Monday, 31 December 2018

On A Clear Day

Something To Think About
        On A Clear Day

What the state gives, the state
Can take away.  As is seen,
                and so ruthlessly 
Clearly, in the case
Of Red China today.
                    So, let that be
          a warning, and
          a lesson.
          But what if the state
                    is Us
                        living up to
Our highest potential, and not
       a special class
                 over us?

         to think about,
     On a clear day???

Like the end of a year
                        in fear
Of the future????
                As in the case
                  oh, say

       of civl war
                   bending us
      to an inferior
      of our potential,
              and not
      of the highest,
      But there, still,
             for us
             to fall

           the pit

        of despair.

   (As we have done
        and even

       Come, Us.
       We can do
       Leading to
        a brighter
       than ever
         on this

  May we rejoice
   our outcome.
   The highest
     awaits us.

   But it is not
   a foregone
      the role
   of free will
   the Drama.
    Just play
    your part
 and you'll
   be right.

Sunday, 30 December 2018

Lords Of The Horizon

In my last blog I referred to us Americans in particular being under attack by people who want us largely out of the way - to be accomplished by such execrable means as induced epidemics and deadly microwaves and toxic food and drink - in order ostensibly to ’save the planet’ (from our high standard of living using-up of the planet’s resources and fowling of the environment) but in reality to lord it over a less numerous and thereby more controllable, and compliant, herd.  Who are ’they’? 

I have dealt with this subject before in these pages.  Here, I want to concentrate on just one part of that crowd, to make a particular point.  To wit:

Smh at all of this potentially planetary-level destruction, Samson-like (with such devices as EMF instruments.  In the hands of the moral equivalent of children; Lords of the Flies), because a) the Jews are angry at the gentiles for calling them ‘kikes’ and looking down on them, and because b) the Jews feel superior to the gentiles and call them a disparaging name, and think of them, as ‘goyim’ - cattle.

The Other.

When all the time, we are ail in this enterprise


It is all a waste of time

and energy.

May we get over the separation phenomenon


And thereby

move on


a new


Governed by the moral equivalent of grownups.


P.S.  On today’s website of the Golden Age of Gaia one of their regulars went down ‘the rabbit hole’ with an article giving Pres.Trump credit for some of the things that he has done (and wishing for more from him on the environmental front).  My response:

“Thanks for your open-mindedness regarding the controversial subject of 'The Donald,' Suzanne. Credit should be due to where credit is due.

“And well done for the quotes from T.J.! Very appropriate, for today's world.

“About to change. For the better. The Good Lord willin' an' the creeks don't rise. 

“Keep up the good work.”


The quotes from T.J. - that’s Thomas Jefferson - were involving ‘the bankers’.  They are worth repeating:

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks…will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered…. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” – Thomas Jefferson in the debate over the Re-charter of the Bank Bill (1809)

“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.” –Thomas Jefferson

“… The modern theory of the perpetuation of debt has drenched the earth with blood, and crushed its inhabitants under burdens ever accumulating.” -Thomas Jefferson


And not so incidentally, there is an excellent bit of comment on that site today under the title ‘The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele’.  I highly recommend it.

(What do I think of channeled material?  Same as ‘our’ own.)

Saturday, 29 December 2018

I Had A Dream

December 29, 2018 CE.  I have woken up mid-day exhausted from a dream ordeal, involving my attempt to get over a hurdle, in the form of a ladder, the rungs of which were made of human material (the word for which in my dream state was ‘sinew’) - of Matter, and though forming the way was also blocking the way.  I finally cleared the last piece obstructing my progress - the ’rung’ of ‘sinew’ blocking me/my knees from my being able to finish the climb, and struggling mightily to get my knees free and over that last such hurdle (bending my knee to no mere man??? ) - which allowed me to make it over the top of the ladder, and onto ‘the other side’ (wherever that was).  Which action of mine also cleared the way for the others behind me on the ladder to follow my lead. 

