Know Your Enemy
Pssst - It’s okay
For you to be here.
We’ll make sure
To hold any politician’s
Feet to the fire
Who tries to deport you.
And here -
Sign this, too.
This is for you
to vote
In our - er, yours too,
Now - elections.
is that?
am I?
Well, actually,
Just call me
One of Satan’s
Little helpers.
But not to worry:
Are taking over
Anyway. And so
it will all be
in our
turns you on
Won’t that be
A vote for
The Democrats
Is a vote for
the end
Of the United Sates
And its being swallowed up
In a largely atheistic
And completely totalitarian
New World Order.
Don’t fall for their
Siren song. It’s long
On promises, and short
On morals. Except the
perverted one
That says: The end
The means. Any, and all.
Lie, cheat, steal. Kill
It’s all
the same
to Satanists.
…And as to a point raised herein; this:
From ‘’Levin: ‘Show Me The Evidence’ Birthright Citizenship Was Enshrined in 14th Amendment’ - C.S. Brock/CNSNews - Nov. 1-2
(Mark Levin calls it spot on, including pointing out how this erroneous state of affairs came about by an executive-branch bureaucratic decision in the 1960s, so Pres.Trump is right that he only needs to issue an E.O. to reverse it.
Getting there…)
Stan // November 2, 2018 at 2:00 pm // Reply (act. still Nov. 1 11pm PDT)
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At last – some common sense being brought to this terribly important matter. I’ve known this for years, and I have the best credentials anyone could [ever] need to come up with the correct answer, as Mark Levin has. My credentials: I can read plain English with the comprehension of at least a six-year-old.
The authors of the 14th Amendment are on record as specifically declaring the intent of their amendment. It does NOT confer citizenship to the children of parents who are in this country illegally. They fall under the jurisdiction of their parents’ home country – as the parents do. I have been disgusted about this erroneous reading of that Amendment since I came across it. Glad to see it finally being addressed. Go Trump!
The Left will try to say that ‘Trump is dividing the country’. He is trying to return it to its law and order – its Constitution. That means that he is trying to return the nation to its Truth. All error needs to be cleared away, for Truth to prevail. And in more ways than one.
How Levin can be so right on this, and so wrong on the definition of a ‘natural born’ citizen, I don’t know. But at least
we’re getting there.
P.S. With all that has been going on regarding ‘all that has been hidden will be revealed,’ it’s almost - almost - enough to make one a Christian again.
If there weren’t so much evidence against it by now - and for the fact that it was all a part of a plot by members of emperor Vespasian’s imperial household (especially including the adopted Jewish general-cum-governor-cum-historian Josephus) to make him God (or at least a god) and his eldest son Titus the ‘Son of Man’ figure looked to by the Jews to ‘save them from their enemies’ who was in that event made to come in the form of the destroyer of Jerusalem and the Temple there as a divine scourge to the Jews for not recognizing the Roman emperor as their temporal ruler (with the new religion subsequently taking on a life of its own) - I might well be tempted. So to speak.
That’s not to say that we might not get some ‘divine’ help out of the situation that we are in, here at the end of one Age and the beginning of another (and a particularly pivotal one at that). But - and given the way things are going regarding the truth of things - it will not be in the form of just another religion. It will be in the form of Truth.
By all those who pass The Test.
Aka Finals.
By all those who pass The Test.
Aka Finals.
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