Monday, 24 December 2018

A Matter Of Choice

It’s very possible that on some timeline the ‘Deep State' - aka the Cabal, the Illuminati, the Establishment; whatever - wins, incarcerates and kills many, numbering in the millions, and establishes a prison planet on Planet Earth, with the help of by-nature merciless IA robots.  

So that’s possible.  And even that that helps, by some degree of subconscious ‘bleed-through,’ fuel their malevolent arrogance, reveling in their on-some-level (momentary) victory over the Light.  But not on this timeline. 

Why do I say that, think that?

Because I wouldn’t be here, if that were to be the outcome, on this one.  Plus, there are many Light-side beings, ready and waiting (constrained by Universal Law), to help humanity in its Next Steps.

But then,

what do I know.

All I really know is

that the Light is stronger than, wins out over, the Dark, in any contest, ultimately.


Because the Light exists with or without a shadow, is self-manifest. 

The Dark needs the Light for its very existence.

Hence the Dark Masters and individual Dark-side soul’s innate outrage, and towering anger.  

Deprived of Progress as they are.

But no one is asking any soul to remain on a 3D level, of Duality.  (Or 4D level of astral ’stuckness,’ as in addictions.)

That is its choice.

How about the very so-called Father of Lies??

A realm of Duality doesn’t have to exist. 

That is the choice of some of our Creator’s facets.

Progress can happen without such a realm, of pain and sorrow, and degradation.* 

It’s all a matter

of Choice.

*  Which is all illusory anyway, for being just a part of a Matrix.  A classroom.  An artificial reality; for learning purposes.  Of what it's like to live in some degree of Separation from one's Source.

P.S. A great interview: ‘Alex Newman - We Are Dealing With a Diabolical Conspiracy that Hates God’ - Dec. 22

Published on Dec 22, 2018
“Journalist Alex Newman thinks the huge global political unrest is much more than conservatives against liberals.  Newman says, ‘If you think this is a political problem you are missing the point. . . . We are dealing with a diabolical conspiracy that hates God and hates God’s people, hates his church and everything He has ordained.  Everything you would expect to see is exactly what you see.  God ordained there should be nations after the Tower of Babel.  So, of course, the Globalist wage war on nation states.  God has ordained there should be families.  So what do we see?  A massive global war on families.  God has ordained private property.  Thou shalt not steal.  So what do we see?  A massive global war on private property. . . . It’s ludicrous, but it is everything we should expect to see from a force that hates God.  I think that is what we see.’

“Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Alex Newman journalist for The New American.”


‘Refugees’ being used as a battering ram…an existential threat to the U.S….a strategy to break down national sovereignty (Peter Sutherland, former Goldman Sachs guy and UN Migration honcho)…all of Western civilization is under attack…they count on this mass migration to make up their numbers…Trump has said openly that Obama and Hillary helped to create ISIS…this is treason…’It’s global or gold’ - back to a sound money system……

I am not a Christian, do not believe in the Christian church’s take on things.  But this man is a solid man of integrity.  He is to be listened to.

As we face a Turning Point, in evolution, on this sorely put-upon planet of Choice.

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