There were (still) some ‘dark clouds’ on the horizon there, as the person just behind me remarked on.  (Who was a female; as indicated by a naked, and desirable, image of that person.)  But at least we had made it.  Over the top.  Of our hurdle, to clear.  

And it all somehow 
Had something to do
With Obama, and the need
                             for ‘us’
To face that ‘hurdle’ -
Rectify that ‘mistake’ - that
                      affront to
       The Law.
As difficult as it may be.
Is what it was set
      for.  For us
     to make it ‘over’
     to the other ‘side’.
     Or not.     
     to do.  Because
     the situation was
     of our making;
            not following
       The Law

Interestingly, this all followed on from what I had been listening to on the Internet late last night, just before going to bed: a number of segments of what was originally a radio interview with David Wilcock, wherein he talked, amongst other very interesting subjects, about the importance of writing down the imagery and words that came to him in dreams, with for him the emphasis (for whatever reason) on the words.  As I, too, ‘got’ when writing down this ‘message’ to me (from my Higher Self???…); the words helping me to understand the dream’s imagery, help me to unpack it.  

On further thinking about it all:

Our ‘testers’ (the rungs of
Our ladder??) will go so far
As to subject us to epidemics
Of viruses, and kill us more slowly
With the perverted likes
Of microwaves
And toxic food
And drink.
Is a big one

             on our way
          back to
             at one
    the One.
If we can forgive
For all our sins
        of commission
         and omission
    can we forgive
       of theirs?
      being One
     The End???

P.S. The socialists have a feel
        For the way
        Can be.  They
        Are just trying
        To get there
        That is to say
      the wrong way.
          Their way
          is the way
            of Force.
          Of course
        it would end
          their end.


    We really need
      To recognize - 
       re-cognize - 
          All this.
        And like
          it is



‘A modern nation’s economy
                      is built, not
On the limiting factor
Of precious metals, but
On the good credit
Of its citizenry.’
Right.  So pile on
The resulting debt, in order
To bankrupt it

A fine romance
With Power, that one.

At first glance.

But a deeper view
Will see us through
To a different conclusion
           from the one
Planned for us
By our erstwhile

Watch.  And wait.
For our alternate
Life has meaning
Beyond just in
And for itself

To the chagrin
Of many


   But that’s


Friday, 28 December 2018

On Getting'er Done

I see (on the good ol’ Alt Media Internet) where a young German girl who was being hassled and finally actually assaulted by a bunch of Muslim girls on her way to school went to her school principal to complain about and report on the matter.  The response?  The suggestion was made to her that she wear a hijab. 

Let me totally clarify this story.  She was on her way to school in her native country and hometown.  Not in a majority Muslim country.


And speaking of Germany, I also note that German kindergarteners are being trained by their teachers to snitch on their parents if they make, quote, “right-wing” remarks at home about ‘the Muslims’…

Say all you want about ‘chickens coming home to roost’ regarding good little Nazi children ratting on their parents in 1930s Germany.  The Germans need to vote out of power Fra Merkel and her nation-destroying NWO ideological ilk just as soon as possible.  All of this sort of thing has to go, has gone far enough

And I also see that same nation-wrecking NWO crowd at work here, in part by the flooding of our country with illegal aliens and phony ’asylum seekers’ including MS13 gang members and drug- and gun-runners and human sex traffickers and outright 5th Columnist terrorists, against the excellent attempts by Pres. Trump to do his explicit national-security job.  

Come on, America.  Get the same ideological ilk out of power in our country, and let’s

get’er DONE.


