I have just received, in my still hefty dose of daily mail (even after trying to let as many of my correspondents as I can know to stop with their request for donations, that I can no longer contribute financially to their worthy cause), a letter from a well-known conservative organization, and as clearly identified on the envelope, that was mailed in early October, judging by its contents. It was intended to help affect the outcomes of the 2018 elections. And I have experienced a number of my return envelopes containing contribution authorizations to various such conservative causes, over quite some period of time now, go walkabout in the mail. (For their lack of debit from my bank account.) Which reference reminds me that I have also experienced, over the same period of time - i.e., since I returned to my home country in retirement, in the spring of 2012 - a fair amount of problems with a (highly) conservative biweekly magazine doing the same thing.
Need I say more?
To put it bluntly;
I suspect foul play. At my end of the chain of custody. And at the end of the conservative organizations trying to run a business, in this anti-Trump climate, and before that in the pro-Obama climate; which was heavily involved in not just two-party politics - ‘business as usual’. But in outright indoctrination. And dare I say it:
Daring to call it Conspiracy.(1)
And widespread.
My charge:
There is at the least circumstantial evidence (and including all the crap going on in the FBI and the DOJ itself; and not to mention the DoS) that
the federal establishment in this country is corrupt to its core. And the same with the bulk of the MSM (a near-monopoly, which could use some anti-trust grease applied to it). And our education system.(2) And. And. And……
The bottom line:
This country has been all but taken over by the nation-wreckers, in furtherance of their plans for a totalitarian New World Order, with its boot stomping on the face of free people forever and ever, amen.
Even if no one else will move to put a stop to this rot on the spiritual level, I will.(3) For, it is all an excrescence on the free spirit of humanity, as ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’. And having quite a rocky ride of it, at this particular time.
Join in. Hey - as a man once said:
You have nothing to lose but your chains.
Only, the sentiment is for real this time.
P.S. Another letter that I received in the same mail, from another conservative organization (yes, I will acknowledge that I have not been cut off from my ’base’ completely), this one directly involved in the ‘modern’ university scene, pointed out such shenanigans going on there as how “Vanderbilt University kicked off of campus four Christian groups because they required their leadership to be believing Christians”.
Now let me get this straight.
...On second thought: no. Don’t bother. I get it.
A total bringdown of the prevailing culture. Part of the overall attack on the country going on. Making it safe for authoritarianism. Right?
I am deeply offended by all this sort of crap going on in my country.
Even if actually I can imagine that it is all part of a/the larger Plan -
to merge the ‘thesis’ of ‘the established order’ with the ‘antithesis’ of the totalitarian globalists into a/the crowning Synthesis, of a/the kingdom of Heaven on Earth -
I object.
So, in that context, I understand the need. But it’s the tactics that the nation-wreckers are using that get to me so.
Depriving people of their rights and freedoms, in a perversion of the holy principle of Law.
Okay okay. I get that it’s all part of the Process, and therefore is necessary, for the full educational value of the Process.
But that doesn’t mean that I have to like it.
Can’t we all just WAKE THE HELL UP??
Stop with the part-playing already, and
cut to the bows???…
P.P.S. And further in this context:
In looking up the quote about Treason, in order to make sure that I got it right, I came across this observation by Mark Twain, that I shall remember:
“Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.”
Thanks, Sam. I’ll keep that in mind. And not store it long.
(1) Some of you will remember the book, from back in the early 1970s, entitled ‘None Dare Call It Conspiracy’. By Gary Allen and Larry Abraham; the title playing on the epigramic observation by the English writer Sir John Harington: “Treason doth never prosper; what’s the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it Treason.”
(2) What was it that Italian Marxist theoretician Antonio Gramsci said about that? Something about ‘the long march through the institutions”???…
(3) With many Christian pastors and their flocks having been co-opted by TPTB, in the reminding of them, via the IRS, of Romans 13.