Friday, 21 December 2018

Cutting It Fine

In my last blog I referred to a time when ”my life took on a different tack,” and called that a story for another day.  I am feeling that that day is now.

It was in the context of the political scene of the day; this being the period around 1972.  For those of you who weren’t around at the time, or were asleep - as so many members of the body politic were; lulled to sleep on purpose, by those who were, and have been, and are attempting to take over this country - let me set the scene, and of my activity at the time.      

Nixon, a presumed conservative, and presumably thereby a constitutionalist,(1) was presiding over a mixed bag of an executive branch; some things of a dutifully federal nature, but some which were decidedly alarming, to a constitutionalist.(2)  One matter had been percolating away for a while, but was gaining a head of steam, for whatever reason(s), under his administration: The FDA was attempting to put stringent limits on the potency of food supplements.  Example: They were attempting to limit the public’s access to vitamin C tablets at more than 60 mg strength.  Which is about the amount of vitamin C that a person can get from one orange.  Why were they doing this?  The rationale, by the FDA, and its advisors from the medical-pharmaceutical complex, was that ‘people shouldn’t be trying to medicate themselves’ in having access OTC to dosages of food supplements in ‘therapeutic’ strengths.  The reality: The public, in beginning to awaken to how they were being treated like sheep by said m-p complex (in further truth, the medical-pharmaceutical-government complex), had begun to understand the role of nutrition in health matters, and, further understanding that our food ('junk' and otherwise) was not giving us all the nutrition that it should, were beginning to take to food supplementation in a big way, to head off colds, etc. etc. etc.; thus not having to go to their doctor so much, for what ailed them.  In any event, the federal government was exceeding its legitimate powers in the matter.  The FDA is legitimately responsible for the safety of items, including food supplements, traveling interstate.  For the public to have access to vitamin C (for example) in dosages larger than 60 mg/tablet was not a major threat to their health; the body just excretes excess, vitamin C being a water-soluble vitamin.  And so forth.  Salient point: This wasn’t really about the public’s safety.  This was really about the m-p’s pocketbook, and the payoff for said complex in having 'their people’ amongst the people’s representatives in Congress.

This monkey business was bad enough.  But then along came, specifically under the Nixon administration’s aegis: OSHA.  For ‘Occupational Safety and Health Administration’.  The federal government sticking its nose further into the states’ business, by setting ‘health and safety’ standards for all manufacturers to have to abide by who sold their product(s) interstate.  Excuse me?  What does having to wear special shoes and other ‘safety’ criteria on the job have to do with products sold interstate??  The rationale there was that ‘health and safety’ affects the cost of the company’s product, and so that has an impact on Interstate Commerce.

On the safety of the product sold intestate??  Well….you see……

Indeed I did.  And I, finally, had had enough, of all this sort of nonsense, when, as (by then having worked my way up the non-OSHA-compliant ladder) the assistant manager of a furniture manufacturing business that sold interstate (located in the East Bay area of California), I was detailed - commanded - to set up all sorts of regulations in our company, to satisfy the newly minted OSHA regulations.

Now, don’t get me wrong.  I believe in fair health and safety regulations.  There is a place for them, in matters of company’s insurance, and meeting state regulations, and union regulations if applicable.  But the federal government???  This was just another way for TPTB to attempt to make of the American system of government - which is a constitutional system of dual sovereignty, with the federal government constrained in its activity, being set with limited and delegated powers (“few and defined,” in the rather authoritative words of the man who became known, with good reason, as the Father of the Constitution, James Madison) - a centralized form of government.  

The easier to take you over by, my dears…(3)

I, at that point, had had it.  I quit my job (explaining in a letter to my boss, the owner of the business, how he had better start acting, with such encroachments on his business), took my belongings to a Salvation Army Deposit dumpster in the corner of a local supermarket, drove downtown, parked my car in a side street with a note on the windshield saying that I was abandoning it, found a brick in a nearby vacant lot, and made my way to the address of the local office of the IRS (the only federal office in town).  The office turned out to have moved, so I walked to its new location, and, finding it had a paneled glass interior front door, I banged one of the lower small panels with the brick until it broke, and calmly waited to be arrested, and have my day in court.

In the event, I was never given the satisfaction of the opportunity; the authorities in charge (I believe they were a combination of federal and local reps), after hearing my purpose for my little symbolic act of civil disobedience, locked me up overnight, and then quietly let me go the next day.  No charges.  No notoriety.  It was, for all intents and purposes, as though it had never happened.  But I knew that things would never be the same for me, after that crossing of a personal Rubicon.  Knew, that I would have to keep a closer eye on what was going on around me, especially as regards the insidious moves to take over my country.  From the inside.