By supporting, in various ways reflective of your personal ability and role, Pres. Trump in his declaration of Martial Law - on various legitimate bases - and in consequence:

* suspending a return of Congress;

* dismissing Obama’s judicial appointees on the various judicial benches, up to and including the U.S. Supreme Court;(1)

* ditto (plus replacing) all the executive-branch appointments made under Obama's illegal terms in office (for it to be as though he had never been there; for, he was never there legally);

* arresting all those listed under the currently sealed indictments, and holding them for trial;

* sending all illegal aliens in the country back to their home countries, starting with all those IAs who have committed additional crimes whilst in this country;(2) 

* arresting all the local and state authorities who have been and are currently responsible for the patently unlawful phenomenon of ’sanctuary cities and states’; and   

* setting new elections for ‘a time certain,’ after all the nation’s electoral processes have been certifiably cleaned up.  For there to be

And on and on, in this vein.(3)

It’s housecleaning time, ladies and gents.

Ready.  Or not.


(1) for his having been in the office of POTUS illegally, for not having been eligible for it in the first place.  For not being a “natural born” citizen; as defined by American Common Law, aka Natural Law.   
    (See: E. de Vattel’s ‘The Law of Notions’.  Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212.  A reference source that the constitutional Framers were fully familiar with.  And if they personally weren’t, Benjamin Franklin, their respected elder mentor, and not so incidentally sitting right there amongst them as a delegate himself to those self-same proceedings, could advise them on the subject, for its being known for him to have had three copies of that nation-building tome, and thinking so highly of it as to donate one of his copies to the library of the Continental Congress.
   No wonder that our erstwhile masters have been so assiduously keeping our youth from knowing the history of their country.  It has been crucial to their takeover of it.)

(2) Children born here of IAs to be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
      But N.B. NO MORE ‘ANCHOR BABIES’.  That is a canard of a category.  No such thing exists legally; only in the ideological minds of shyster lawyers and judges; the latter of whom have been adjudicating not by proper interpretation of the Constitution, but by the seat of their pants or skirts - that is to say, by their personal socio-political proclivities.  A stop to which sort of nonsense is needing to be put NOW.
   Such arbitrary law is the very definition of tyranny.

(3) Including the end to the keeping under wraps of such life-supportive technology as free energy devices, and replicators, and space travel, and teleportation, and what are known as ’med beds’ - and so forth.
   The whole ball of matter.  From energy.  Via the tweaking thereof.


P.S.  I have just come across a quote by Fra Merkel regarding all this:
   “Nation-states must today be prepared to give up their sovereignty.”  What?!  Undeterred, she (reportedly) went on: “Sovereign nation-states must not listen to their citizens when it comes to questions of immigration, borders or even sovereignty.”
   This could be a matter of something having been lost in the translation.  If not:
   Bye-bye, Angela.

Thursday, 27 December 2018


‘Why aren’t you supporting President Trump’s version of a trade agreement, just with Mexico and Canada?’

‘Because as a ’free trade’ agreement - and that sounds really nice, doesn’t it; a really nice-sounding thing, with the word ‘free’ in there and all.  Much like the also so-called Patriot Act - it is still a cover for the elimination of the sovereignty of the United States nation-state, in putting a transnational body - with unelected overseers in charge of its structures - in a position of power and authority over the U.S. Constitution and Congress.   And it’s not just regarding the trading of products, but it’s about labor issues, including numbers of workers allowed to cross over borders; environmental issues, and even ‘gender’ issues, involving what is called ‘Identity politics’ - and including energy grid sovereignty, with the U.S. bound up in a North American system, not a system with three individual nation-state components to it.  All in all, it’s just the same old North American Union albatross, to be wrapped around the country’s neck.  The easier to strangle us with, my dears.’

‘But President Trump is for it.  It can’t be as serious a threat to our sovereignty as you are making it out to be.’

‘Hey - don’t take my word for it.  Read it for yourself.  Or find an insightful article on it.  Or an interview online about it.’


‘What you don’t seem to understand is that this is part of a very long-term project, with its roots going way way back, and involving both world wars, and actually extending even back to Babylonian days.’

