Thursday, 22 November 2018

Not Who But What Is GALT?

In 1958, whilst serving in the U.S. Army over in South Korea (as a drafted c.o.; another story), I received from a stateside bookstore (that I had arranged before shipping out to receive books from) a copy of Ayn Rand's new book, 'Atlas Shrugged'.  As always (I had read all of her books), she was a good read, if, I felt, sometimes somewhat over the top.  I remember thinking, in my cynical way, around halfway through the book that 'Ayn Rand is a writer whom it would be impossible to parody'.  But having said that, and felt that, I also admired her intensity, and commitment to the cause of individualism, and as opposed to the collectivism of the Soviet Union that she had escaped from.

And now we are in our day, and experiencing, in its later stages, the relentless attempt by the Cabal actually running the world - trying to, at least (and aka the Illuminati) - to cap their agenda, and enslave humanity in their global gulag.  (Just as soon as they can undercut Pres. Trump.  By Any Means Necessary.)  Just as Ayn Rand predicted.  If humanity didn't wake up in time, to what was really going on in the world.  Which has included the suppression, by TPTB, of inventions - under the excuse of 'national security' - that could have freed humanity from their dependency on TPTB, and their tools and techniques for control.  

Enter GALT.

Not the 'John Galt' of Ayn Rand's book.  But as in Geothermal Atmospheric Liquified Thorium.  For unlimited, inexpensive, clean and safe energy.(1)

And there are other such inventions, that could have lifted us our of the control of the Cabal a long time ago.  But - there you are.  There are reasons for everything.  And in this case, it must have been along the lines of, 'It has to get worse before it can get better'.

And boy, are we there now.  Thinking of such things as the overwhelming, and overwhelmingly disgusting, fraud going on in U.S. elections; and so forth, and so on.

And just a word about the, er, 'socialists' taking over in the U.S., from their Pressure From Above And Pressure From Below Marxist stratagem; having gained the high ground with their near-monopolistic control of the MSM, and the low ground with their years of indoctrination of our youth in their 'liberal'-controlled schools, and their flooding into the country of millions of illegal aliens and other ineligible voters.(2 ) We are now seeing the fruits of their labors, in such as their calls for a Universal Basic Income (UBI).  And on and on: Free university education, Food Stamps galore, etc. etc. etc.  (The Cloward-Piven Strategy, for bankrupting the country, and thus allowing the 'socialists' to take it over.  Like a ripe fruit.  Speaking of.)  But guess what?

A lot of these initiatives are fine.  Part of the Synthesis that is taking place, in the Grand Process at work.

UBI?  Yes; just not under the controlling auspices of the (totalitarian, Power-Over-Others) NWO crowd.  Rather, under the sway of the (spiritual, Power With And Within) Golden Age.  Of long repute.  In preparation for our Ascension, through 4D and into 5D consciousness, and 'dimensions' thereof.

Dig it:

We have been engaged in a Play, designed to educate us, and test us.  A UBI, e.g., based on 'soaking the rich' - i.e., on a Marxian 'redistribution of wealth' concept - is immoral.  (Any time you rob Peter to pay Paul, you are committing a crime.)  But if we are all flooded with the proceeds from a Revaluation of currency, based on both each nation's resources and level of technology and on a flooding of the planet with hoards of gold, that has been kept from us by the same Players who have sequestered inventions that could have made a huge difference in life on the planet - until we move even beyond the idea of precious-metal-backed currency, and fully into the realm of our power as creators - and besides the easing of life by a number of inventions already extant, and in the pipeline - we are on the cusp of said Golden Age.

And the end of The Play.

And the beginning of

The Real Thing.

Which will include travel in space.

Once we have proven ourselves to be good members of the galaxy.

And beyond.

On a world very near - and depending on -


To own your true identity.  

As a 'spiritual being having a human experience'.

And understand, as well, that some of the 'Dark side' players in The Play have been just that.  Playing very difficult roles in relation to their true natures.

Others on that Side have, unfortunately, lost the plot, and have succumbed to the siren song of the Dark.

Unfortunate.  But

that's life.  To say:

That's free will for you.  

By a loving Creator.

Giving us the wherewithal to become creators in our own right.

As is due us.

As sparks of divinity.

In, and by,

our true nature.

Maybe call us Galactic Ascenders Levitating Together???



(1) American Intelligence Media has the story.

(2) All of whom are being placed, by their domestic subversive comrades, on the Voter Reg rolls (with the likes of no photo ID cards required, etc.).

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