Tuesday, 6 November 2018

On Having Had Enough

(A relative has sent me a forward about voting along the lines of it being our ‘moral duty’.  My response:)

"Speaking of voting...

"The elections are rigged.  These people are trying to unrig them.  An excellent initiative.  (It's the voting machines.)

"In CA, it's the whole ball of wax - the Voter Registration Rolls being flooded with illegal aliens and other ineligible voters, no requirement for ID - of any kind, let alone w/a photo; etc. etc. etc.   

"Voting in CA is to aid and abet in the commission of a crime.  It is a scam, a sham, a fake, a fraud, a farce.  A delusion; an illusion.  I got disgusted years ago with it all when I first came back here, and found out what a scam it was in this state.  So I don't hold the same attitude about it as your correspondent.  


I’m beginning to have had enough.  Long story short:

The reptiles have had their beady eyes on this country for a very long time.  It stands in the way of their total takeover of the planet.  And the American people, lulled to sleep by experts in the job, have walked right into their trap.    

Who are ‘they’?  Basically, ‘they’ are the powerful Elite (and their lackeys) who want to run the planet like their fiefdom, and don’t want people being free from their clutches.1  A lot of them are what are called Khazarian mafia.  Note: Not all Jews are Khazarian mafia, anymore than all Italians are Italian mafia.  The toxic Jews are the ones who believe that they as both a race and a religion were born to rule - the (so-called) Chosen People - from their home base in Jerusalem (aka Zionism).  And to rule with an iron fist.  And in order to do all this, they have had to attempt to overthrow the ‘established order’.  They were behind the overthrow of the Czar in Russia finally successfully in the 1917 October Revolution - 85% of the Bolsheviks were said to be Jewish - and they have been kicked out of many European countries over the centuries, not just for being non-Christians, but for attempting to take over wherever they land.  And it is not just a bloodline Jewish thing: It is a mentality.  The Khazarian mafia business stems from a converted people - a Turkic people - in the area called Khazaria in approx the 800s CE.2  And in order to take over, they enter into relationships with other minority groups.  The Communists, e.g., many of whom have been, and are, Jews, have long had a symbiotic relationship with the blacks in the U.S. - even if it has been fraught with animosities often.  But e.g., the first leaders of the NAACP were - guess what - Jews.  And they have also entered into ‘relationship’ with Islamic jihadists.  Why?  Because they both want the same thing; and the Jews obviously figure that they can win out in the end, when they have to duke it out with the Muslims for the ultimate control over a subdued populace. 

I don’t want to belabor this point, of who our enemies are, and why.3  I want to move on to how bad things have become, under their ‘tutelage’.  Example: There are ISIS cells scattered throughout most of the states of the Union;4 and they are reported to have caches of weapons in place.  And now, along with their buddies in combat, the MS-13 gang members, and the invaders in the ‘caravans’ heading our way as we speak, and the Red Chinese, whom the Jews - aka the Deep State - have formed a working relationship with,5 and elements of the Deep State from Russia, they are about to spring a pincers movement on the U.S.  In coordination with our ‘Deep State’ Enemies Within setting up a police-state gulag for this country, to be complete with Drones Over America; not just for surveillance of us,  but weaponized.  With both EMPs and bioweapons at the ready as well.  

And I am not amused.  By any of it.

I want it to stop.

And not just be stopped.

But be superseded.

By the last stage of a Process, that has been going on, as I say, for a very long time.

To allow us to end up in a very good space, indeed.

Once we deal with the darkness that is threatening to engulf us.

‘Us’.  Not just American patriots.

But the world.

In the reverse image of

the Real Thing.   

Things having been brought to that point.

In Our Time.     


1 See Prof. Carroll Quigley’s ’Tragedy And Hope’.  (A particular inspiration for a student of his, at Georgetown University, named Bill Clinton.)  And James Perloff’s ‘The Roots of Power’.  Etc. etc..

2 I don’t know what kind of Jew is the background of Ari Mahier, the RN who basically saved Robert Bowers’s life in the hospital ER.  You know - that guy who took his anger out on the Jews at that synagogue in Pittsburg, killing 11 of them?  He saved the guy’s life because that was his job; and because he knows that love its answer to all things.  But he is most probably an Ashkenazi (i.e., European) Jew, who are mostly of this Khazarian lineage.  Proving that not all Ashkenazim are bloodthirsty demons, bent on the destruction of Western society.  
   I would be proud to have Ari as a dinner guest sometime.  He’s got it.
   But to continue.

3 They also involve the Jesuits.  Many of whom - at the grassroots - are excellent people, doing excellent work, esp. with indigenous peoples.  (Although that has been colored with many early examples of taking advantage of their ‘charges,’ in the way of sexual exploitation (pedophilia), and even murder.)  But the leaders of that Order have been very dark-souled individuals, for a long time, lusting for the same sort of power that the dark-souled Jews have.  And - guess what: Many of them are Jews. 
   But; as I say…   

4 Think blowback from the U.S.’s meddling in the Middle East.  After the 9/11 false flag op.  Which was set up by the NeoCons in the Bush Jr. administration (Perle, Wolfowitz, Dov Zakheim, etc.), to get the U.S. to do that very thing.  Superficially, in order to secure oil from the region; really, to assist the state of israel in their desire for an ‘Eretz Israel’ - a Greater israel.  America beng the cash cow for that state; and serving its interests in such ways, including militarily.
   As they say: There are no coincidences.    

5 And their boy in Canada, Trudeau, having allowed the Chinese to set up electronic monitoring of the U.S.’s submarine base on their coast.  And Sen. Feinstein’s husband having set up the Chinese handsomely in California, for their takeover Day.
   It’s a small world…

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