‘…Aren’t you being a little…’

‘Hyperbolic?  Paranoid??  As I say: Don’t take my word for it, all.  Do some homework in the matter.  And I guarantee you, that you will come across notions like usury, and words like ‘goyim’ and the Tavistock Institute, and - ’

‘’’Goyim’?  As in, ‘the Jews’?…’

‘In that case.  But as in any group of individuals that has the idea, and the mentality, of the Other, and of being separate from and superior to ‘the Other’.  In the case of the Jews, it takes the form of thinking of non-Jews as cattle, and no better than.  And what do you do with cattle.  You corral them.  And use them.  And cull them, when you are through with them.    

‘But the characters behind such as the Tavistock Institute - a body that pioneered the subject of mind control.  Well; not ‘pioneered’ so much, as brought it to a high scientific level - those characters also thought of, and think of, the rest of us as ‘the Other’.  To be manipulated, to their use.  Through such devices as the largely monopolized mainstream media - also known as the Mockingbird Media, for the CIA's infestation of it - and such ‘social media’ tools as Facebook, and ‘entertainment’ in general as ‘entrainment,’ and so forth.  And that’s ’entrainment’.  As in hypnotism.’

‘…Aren’t you being a little… - oh, I already asked that, didn’t I.’

‘And the answer is the same:

‘Do.  Your.  Homework.   

‘And stop letting our erstwhile Masters lead you around, like a bull with a ring in your nose.

‘Or for an even better - more accurate - imagery:

‘A gelded bull.

‘Hardly, currently, an example of your potential.’

Wednesday, 26 December 2018

On Taking Our Bows

I have just received, in my still hefty dose of daily mail (even after trying to let as many of my correspondents as I can know to stop with their request for donations, that I can no longer contribute financially to their worthy cause), a letter from a well-known conservative organization, and as clearly identified on the envelope, that was mailed in early October, judging by its contents.  It was intended to help affect the outcomes of the 2018 elections.  And I have experienced a number of my return envelopes containing contribution authorizations to various such conservative causes, over quite some period of time now, go walkabout in the mail.  (For their lack of debit from my bank account.)  Which reference reminds me that I have also experienced, over the same period of time - i.e., since I returned to my home country in retirement, in the spring of 2012 - a fair amount of problems with a (highly) conservative biweekly magazine doing the same thing.  

Need I say more?  

To put it bluntly;

I suspect foul play.  At my end of the chain of custody.  And at the end of the conservative organizations trying to run a business, in this anti-Trump climate, and before that in the pro-Obama climate; which was heavily involved in not just two-party politics - ‘business as usual’.  But in outright indoctrination.  And dare I say it:


Daring to call it Conspiracy.(1)

And widespread.

My charge:

There is at the least circumstantial evidence (and including all the crap going on in the FBI and the DOJ itself; and not to mention the DoS) that

the federal establishment in this country is corrupt to its core.  And the same with the bulk of the MSM (a near-monopoly, which could use some anti-trust grease applied to it).  And our education system.(2)  And.  And.  And……

The bottom line:

This country has been all but taken over by the nation-wreckers, in furtherance of their plans for a totalitarian New World Order, with its boot stomping on the face of free people forever and ever, amen.

Even if no one else will move to put a stop to this rot on the spiritual level, I will.(3)  For, it is all an excrescence on the free spirit of humanity, as ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.  And having quite a rocky ride of it, at this particular time.

Join in.  Hey - as a man once said:

You have nothing to lose but your chains.

Only, the sentiment is for real this time.

P.S. Another letter that I received in the same mail, from another conservative organization (yes, I will acknowledge that I have not been cut off from my ’base’ completely), this one directly involved in the ‘modern’ university scene, pointed out such shenanigans going on there as how “Vanderbilt University kicked off of campus four Christian groups because they required their leadership to be believing Christians”.

Now let me get this straight.

...On second thought: no.  Don’t bother.  I get it.

