In going through my latest batch of snail mail to see out of it which of the myriad of ‘worthy cause’ outfits that hit me up for donations I could respond to with the bad news (due to a change in my financial circumstances, caused by an increase in my rent) of taking me off their mailing list, because they included a postage-paid return envelope, and which I would have to just tear up - having exhausted my patience with paying for a lot of such returns in the recent past - I paused at a mailing from the Tea Party Command which contained a provocative comment on its envelope; namely, “We found the office building where they run AGENDA 21 - It’s NOT where you think.” The answer to the question was simple - it’s in “an anonymous building in downtown Denver,” and which is not al that surprising, given that Denver is the location of the U.S. Government if some sort of emergency happened back in D.C. (Any plans regarding that, anyone???) But the gimmick got me to looking at the contents (before tearing the mailing up, for not having included a prepaid return envelope).
It consisted of a rundown of the dangers of both UN Agendas 21 and 2030, in destroying private property rights in the U.S., and herding the populace into ‘stack’em and pack’em’ high rises in ‘super-cities’ (“the most dangerous thing to hit America since Pearl Harbor”). I have been aware of all this, keeping a close eye on the doings of humankind as I have been doing for quite some time, and including the awareness that this sort of thing is what is behind the terribly destructive ‘wildfires’ that have been visited on the rural areas of many states, and especially including my home state of California; in order to get us independently off the land and control us better with, my dears. But the enclosed ’Defund Agenda 21 Emergency Survey’ gave me some pause, and I found myself not going along with the Tea Party Command’s full agenda regarding some of the Survey questions. For example, the question:
“Michael Fragklas, Chief Scientist for the U.N.’s ‘Planet Under Pressure,’ believes: ‘If cities can develop in height rather than width that would be much more preferable and environmentally not as harmful.’ Do you agree that this outlandish proposal to jam people into cities destroys our rights as Americans and will permanently damage our great nation?” (Emphases in original)
As to the respondent’s choices, of Yes, No, or Don’t Know, I checked the latter. I understand what the likes of the former USSR did regarding such matters, Steve (Eichler, CEO), and what the agenda is behind these current moves; but come on. Posing your Survey question the way you did to that particular quote was decidedly unfair. The guy has a good point. Don’t try to put words in my mouth, as it were.
My “personal thoughts” at the end, not so incidentally:*
“There are environmental issues that we need to consider & confront. But it needs to be done in a way that does not make us slaves to a ‘Power Over Others’ super-state - a totalitarian & merely materialistic NWO.”
A NWO regime run by people for whom the ends justify the means. Any and all means. Lie, cheat, steal. Kill. Whatever It Takes, to achieve your ends. Because there are no absolutes. Everything is relative. What is right is whatever advances your agenda, and what is wrong is whatever impedes it.
Little Lucifers at work…
I’m still debating whether to send the Survey back, having to pay the freight. But including my statement: “I can no longer support your worthy cause financially. Accordingly, please take me off your mailing list - but
Keep up up the good work.”
Not sure if it will make any difference.
But them’s my thoughts on the subject.
* After another question to which I ran counter to his desired response; to wit:
“The United States pays roughly one-quarter of the U.N.’s costs, as well as housing its headquarters in New York City. Should Congress defund the U.N. and shut down their headquarters?”
I checked No. Come on, gang. The U.S. needs to lead the way, as the flagship of nation-states, into the true New World Order. (Not the reverse image one; which is, after all, calling it up into being, under the physical Law of ‘Every Action Has An Equal And Opposite Reaction’.)
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