Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Now Hear This

I am filled with sadness, pain, and disgust regarding the appalling and deadly fires that have marred the physical and human landscapes recently, particularly in my home state of California.  It is obvious that there are malevolent minds at work behind all this, utilizing, first of all, what is called Weather Warfare, to create conditions for human control; and then the aluminum from Chemtraiis as extra-special kindling, to flash into superfires at their ignition by DEW weaponry from drones and satellites, and augmented by electrical back-bursts into homes via the so-called smart meters.  Though they are more clever than smart.  Fiendishly clever.

And the same with the outrageous voter fraud that has taken over in this country, marring that particular, and particularly special, landscape of our human endeavor.  Disgusting, despicable stuff.  I understand that we have been living in a realm of Duality for a purpose - to be exposed to (seeming) Separation, and Evil, as part of our learning Process, as ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.  But there comes a time in that Process when Enough is Enough - when, that is to say, the Process has run its course, in a global choice between the Way of the Dark - in this case, called the (totalitarian) New World Order - and the Way of the Light. 

And I also understand that some incarnate souls have unconsciously chosen parts to play, in this Play in which to catch our consciences, on the Dark side, deliberately to help the Process along, to its conclusion.  And they will be recognized for that sacrifice, and dealt with accordingly.  Along with those who, through no fault of their own, but via the brain-damaging likes of vaccines, have been rendered socio- and psycho-paths, and have committed crimes under that onerous influence, and likewise can be dealt with karmically accordingly.  But some of us, having opted of our free will to succumb to the lure of the Dark side, will not make the cut, and will be left behind, for more seasoning in a 3D illusory realm, aka a classroom.  As the rest of us move on, and embark on these new seas awaiting us, in what has been called a “structure change”.  For, it is

that time.

And not a moment too soon, as far as I AM concerned.


   The God Factor

             Silly people.  You
Have lost sight of 
      the God Factor
                             in your 
Obsession with money;
The honey pot to distract you
Into creating a Play, whereby
To catch your consciences.
                     The Process
Has done its job
Beautifully.  Now
Comes the Finale.

Watch.  And learn.  And earn
                   your way

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