A total bringdown of the prevailing culture.  Part of the overall attack on the country going on.  Making it safe for authoritarianism.  Right?


I am deeply offended by all this sort of crap going on in my country.  

Even if actually I can imagine that it is all part of a/the larger Plan - 

to merge the ‘thesis’ of ‘the established order’ with the ‘antithesis’ of the totalitarian globalists into a/the crowning Synthesis, of a/the kingdom of Heaven on Earth - 

I object.

So, in that context, I understand the need.   But it’s the tactics that the nation-wreckers are using that get to me so.

Depriving people of their rights and freedoms, in a perversion of the holy principle of Law.

Okay okay.  I get that it’s all part of the Process, and therefore is necessary, for the full educational value of the Process. 

But that doesn’t mean that I have to like it. 

Can’t we all just WAKE THE HELL UP??

Stop with the part-playing already, and 

cut to the bows???…

P.P.S. And further in this context:
     In looking up the quote about Treason, in order to make sure that I got it right, I came across this observation by Mark Twain, that I shall remember:
     “Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.” 
     Thanks, Sam.  I’ll keep that in mind.  And not store it long.


(1) Some of you will remember the book, from back in the early 1970s, entitled ‘None Dare Call It Conspiracy’.  By Gary Allen and Larry Abraham; the title playing on the epigramic observation by the English writer Sir John Harington: “Treason doth never prosper; what’s the reason?  For if it prosper, none dare call it Treason.”      

(2) What was it that Italian Marxist theoretician Antonio Gramsci said about that?  Something about ‘the long march through the institutions”???…  

(3) With many Christian pastors and their flocks having been co-opted by TPTB, in the reminding of them, via the IRS, of Romans 13.  

Something Old, Something New

Late this night, before going to bed and arising on a new day - and a hopefully really new day - I got to reading some in a book that I referenced in my last blog, 'The Anunnaki Chronicles,' which I have basically only glanced through up 'til now, in ascertaining its value.  It, indeed, is there.  And one theme in particular stands out:

Skullduggery has been going on on this planet for a very long time.  But that doesn't mean that it is going to, or needs to, continue.

And we come now, down to our time and place.  To wit:

Some very evil people, bent on taking away people's liberties, and making them their slaves, have been scheming for a very long time to take over the United States - the leading nation of 'freedom' in the world - and bend it to their will, and, if they couldn't succeed in taking it over, to take it down, in bankruptcy, and secession(s), and even catastrophe.  They have needed, and needed now more than ever, to be stopped.

For it all really needs to stop now.  That freedom - essential liberty, as 'spiritual beings having a human experience,' and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, such as the special right of free will - shall not perish from the Earth.*  In the creation of a race of robots, by them via AI.  And the elimination of most of us mere mortals by this  malevolent would-be Ubermensch.

And on that note -

a Goodnight.


* It matters not if Human - the human body - was 'created' by a mixing of native hominid DNA with that of a race of beings from another planet (originally to mine gold for their 'gods,' and spare them the labor).  The creation of the vessel allowed for its animation by souls.
   Who need now to come into their own.

Tuesday, 25 December 2018

More Food For Thought

(And Definitely NOT Dessert)

1) In my last blog I talked about us souls being “an integral part” of our Creator Source.  And so, in some sense, our Creator is not complete until we all return ‘to the fold’.
   Or choose to be extinguished, in our total rejection of our Creator, and The Plan.  What must be a very ’sad’ time - in some way - for that Creator.
   Probably not so’s The All That Is - i.e., Prime Creator; Creator of all the universes, not just this one - would notice.  Or at the most, be ‘affected’ by the thought: ’Foolish soul.  Not willing to live by, and under, Law.  Good riddance to bad rubbish, that one.’ ….
     Or something like that.
     And speaking of that sort of thing:

2) Is there downright Evil in 3D?  And if so, why is it permitted by Source??

