Saturday, 17 November 2018

Schools For Thought

As I see it, there are four basic schools of thought regarding Life.

One.  The atheistic model.  Life has no purpose beyond just in and for itself only.  The Law of the Jungle rules: It’s Dog Eat Dog.
     A subdivision of this take on matters is the Communist one, where some people think that they have perceived some Rules or Laws regarding Life, like ‘dialectical materialism,’ which give them a reason for governmental activity.  I’m not sure who or what they think is behind such Rules/Laws, unless they think that it is all simply a matter of Nature’s ‘evolutionary process’.  Whatever all that may entail.  One such possibility according to their take on things, is that ‘the state will wither away,’ when Man has become so nice (or controlled)(1) that He somehow grows out of his links with Nature’s ‘red in tooth and claw’ ‘rules’.  But anyway: that’s one school of thought regarding What It Is All About.

Two.  The Satanic model.  This model accepts the notion that there is ‘something more than Man,’ but that it is, well, satanic - ‘dark’ in nature.  that we humans were born to ‘Do What Thou Wilt,’ in the words of satanist Aleister Crowley.  Lie, cheat, steal.  Kill.  Whatever it takes to accomplish your goal.  And child sacrifice seems to be a particular feature of this school of thought; and the drinking of the blood of a victim, child or otherwise, who has been tortured, to have said tipple filled with lubricious hormones that give one a high.  For, after all, the point of Life is to Do What Thou Wilt.  In this school of thought.   
     Where this Satan figure came from, and what its basic nature, is not necessarily covered in this particular school of thought; Satan, to some of His adherents, simply Is.(2)  But to move on to that area:

Three. The ‘Mistake’ model.  This is aka the Biblical model; or at least, the Old Testament model:
     Lucifer, a great Angel, argued in Heaven for the right for God’s angels to have free will, and his passion for the idea somehow succeeded in turning ‘a third of the hosts of heaven’ to his call; whereupon they - and us all, apparently - were sent into a, The, Fall.  To learn lessons therefrom; or whatever the purpose.  If there was a Purpose, beyond just Vengeance, for having disobeyed a vengeful God.(3)
     And this model requires, then, a Savior, a Redeemer.  To redeem souls from their error of judgment.  And so, there is a constant battle between the forces of the Dark - of Separation, Polarity, Duality - and the forces of the Light; as personified by an Anointed One.  Whom one must believe in, and take into one’s heart, to be ‘saved,’ from the Error of judgment committed back at the beginning of the exercise.  In order to be ‘won back to God’.  
     One might also say, ‘to be One back to God’.  But not to get ahead of myself, in this breakdown, of all possible, or at least likely, schools of thought, about what Life is all about.   And that brings up:

Four.  The ’School’ model.  That Life - on this free willed level - is not a ‘mistake,’ but intended from the outset.  Life, in this model, being a school, the purpose of which is to graduate.  As apprentice gods.  Gods in the making.  Incarnate souls being of the essence of their Creator Source.  Chips off the old block, as it were.  Learning lessons, in the art of being a Creator.  As we, as ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’ (as one thinker on the subject characterized the matter), wind our way back out of (seeming) Separation/Duality to Unity.
     I see that the thinking of some people on this particular take on things is that there are eleven dimensions (aka densities), or 12, or 13 - each with subdivisions - that we work our way (back) through, to get to that goal, of perfect Unity.(4)  I personally don’t know.  At this point.  What makes sense to me, in considering this particular take on the matter, is twofold:
     1) The major learning point of the exercise would seem to be that the universe is run by Laws, and one of the main ones of those is how actions have consequences.  That As we do unto others, so do we do unto ourselves - and literally.  Via the working of the Law of Karma.(5)  Because - precisely because - We Are All One.  And
     2) In this model, there is no need of a Savior.  Of a Redeemer.  Oh, there can be advanced souls who come through and help the rest of the flock at any given point in time and place.  But we are each responsible for ourselves.  Must be our essential Self - as close as we can come to it - on our own.  Because   
     that’s the point of the whole exercise.

And I would say, that at this point, on this poorly treated but lovely planet, we are at

Graduation time.      

And some of ‘Us’ will make it, this Time around.

And some wilt not.  

In the manner of a separation of the wheat from the chaff.

In that process:

Happy landing.(6)


(1) That would be the subdivision ‘school’ of the likes of Red China/the Technocrat model: Control people to within an inch of their lives, so that they will be forced to obey their Overlords completely.
   Who would be the Overlords?  Those individuals who most subscribe to the Party line, whatever all it is in its details.  It might be, or simply be patterned after, the Communist Party, i.e. a top-down structure.  It might be what is called the Khazarian Mafia.  It might be Islamic jihadists.  Whatever the group that manages to enthrone itself, out of Power Over Others.  POO for short.  (But I editorialize.)
   A Great Ape tribe, then, in effect.

(2) And a subdivision of this school of thought is that Satan is the planet Saturn, which supposedly affected life on this planet so harshly in the past at some point that it became personified as a terrible and awesome Power.  But to continue, on the main level of this exercise.

(3) As the God of the Old Testament is portrayed as being.  Which smacks more of a member of the Anunnaki family who came to this planet from one they called Niburu and was involved, as a tribal god, in a lot of mayhem on this planet, as chronicled masterfully by Zecharia Sitchin in his well-researched series of books on the subject.  But to continue.  

(4) The understanding in this school of thought is that We are already One, by our very Nature. As facets, fractals, aspects, points of view, expressions of The All That Is.  Via our universe’s Creator Source; with the possibility of there being a Prime Creator over all universes; whose Will our universe’s Creator is in perfect alignment and attunement with.  
   But not to get too lost in conjecture.  This is simply a brief rendition of and on the subject.

(5) As indicated to exist via the highly-proven phenomenon of reincarnation.  (Via studies, videos, books, etc.)  All highly logical.  In a universe with Purpose.  

(6) And in this take on things, some souls who have taken on roles on the Dark side, to help the lesson-learning along - The Drama - will make it through, too, to the next level Up.  And they will know who they are.  And so will we all.  Because
   it’s all a matter of resonance.  Aka heart energy.  
   As I say:
   In this ’school of thought’: Things operate by Laws.  There is no vengeful Creator in charge, no element of whim.  Either we match the Will of our Creator Source, in our various ‘grades’ in our return to Unity.  Or we do not.
   Your choice.  As not a bystander in The Process.
   But a crucial part of it.

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