aka the New World Order acolytes - know precisely what they are doing.
They are engaged in a major move to bring down the Existing Order. Which means: the United States of America as it exists.
This operation extends as well to the legal ‘front’. I got a mailing today (yesterday, now) from an (excellent) outfit called the American Civil Rights Union (definitely not to be confused with the ACLU) - which fights court battles to clean up the Electoral corruption and attempt to get states to beef up their anti-corruption electoral systems - that commented on how one of their Board members, Ed Meese, former AG for Pres. Reagan, and staunch advocate of what has been dubbed ‘originalism,’ was at Pres.Trump’s press conference announcing the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh for the SCOTUS, and “was immediately condemned by the Left and cited as one of many reasons why Kavanaugh should not be confirmed to sit on the Supreme Court. Why? Because as former New York Times Executive Editor bemoaned, he is ‘the godfather of “original intent,” the crackpot, rightwing legal theory that will, if Kavanaugh is confirmed, be enshrined for decades to come.’” (Emphases in original)
The crackpot, rightwing legal theory…
Got it. That former NYT Executive Editor’s name is, of course, Humpty ‘Words mean what I say they mean’ Dumpty.
So, the words of the Constitution - the constitutional contract, between the several States and the federal government; with a built-in amending process for changes - don’t really mean what they say. They mean whatever you say they mean.
That’s logical. For a relativist. A Marxist. A Satanist.
For whom there is no right nor wrong but thinking makes it so. What is right is whatever advances my agenda, and what is wrong is whatever impedes it.
Overthrow the existing order By All Means Necessary. Whatever It Takes, to accomplish your end. Lie. Cheat. Steal.
Ladies and gentlemen, you are slipping under the control, not just of NWO Marxists. But of Satanists. Complete with their pedophilia agenda. And child sacrifice, and the drinking of their blood, for the high that it gives them…and the selling of their organs.........
Yes, it’s your choice. But this is a Just universe. Meaning, that it operates under Law. And one ‘law,’ or principle, is that actions have consequences.
You will be held to account for your actions.
Take heed.
* Presumably on the basis that as a state election, with state issues on the ballot, all simply residents should have the right to vote. Including non-citizens. And - oh yes: that other category, of people who have been flooded into this country for this very sort of purpose: illegal aliens.
Never mind about the little sticky business about there also having been federal offices involved in the election as well. And that nobody has made it legal for non-citizens to vote on any issues in this country. Yet.
But, and as in my home state of California, that ‘state of affairs’ is creeping in. As we speak.
And to continue.
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