A: 1) Yes there is.  And thus the descriptive terms, and experiences, of Polarity, Duality, Separation.
     2) Well, I believe
     It’s all like ‘they’ say: We have free will.  For a reason.  A reason involving our progress, as ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’:
     to allow us to experience Duality, in order to grow in consciousness from the experience.  
     I don’t believe that Source would give the keys to the car to his six-year-old son, so to say; that this is a real universe.  Rather, is a classroom.  An experiment lab.  Yes: a Matrix.
     And it presumably could be dissolved in an instant, if the inmates got too close to running the asylum, as it were.(1)  Threatened the reality in which it is held, like a test tube, about to explode and cause effect beyond its confines.  
     As is going on right now, with such phenomenon (as noted in the footnote) as nuclear explosions; and to a lesser extent, such ‘signs of the times’ as Transhumanism, and GMOs, and omnipresent 5G.(2)  All, threatening global Darkness, and even its annihilation.  
     And thus the Time for
     And its concomitant
     For those who are ready to move on, and Up.   
     At this ’key’ time on planet Earth.
     With the keys to the kingdom
     now at hand.
     Particularly in the form of
     a fundamental change in our exchange system.

Anyway, them’s my thoughts on that whole subject.  At this ‘end time’ of this year.  With just one closing point:

This is why you’re here.

Wake up to it.

And get involved.

Since you already are, anyway.


(1) Like the crazies who brought us Fukushima - a potential Extinction Level Event.  And the asshats who deliberately had nuclear power plants built on fault lines: for Crisis = Opportunity purposes in the future.  Or just to ‘pull,’ on their enemies, if they perceived that they themselves were about to go down.
   Some souls not having learned anything from the days of Atlantis.
   As I say:
   Candidates for annihilation.  Hopelessly lost in the brambles of their own making.  Perceiving themselves to be gods before going through, and graduating from, the training.
   Back into Unity.

(2) Beware new pine trees in the neighborhood, and other similar curious additions to the neighborhood.  They are covers for cell towers.  Which are radiating us with cancer-causing microwaves.  All of which is designed to cull the population, and bring it down to ‘controllable’ proportions.  By our erstwhile masters.  Called, in a word:
   (Check out Virginia Farver, who has done yeoman work in this regard, after a personal tragedy on this front of the war going on.  And Deborah Tavares, regarding the deliberately induced fires in states like California.  Killing many, on their way to their NWO.
   These people who want to control us, and cull us, have no empathy.  Gated communities would appear to be some security for them.  That.  And underground cities.)

Food For Thought

Christmas Day.  “My birthday,” says an entity calling itself Jesus (or ‘Yeshua’) through a channeler, as reprinted in the pages of the Golden Age of Gaia web site.  

Whether that was with proverbial tongue in proverbial cheek or not, my response: 

I don’t think so.(1)

There is too much evidence extant about the likes of a birth on December 25th having its roots in far antiquity, being a pagan pageant celebrating the rebirth of the Sun after its ‘disappearance’ at the Winter Solstice.  And as to other aspects of what we call the New Testament: Joseph Atwill in his remarkable job of research called ‘Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus’ has shown that that story was built on a theme called typology, whereby the central character’s early life was a typology of the story of Moses, and his follow-on public ministry was a ‘foretelling’ - in very precise ways - of the ‘later’ military campaign of Titus in Judea, to put down the Jewish Revolt against the hegemonic power of the Roman emperor.  For example, the forty days of Jesus’s stay in the wilderness being a typology of the forty years of the Israelites in the wilderness under Moses.(2)        

