Saturday, 10 November 2018

On Signaling The Experts

A friend has sent me a link to an article at Collective Evolution (who have a lot of good articles) about a new book out titled 'How To End The Autism Epidemic' by J.B. Handley.  My response:

Much thanks for bringing this CE article to my attention.  (I take their e-newsletter, but I don't always get around to checking its contents, having so many emails to get through every day.)  

I have had to live with the knowledge of this outrageous matter, of the side effects of vaccines in general and autism in particular, ever since the mid-'90s, when I left the community to live Down Under in 'Oz' in retirement mode (in a relationship), and came across there, in a chiro's waiting room (my partner was having a session), a book entitled 'Vaccines, Social Violence And Criminality: The Medical Assault on the American Brain,' by Harris L. Coulter, Ph.D., a medical 'historian' in the U.S..  It was a stunning eye-opener on the subject (which I subsequently bought).  The short of it: Autism first began to surface in the late '30s-early '40s amongst the likes of farmers and people working with pesticides, that contained mercury; and then, with the advent of vaccines, it began to appear 'curiously' amongst the children of rich people and healthcare people, like nurses, who just so happened to be the first ones to utilize the new wondrous medical modality.   (A note at this point: An 'expert' at the time coined the term 'refrigerator moms,' in blaming the incidences of autism amongst the children of the wealthy as due to such mothers not paying enough attention to their offspring, and thus they reflected a lack of contact, disregard for the feelings of others, 'social estrangement,' etc..)*  This early clue, that any decent scientifically-minded person could have joined the dots regarding, disappeared when vaccines became a widespread medical modality amongst the populace at large, via mass-vaccination programs.  And even though 'they' have taken mercury out of most vaxes (it is still in the flu vaxes, to guard against possible toxicity creeping in from multiple-use vials.  Never mind us, but look out for those vials), they still contain the (dis)likes of aluminum.  Which is an adjuvant, to give the shots a 'boost'.  And give us the likes of ADD and ADHD and LD [Learning Disability] and ASD (autism spectrum disorder), and Pervasive Developmental Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS), and on it goes.  'It': Brain damage.  More specifically, subclinical (if not full-blown) encephalitis.  It's a scandal of major proportions.  I seethe whenever I think of it.

Another good book on the subject: 'Callous Disregard: Autism and Vaccines -- The Truth Behind A Tragedy' by Dr. Andrew J. Wakefield, which I came across when I was back in the community in 2010.  Andy was a gastroenterologist in the UK who saw the link between the MMR shot and kids who came to him with gi problems, and one thing led to his being cashiered from his profession by the Medical Board for his efforts to bring all this out to the attention of authorities and the public.  He was particularly smeared by the London Times, whose chief at that time, one of the Murdoch sons, just so happened to be on the Board of one of the drug companies involved with the MMR in the UK.  It is all a sordid, criminal mess.  Comes the revolution...  (The real revolution, that is.  Not the one that the NWO people have planned for us.)


  • That is reminiscent of the approach to addictions in our day.  I've been reading in a monthly mag called Whistleblower about this (the June edition; long story), as to how the ‘experts' of our day are blaming the likes of alcoholism on our genes, for giving us a propensity to addictions.  Well; maybe.  To some extent.  But hey Docs - why is it that you aren't aware that alcoholism is PRIMARILY a matter of low blood sugar, aka hypoglycemia?  People with weakened adrenal glands (via poor nutrition or whatever), whose hormones control the levels of insulin in the bloodstream; too much of which takes out too much glycogen from the bloodstream, have their brains signaling them for 'sugar,' and those who have become regular wine drinkers at dinner etc. get the message as having another, and then another...the brain signaling them for what it needs.  Without which it can cause the poor misadvised person to become an alcoholic.  
  •     One weeps for humankind a lot, these poorly-serviced days, by our 'experts'.

P.S. We have been poorly attended to in this matter, of the terrible downsides to vaccines (autism being just one of them), by our elected representatives, who at least responded to the vaccine critics of the day in 1986 by passing a law allowing for compensation for such damage - BUT with two 'little' caveats:

1) It was not the drug companies responsible who would pay for the damage, but us taxpayers (thus getting Big Pharma a) off the hook, and b) having no incentive to do the research for possible safer vaccines); and

2) These 'public servants' - read, more truthfully, servants of the corporations who pay for their opportunity to live high on the hog whilst 'serving' the public - made it so that the Vaccine Court was incredibly difficult to get a case of vaccine damage through; many people having to give up, for the costs.  Even at that, a few such cases have made it through.  One under the purposely-obtuse name of damage 'Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis' (ADEM).  

'But don't use the 'a' word.  We will never admit to that; or at least, most grudgingly.'  

Why?  Because once the word gets out, and the facts of the matter are conceded, our doctors are going to be sued hugely by justly outraged parents.  And they can't admit to the facts, not only because of that.  But because of hubris: To do so, would be to admit to all the damage that they have been responsible for, and they can't get off riding that tiger.  Or it will eat them alive   Their sense of self-worth.  And their practices.

It also puts a kink in the plans of the New World Order crowd, who have been using vaccines as a vector for a lot of people-control stuff.  And not only in the form of administering anti-fertility agents surreptitiously that way, to nubile young females (via the 'cover' of tetanus shots).  But human chipping agents as well.  

And human killing agents.  With tracking possibility.  Of their herd.

Hey, you 'Excperts':



P.P.S. It's not as if we don't have treatments for, or preventions of, the childhood diseases etc. that don't have the damnable downsides to them that the vaccines have.  Besides good nutrition in general, there's vitamin A for measles, e.g.; large doses of vitamin C even for polio; colloidal silver for the DPT triad; the list goes on.  Vitamin C especially can do wonders regarding a whole host of illness conditions. 
     And heading off the likes of SUID/SIDS (Sudden Unexplained Infant Death/Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).  Which is primarily due to the huge load on the baby's immature immune system caused by the assault on it of the infant vaccination shots/schedule, and a lack of vitamin C to be able to keep the infant from going into scurvy, which entails a sudden stopping of the heart beat.
     Not that the infant vaccines are the only cause of this condition.  There is evidence of the role of toxic gases outgassing from baby mattresses, especially those used by earlier children in the family, where the toxic ingredients in the mattresses have been broken down by the urine of the child(ren).  (Baby mattresses can be covered by 'insulating' material to help stop this danger.)  But vaccines are the most likely culprit.  And parents have been jailed by 'the system' on suspicion of what is also called 'shaken baby syndrome'.
     The experts' at work again, on us...

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