Fast forward a short few years after that Crossing, and, while then living in Southern California (and working for a wholesale business that sold fabric for residential and commercial furniture), and keeping my eyes open, as advertised, I came across a group of patriots who were on the leading edge of what became known as ’Tax Resistors’ - Americans who had, by then, become aware that we citizens were being fleeced by an illegal tax.  With our currency having had its printed information quietly and surreptitiously changed over the years, the Resistance had to do in general with the income tax, and specifically with the definition of a dollar.(4)  Marveling at the audacity of our erstwhile masters, and at their slip-up regarding one key piece of the matter, I joined in the enterprise, did the logistical steps involved in said resistance with my employer and my pay check, and awaited - yet once again - my day in court; with the authorities having more, much more to lose, and engage in, with me this time.  When lo - Fate stepped in yet once again - in a change of tack that sent me overseas and specifically on spiritual pursuits - and my ‘day in court’ was postponed yet one more time.           

But it, and the whole business, of the attempted takeover of the United States, would appear to have come, finally, due.  I refer to the activity going on behind the scenes regarding the Trump administration, whereby the tables seem to have been turned on our erstwhile masters (and that refers to the likes of moneychangers’s tables, too), and Justice would appear to be close to hand.  In the takedown of the termites, and the concomitant establishment of Abundance and Prosperity; not just for the American people.  But for the world. 

In the application - in its way - of what I advocated many years ago - in the autumn of 1961, as a matter of specific fact - when I set off from my home in a suburb of L.A. on foot, on a mission “to see the president and draw to his attention that the way to rid ourselves of all our aches and evils is to do away with money”.  (In its current form.  And as I put it in a letter-to-the-editor at newspaper offices all along the way.)  For you see, this business, of money

is the key

to another Day

under the Sun 

of us

spiritual beings having a human experience.

And about to move on, in  

The Process.

Those of us who are ready, that is.

For the higher grades.

Life being a school.

And the Purpose being

to graduate. 

P.S. And it all can’t come too soon, for me, and for this country; with things heating up here in California to boiling point.  On a number of fronts.  (Including its de facto invasion by millions of illegal aliens, under the aegis of the Governor 'Jesuit Jerry' Brown administration.  And including their known, and even encouraged, presence on the voter reg rolls.  Thus disenfranchising us American citizens living in this state.)  But more on that, another time.
     If there is still time, to comment on it all.  Before it boils over.  And causes a mess.
     Which life is, sometimes.  Depending on what all incarnate souls get up to under the ‘spell’ of free will.    


(1) Although, and even with his junior-congressman role in the unmasking of Alger Hiss, there was that unsettling business about his relationship with the Rockefellers…
   …and which ultimately would result in his geopolitical Opening to the East via Henry Kissinger.  Which on its surface had benefits for this country.  But the surface of such matters, in such hands, is rarely what is actually involved. 
   But to continue.

(2) All of this had led me to write a letter to William Buckley, of his National Review conservative magazine; to which he replied:
   “Impeach Nixon?  A thought.  But not one with which I would concur.”  
   Or “in which”.  The urbane Wm. Buckley would have had it right.

(3) Speaking of Buckley - who actually had some questionable factors regarding him and his true loyalties, but who at least was a leading voice for ‘conservative’ thought: I wrote to him at this time in  protest when his magazine accepted ad space for OSHA, pointing out its nature.  He never responded in person; but I did notice that said ad never reappeared in the pages of his magazine.
   Which brings to mind the fact that, many years later, after spending the bulk of my adulthood living in a spiritual community in the north of Scotland, I, as a subscriber still to his magazine, took extreme umbrage at its failure to call Obama on his ineligibility for the office of POTUS, citing chapter and verse of the salient source of information regarding the matter.  (E. de Vattel’s ‘The Law of Nations’.  Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212.)  Buckley having died by then, they never responded to my letter.  I dutifully canceled my subscription. 
   It was said that he had many Trotskyites on his staff.  I couldn’t possibly comment.           

(4) Did you know that there is a legal definition of a ‘dollar’ that involves a certain amount of silver?  Our erstwhile masters have been hoping that you don’t, and never do find out that little factoid.  And its consequent ramifications: that we have not been paid in dollars.  Only in Federal Reserve notes (backed by nothing but themselves).  So we have not had any ‘income,’ in bona fide dollars, to be taxed on.        

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