Saturday, 17 November 2018

The Best-Laid Plans...

Having Had Quite Enough

A friend from overseas, at the spiritual community where I spent the better part of my adult life, has emailed me 'out of the blue,' as it were (read on for the full 'take' on that expression in this context), asking how I am doing, and wondering if I have been affected at all by the fires raging in CA.  I forgot to answer that part of my friend's email when I first responded, and added a P.S. in these wee hours of the morning.  My P.S.:

P.S.  I forgot that you asked about the fires in CA: No, I am out on the coast, 30 miles southwest of L.A.  They are quite far from here.
     It's a very maddening subject.  There is evidence that not just these fires, but those in northern CA for the last couple of years, have been set on purpose, and combined with what are called DEW weaponry - Directed Energy Weapons (lasers from drones or satellites; Chemtrails that have set the countryside up to go up in violent flames; etc.).  The purpose is to drive people off the land and into the cities, under a UN project called Agenda 21 and subsequently 2030; the ostensible purpose being to 'rewild' the land, for 'Nature' to take back over, but the real purpose being to bring people under the more direct control of the state, a la Red China.  It's a long story; and is part of why I came back to my home country: to keep an eye on what is going on.  
     The Dark side are going for their totalitarian New World Order, under brutal dictatorship.  Little do they know that this is all part of a larger Plan, whereby the Light wins out in the end, and we enter a New World, alright; just not the one that they think they are establishing.  It's all too much to go into in just an email like this. But I wanted to comment on the fires, and give my take on the matter, as to what all is behind that scene.  Sorry to have to pass on such dismal information.  But it's part of 'the story'.



'The story'.  I had mentioned in my original response that my take on matters is that we are involved in a Synthesis, "in the Hegelian sense," whereby a New World Order will, indeed, come about, just not the one envisioned by our Dark-side erstwhile masters.  It is my understanding that we are approaching a 'lift-off' time, whereby we will join the galaxy as full-fledged peaceful members, who just have to get through these 'birth pangs' that we are experiencing at this time.  But that is proving to be quite a chore.  For me.  And others.  And here I think in particular of those who have perished in this latest round of fires, both in their homes and in their cars, attempting to flee the terrible ferocity of these fires, veritable infernos; all orchestrated, like a demonic symphony.  And those who may be killed in provocations coming up, whereby the Dark side is attempting now in earnest to take down this country.

I, personally, have had quite enough of The Drama.

I want The Real Thing to start.


Which is the reverse of the Dark side's New World Order.

Which is what has 'conjured' it up, invoked it, out of latency.

To Each Action there being an Equal and Opposite Reaction.

Seeing as how the universe operates under


With, ultimately, Love as its base rock; what it is essentially made of.

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