As Atwill claims, and makes an excellent case for: The (so-called) NewTestament was “a vanity piece,’ whereby the Flavian imperial household (in particular with a Jewish general-cum-governor-cum-historian named Josephus having insinuated himself into it, as an adopted member of the household, along with a number of his Jewish priestly-lineage friends; thereby their living ‘to fight another day’), of Vespasian the emperor and his sons, Titus (the depicted ’Son of Man’ avenger on the Jews, in his siege and sacking of Jerusalem and destruction of the Temple there, for their failing to bend the knee to the Roman emperor) and Domitian, sought to undercut the Jewish belief in a militaristic Messiah who would come and save them from their enemies, which was the hardcore reason for their constant rebellion.  So, with the Jewish god a threat to their power, they thereby attempted to replace it with a Roman god.(3)

Not to belabor that point here.  Let me move on to the gist of this particular blog.  Which is to say:

I know very little.  (Feeling, as I do, that I have been deliberately kept under wraps.  For a reason.  All of which will come clear, in due season.)  What do I believe

What makes sense to me is that there are ‘grades’ - densities; dimensions - not so much of education as of seasoning, and the gaining of higher and higher, er, ‘degrees’ of awareness, of consciousness.  That humans - Homo sapiens sapiens - enter the higher realms (above 3D) when they freely consent to progress, that is to say, when they freely turn over their ‘little wills’ to the higher One, of their Creator; of which they are an integral part.(4)

As for angels: I believe - I believe - that they, too, are given the opportunity to experience a realm of Duality; to further their progress.  And that we - our souls - were part of such a ‘choir,’ too.  That that is our basic essence. 

Two sources that I have found particularly valuable on all this sort of thing are the Law of One series, and ‘The Fall’ (‘You Were There - It’s Why You’re Here’) by Michel G. Reccia (part of what is called the Joseph Communications).

But don’t let me tell you what to read, or do, on your journey.  It’s all just

food for thought.


(1) And actually, the entity went on in all seriousness, about ‘his’ life as Jesus, and its being rather different from the account in what we know as the New Testament.  To all of which I say: Who knows.  But I have my doubts about this rendition.  And as to that:  
   To continue.   

(2) N.B. Who was there to record The Temptation?  Answer: Nobody.  Because it was simply a literary device, to parallel the temptation of the Israelites in their 40 years in the wilderness, being tempted to whore after false gods.
   Not that I believe in their ‘God’.  Jehovah seems all too ‘human’ to me, in his emotionalism, as depicted in the pages of the Jewish Bible, aka the Old Testament.  I believe, with the likes of eminent researcher Zechariah Sitchin, that he was a tribal god, one of the Anunnaki, ‘Those who from Heaven to Earth came’.  (See Sitchiin’s remarkable series of books called the Earth Chronicles for details.  Or at least the excellent summary of his work by his niece, Janet Sitchin, in her ‘The Anunnaki Chronicles: A Zecharia Sitchin Reader’.)

(3)  The Roman emperor accorded godlike status in the day; and Titus thereby being the Son of God, ‘prophesied’ in the “vanity piece” to bring down the Temple.  (None of the so-called gospels predating that historical event.  And members of the Flavian household being among the very first members of the new religion.  Along with the Jewish priestly-lineage males who were brought in to that safekeeping by Josephus, and became leaders in the new religion.  Including bishops, and even popes, as time went on.
   See, e.g.: ‘The Secret Society of Moses’ by Flavio Barbiero.)
(4) I have found that I have been drawn to engage in a somewhat long blessing of my daily food, and that part of it is the invocation: “May the vibratory rate of this food be such as to draw me closer to Thee; and in all things, let not my will but Thine be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.”

   Makes sense to me.

Monday, 24 December 2018

To Any Lucifer

To Any Lucifer
Who May Be Out There
With A Certain Agenda

I understand your pain
And frustration.  You’re like
Rumpelstiltskin, tearing
Yourself apart.  You wanted
To be able to create
On your own terms, follow
Your own Path.  But that 
                              is not
          the Way
                        is precisely
What will keep you
From ever being able to
  (and thus progressing
         on the spiritual 
              in your state
                of rebellion
           The Law.

You are trying to create
By Force. (‘I will make you 
                  be good.’)
                Instead of 
           by Love.
What the very creation
Is made up of.  And so 
Your followers engage in
The likes of ‘social 
                     engineering’  -
           like cattle
To be herded around by their
Arrogant masters.  See
The difference?  Your Way
Totalitarianism, with some
More equal than others.
                       I repeat:
                          is not
         the Way.

But - and in keeping
With the essence
Of the matter - 
You are forgiven.
Come back Home
And start over
Again.  And let this 
        illusory realm 
   of such solid tears
           and desolation
            into the thin air
That it is made up of
In its essence,
        like a veneer
On an original, or
Like cotton candy
To be whisked away
At a moment’s notice
                 in Time.
Being ephemeral
And let the only 
Everlasting kingdom
               take over

         As it will

        in its own

A Matter Of Choice

It’s very possible that on some timeline the ‘Deep State' - aka the Cabal, the Illuminati, the Establishment; whatever - wins, incarcerates and kills many, numbering in the millions, and establishes a prison planet on Planet Earth, with the help of by-nature merciless IA robots.  

So that’s possible.  And even that that helps, by some degree of subconscious ‘bleed-through,’ fuel their malevolent arrogance, reveling in their on-some-level (momentary) victory over the Light.  But not on this timeline. 

Why do I say that, think that?

Because I wouldn’t be here, if that were to be the outcome, on this one.  Plus, there are many Light-side beings, ready and waiting (constrained by Universal Law), to help humanity in its Next Steps.

But then,

what do I know.

All I really know is

that the Light is stronger than, wins out over, the Dark, in any contest, ultimately.


Because the Light exists with or without a shadow, is self-manifest. 

The Dark needs the Light for its very existence.

Hence the Dark Masters and individual Dark-side soul’s innate outrage, and towering anger.  

Deprived of Progress as they are.

But no one is asking any soul to remain on a 3D level, of Duality.  (Or 4D level of astral ’stuckness,’ as in addictions.)

That is its choice.

How about the very so-called Father of Lies??

A realm of Duality doesn’t have to exist. 

That is the choice of some of our Creator’s facets.

Progress can happen without such a realm, of pain and sorrow, and degradation.* 

It’s all a matter

of Choice.

*  Which is all illusory anyway, for being just a part of a Matrix.  A classroom.  An artificial reality; for learning purposes.  Of what it's like to live in some degree of Separation from one's Source.

P.S. A great interview: ‘Alex Newman - We Are Dealing With a Diabolical Conspiracy that Hates God’ - Dec. 22

Published on Dec 22, 2018
“Journalist Alex Newman thinks the huge global political unrest is much more than conservatives against liberals.  Newman says, ‘If you think this is a political problem you are missing the point. . . . We are dealing with a diabolical conspiracy that hates God and hates God’s people, hates his church and everything He has ordained.  Everything you would expect to see is exactly what you see.  God ordained there should be nations after the Tower of Babel.  So, of course, the Globalist wage war on nation states.  God has ordained there should be families.  So what do we see?  A massive global war on families.  God has ordained private property.  Thou shalt not steal.  So what do we see?  A massive global war on private property. . . . It’s ludicrous, but it is everything we should expect to see from a force that hates God.  I think that is what we see.’

“Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Alex Newman journalist for The New American.”


‘Refugees’ being used as a battering ram…an existential threat to the U.S….a strategy to break down national sovereignty (Peter Sutherland, former Goldman Sachs guy and UN Migration honcho)…all of Western civilization is under attack…they count on this mass migration to make up their numbers…Trump has said openly that Obama and Hillary helped to create ISIS…this is treason…’It’s global or gold’ - back to a sound money system……

I am not a Christian, do not believe in the Christian church’s take on things.  But this man is a solid man of integrity.  He is to be listened to.

As we face a Turning Point, in evolution, on this sorely put-upon planet of Choice.